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I would like to posse a theory I have been kicking around my head for awhile, to any who would care to consider with me it's possible scientific effects on, well, everything.

Heres my question.

What effects would billions of tons of water do to everything in it, keeping in mind the incredible amount of pressure that much water would create?

You or I swim down a depth of ten to twelve feet, and we can feel its effects on us. What about a depth of say, 40 or 50 thousand feet
I don't exactly know what you mean...

But, if you are asking specifically what effects that much pressure would have on a human being...I would say it would probably crush them, no?

Yep - it's not uncommon for TV crews doing deep water dives to take a polystyrene object down with them, just to show when they come back up how the pressures have crushed it small. :)
is it possible we are going to discuss that that much water was on the entire earth prior to the separation of the waters?

or that that was the water level during the flood?

cryptic setups don't benefit anyone, simply provide your position and lets discuss it.
I wasnt trying to trick anyone. My apologies if thats how it looks.

The direction I'm going is the flood. I know some people feel it was a global event while others say it was just a regional flood, and no more. This debate is not what I wanted to do here.

I honestly wanted to disscuss the effects on a global flood. And what that amount of pressure would do to everything on the earth. Thats all.

I had a thought come to me the other day. Physics says that at the point that something is created, it begins to die, or degenerate. Would an extreame amount of water pressure help speed that along? Could it be the cause of petrefication?
When you consider a flood, the water pressure isn't that big of a deal, I think. I mean, it's not like the water is just BOOM and there. If we're talking biblical style, it rained for a really long time before there was enough water to create significant pressure to do that (on another note, though it's not really the point of the thread, just how long would it take even the wildest rain storm to flood an area to the point where the highest hills/mountains are covered? How realistic is that?). So my point was, as it rains, things are washed away. It floats, it does whatever, but most of it doesn't just sit there, awaiting the pressure of a huge amount of water.

I don't know about the petrification thing... But if there was really that much water, dead bodies/carcasses/what have you on or near the surface would be washed away, right? And exposed to bacteria and marine organisms. Not layered in sediment and protected and turned into stone. So any fossils that that may have helped would have already been buried well and in the process for some time.

But I'm no archaelogist. Just guessing.