if hell was real

shadowman said:
mods please let this be its a link to an interesting article that is too long to post here

what d oyuo think

please read whole thing


I read about 1/4 way through and that was enough.. God can do whatever He wants because He is God.. If you dont like it you're welcome to take advantage of the choice He gave you and choose not to accept the gift of salvation... noone is twisting your arm.
Faithfulservant said:
I read about 1/4 way through and that was enough.. God can do whatever He wants because He is God.. If you dont like it you're welcome to take advantage of the choice He gave you and choose not to accept the gift of salvation... noone is twisting your arm.
i would like to think that if the stakes are that high, then all of gods angels would be out in full force trying to twist everyones arm! (in a gentle way)

but if the angels dont even engage the lost in reason, what hope is there? what mesage does this send?

seriously. the jailer/judge analogy (what kind of policeman locks up a criminal? a good one!) doesnt make sense to me. our time on earth is finite, the most we can muster against god is afinite crme, even if we are sinning from the second we are conceived (but before we have consciousness) till after we die and the brain finally stops processing, we still sin a finite amount of time. yet the punishment is eternal?

if the stakes are so high, should everyone not become a preacher/missionary? and rely on faith healing? with any luck te hman race will die out once everyone on the planet gets saved and we wont have to worry about people ending up in hell any more!
what about the idea that the bible is interpreted wrong?

what about the idea that hell was interpreted and strengthened over time due to a: mis translations from greek and hebrew

b: agendas of the church in order to convert as many people as possible because scare tactics work wonderfully. (fear of god is considered wise by many)

it doesnt matter why the conversions need to be en mass (people argue a: becuase its the one true religion, b: it keeps preachers in power and curch in power and gives people jobs, c: it gives political organizations in league with certain religious beleifs more sway over the people they gover n because they now what people beleive in their innermost being.... i say again, an athiest is not about to get elected in america for president! but none of these reasons matter, hell scares people and helps to vconvert. any religion, even a false one, would convert people with a doctrine of hell as ghastly as the one christianity has.. do you not agree?)
why do people want to beleive in hell? seriously. are yall like, well its god and i have to go with it? or do you love that whole thing? my father seems to have more compassion then god. am i wrong?

my dad would not due that stuff.

but my divine creator would?

he didnt say to me "i wrote the bible"

christians said, this is our bible.
god wrote it. it says how things are. we beleive it because he wrote it. he wrote it because it says he wrote it.

why do you beleive in the bible and not bhagavad gita?

this was mystically written a long time ago as well and claims to have divine inspiration. god made the people that wrote it right?

why didnt he send them messages like, you guys are really gonna mess up te planet wit that nonsense. he sure helped the hebrews a lot.

doe he want us to do away with world culture while on earth?

at this point its hard to seperate world culture from religion?

i think i know when end of the world comes.

if we sent all christians muslims and jews and hindus into space on a rocketship that was self sustainig, and burned all the bibles, destroyed all the temples, quarans and baghavad gitas, talmusnds and cabalas. what would happen? (actually i think we would have to destroy every human artifact on earth and leave a few people in the know behind to make sure we didnt have sex until we died out. but anyway. iwonder what would happen. i eagerly anticipate the war comming soon with the holy lands. my guess is middleeeast, america, and most of europe will fall off the planet!

chia too. this will leave us with africa, south america and australia to populate and creat "new urth"

and then i suppose catholocism or yoruban traditional spirituality will become new urth religion.

interesting times folks!
It is really easy.
God wants all men to be saved the Bible tells us this.
God makes it real easy for us to be saved.
God is not gonna force us to want to be him.
God created the universe, therefore he makes the rules.
God wants relationships with us not mindless robots he made come to him, he lets us choose and yes he hates the fact many do not choose him.

The Bible has been corrupted, Yes we hear this from every single person that wants to pick and choose what they want to follow or believe out of the Bible.
If Hell was a place of eternal torment brought out by the finite sinning against God in our one life, then I'd say that either God is not who He says He is, or He is who He says He is and there is something wrong with Him.

That said, are there any places in the Bible that it explicitly states that Hell is eternal, as in without end? I just don't remember any.

Dor, I'm pretty sure God is just sad that people don't choose Him, he probably doesn't hate it anymore.
"Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal" --Matthew 25:41-46
The God of the bible is a God of love, and the manmade doctrine of hellfire has nothing to do with the God of LOVE . False religion has a lot to answer for . our creator is watching all of these false lies about him going on in the world , no wonder that False religion is near its end . many prophecies in the bible have come true down through time, many are under going fulfillment right now in this the time of the end, but a prophecy soon to be fullfilled is very near, that prophecy is the end of all False religion. and Jehovah is manouvering things to accomplish his purpose.For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought revelation 17 ;17
(Proverbs 21:1) A king’s heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah. Everywhere that he delights to, he turns it..................... yes the end of ALL FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR
mee said:
The God of the bible is a God of love, and the manmade doctrine of hellfire has nothing to do with the God of LOVE . False religion has a lot to answer for . our creator is watching all of these false lies about him going on in the world , no wonder that False religion is near its end . many prophecies in the bible have come true down through time, many are under going fulfillment right now in this the time of the end, but a prophecy soon to be fullfilled is very near, that prophecy is the end of all False religion. and Jehovah is manouvering things to accomplish his purpose.For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought revelation 17 ;17
(Proverbs 21:1) A king’s heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah. Everywhere that he delights to, he turns it..................... yes the end of ALL FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR

I'm being very angry without sinning when I say this: Your post make me angry! I so hate false gospels and false religions. The God of the Bible is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!!! Let that be your central interpretive motif and maybe you'll understand that Hell is God's reasonable justice. How in the world could you read the Bible and not see Hell? Jesus talked way more of hell than of Heaven. He died after all to save people from that fate. Do you suppose God is so good that He's going to look over sin and say "Its OK, boys will be boys?" Get real! God is HOLY and He demands Justice! God never lets the guilty go unpunished! God is also Good and SOOO Merciful! He should deal with each and everyone of us the way we dealt with Him, but he doesnt. Instead, He dies for wretched sinners like me and some of the others on this board and gives them grace. You need to repent and trust in Jesus (the True Jesus and that the JW version) that you may find forgiveness in Him who is a consuming fire of Holiness!
How ironic. We want to help eachother see the truth (as we truly believe it to be), so the thought is sincere, yet so often our very words and actions cause eachother to stumble over the blocks we inadvertantly place in front of one another.
mee said:
The God of the bible is a God of love, and the manmade doctrine of hellfire has nothing to do with the God of LOVE . False religion has a lot to answer for . our creator is watching all of these false lies about him going on in the world , no wonder that False religion is near its end . many prophecies in the bible have come true down through time, many are under going fulfillment right now in this the time of the end, but a prophecy soon to be fullfilled is very near, that prophecy is the end of all False religion. and Jehovah is manouvering things to accomplish his purpose.For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought revelation 17 ;17
(Proverbs 21:1) A king’s heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah. Everywhere that he delights to, he turns it..................... yes the end of ALL FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR
Mee throw away the Watchtower Scripture Studies and read the Bible yourself. Or are JW's still not allowed to read the Bible by themselves.
When I was stationed in New York city (back in the early 80s), I used to pick up these "comic books" titled "The Watch Tower". Now I found them interesting and inspiring for the most part, until I read one pertaining to a Music star, who went through his life getting more and more famous, and at certain points along the way (the story goes) he would be approached by "godly men" to turn to Jesus, and just as often some "shady characters" who promised his continued rise in stardom. The problem was (according to the story) that as his fame grew, his soul was being lost bit by bit (read that as he was allegedly selling his soul to satan). Then one day, his life was taken, and guess where he went? According to the Watch Tower comic book, he went to hell. The implication was that he could have turned to Jehovah at any time and still enjoyed stardom, only with the blessing of Jehovah instead of darker forces who would exact a price from him for his stardom.

Of course it was a warning to the reader that hell is very real, and Jehovah was the way out. (Hell according to the Watch Tower comic book published by The Watch Tower publications of New York, is real and hot and damned).

Oh, the star who lost his soul? Elvis Presley.
Quahom1 said:
Of course it was a warning to the reader that hell is very real, and Jehovah was the way out. (Hell according to the Watch Tower comic book published by The Watch Tower publications of New York, is real and hot and damned).

We have to remember the Watchtower are allowed to change there mind alot.
Quahom1 said:
...Of course it was a warning to the reader that hell is very real, and Jehovah was the way out...
But since christ already came, then christ is the way out, therefore group claiming christianity but not teaching this is lost.
Man, for Christians, you guys sure can be nasty. What happened to all the love and understanding and whatnot? And the Bible is not God, it's a book and as such, it is subject to numerous interpretations.

That said, was that quote about Hell literal? Does it make any sense for infinite punishment for finite offenses? Presumably none of you believe in reincarnation.
moseslmpg said:
Man, for Christians, you guys sure can be nasty. What happened to all the love and understanding and whatnot? And the Bible is not God, it's a book and as such, it is subject to numerous interpretations.

That said, was that quote about Hell literal? Does it make any sense for infinite punishment for finite offenses? Presumably none of you believe in reincarnation.

No, what is nasty is when someone comes in and claims everyone else is wrong. And instead of saying, I agree to disagree, they just keep hammering their way at everyone else, in order to disrupt the discussion. That is nasty.
We are not being nasty we are being honest. If we truely love them we must let them know what is to come.
The Bible is not God no one said it was. It is the word of god to most of us. And no reincarnation is not supported by the bible so I do not believe in it.