What Unity Teaches


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New Jersey

Greetings Friends:

This Thread is started to explain what UNITY Teaches. It is not
official of course, just a long time students interpretations.

To start with, I would like to refer to Unity School of
Christianity' s "official" statement found in most Unity Publications.

"Unity is a link in the great educational movement inaugurated by
Jesus Christ; our objective is to discern the truth in Christianity
and prove it. The truth that we teach is not new, neither do we claim
special revelations or discovery of new religious principles. Our
purpose is to help and teach mankind to use and prove the eternal
Truth taught by the Master." -Charles Fillmore, Co-founder of Unity.

Those are the only ground rules for this thread. I really don't want
to deal with other teachings of other religions or sects. Please, no
ACIM questions. I am here for those who are interested in Unity only.
If you want to study something else, then email me direct for a web
site suggestion. This is *** U N I T Y *** and worth its weight in

In the ATOM-SMASHING POWER OF THE MIND, by Charles Fillmore, first
published in 1949, Mr. Fillmore writes that… "Our modern scientist
say that a single drop of water contains enough latent energy to blow
up a ten story building." He goes on to say that this same energy
that the scientist speak of is the same energy that Jesus used. It is
Spiritual energy, and the entire universe is made of it.

We have progressed some from the days of Einstein, and only recently
have made new strides in the development of free energy sources.
Tapping into this universal energy will one day be a reality, as
Fillmore predicted.
Thank you very much for sharing this post.... Also I think it would be interesting to note that to obviously unite, we need Love, and when we Love, [Ref: Why you feel the way you do - Scribner, 1997] endorphins, which are associated with the feeling of bliss, strengthen and aid us when we attempt to "bond" with others... So what am I saying here? lol, no idea... No, perhaps it is a natural thing eh? We are MEANT to be united as one... Something else..... Which I guess is nice.. ;) It strengthens cells called Natural killer cells doing this, which help to fight cancer. So how can it hurt? Give it a risky go.. Unite my brothers and sisters!
Thank you very much for sharing this post.... Also I think it would be interesting to note that to obviously unite, we need Love, and when we Love, [Ref: Why you feel the way you do - Scribner, 1997] endorphins, which are associated with the feeling of bliss, strengthen and aid us when we attempt to "bond" with others...

Very funny. :p :rolleyes:
Five Basic Principles of Unity
  1. There is only one Presence and one Power active in the universe and in my life: God the Good, Omnipotent. (Foundation Statement)
  2. The divinity of Man is found in the Christ, the Image of God, that indwells every person. "Christ in you the hope of glory." (Colossians 1:27)
  3. Prayer and Meditation are our daily connection with God's loving presence through the Christ indwelling.
  4. Through the power of thought we can transform your life.
  5. Endeavor to actually put these ideas into practice in our daily lives.
Short version

God is, I am, I pray, I create, I do.
Where does Unity stand on the basic doctrines of the bible? (i.e., the nature of God, the nature of Jesus Christ (divine/human/both?), the salvation process, the atonement through the Cross, the Holy Spirit, etc)
Where does Unity stand on the basic doctrines of the bible? (i.e., the nature of God, the nature of Jesus Christ (divine/human/both?), the salvation process, the atonement through the Cross, the Holy Spirit, etc)
Namaste Dondi,

Rather than use my interpretation of what I believe, I grabbed info from unityonline.org

(there is a basic agreed upon doctrine as to the nature of G!d? You provide it and I'll tell you wether we agree or not!)

(for those interested in listening you can hear my preacher on What is Unity)

Does Unity believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ?
Yes, Unity teaches that the spirit of God lived in Jesus, just as it lives in every person. Every person has the potential to express the perfection of Christ as Jesus did, by being more Christlike in everyday life.

What does Unity teach about sin and salvation, heaven and hell?
Sin is our separation from God, the Good, in consciousness. Salvation is now--not something that occurs after death. It happens whenever we turn our thoughts from fear, anxiety, worry, and doubt to thoughts of love, harmony, joy, and peace. The "fall" takes place in consciousness whenever we fall into negative habits of thinking. Heaven and hell are states of consciousness, not geographical locations. We make our own heaven or hell here and now by our thoughts, words, and deeds.

What is the role of the Bible in Unity?
The Bible is Unity’s basic textbook. Scripture comes alive when it is understood as a clear and helpful guide for today’s experiences.

Does Unity practice baptism and communion?
Yes, symbolically. Whereas baptism by water represents the cleansing of the consciousness, spiritual baptism signifies the inflow of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is a mental and spiritual process that takes place within the individual as he or she aligns with the spirit of God. Spiritual communion takes place through prayer and meditation in the silence. The word of Truth is symbolized by the bread or body of Jesus Christ. The conscious realization of God-life is symbolized by the wine or blood of Jesus Christ. Unity practices communion by appropriating, or partaking, of the spiritual energy represented by these elements.
"Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!"—Ps. 133:1.

The unity of Jehovah’s worshipers is based on compliance with the correctly understood Word of God, including the teachings of Jesus Christ.

By Jehovah’s sending his Son into the world to bear witness to the truth and to die a sacrificial death, the way was opened for the formation of the united Christian congregation. (John 3:16; 18:37)

That there was to be genuine unity among its members was made clear when Jesus prayed: "I make request, not concerning these only, but also concerning those putting faith in me through their word; in order that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us, in order that the world may believe that you sent me forth." (John 17:20, 21)

Jesus’ followers did attain a unity similar to that existing between God and his Son. This happened because they complied with God’s Word and with Jesus’ teachings. The same attitude is a major factor in the unity of Jehovah’s worldwide family today

The Bible contains God’s promise that the world will be unified but not by man’s efforts.

The Creator, who purposed that mankind would live in peace worldwide, will accomplish what man cannot.
To some, all of that might seem far-fetched. Yet, God’s purpose from the very beginning has been for mankind to live in peace and harmony.

Many scriptures in the Bible give evidence that bringing the human race into a unified condition is still God’s purpose.

Namaste Dondi,

(for those interested in listening you can hear my preacher on What is Unity)

Before I go, I wanted to touch base on this. I met someone from Unity this year in March & let me say, she is one of the finest people I have met in years. We became friends immediately over some things I sold on craiglist. She holds a position there in accounting & the church is rather large & growing. She works with the deaf. She is an artist of which she gave us a beautful rendering of hers.

The coolest thing that I remember is that she said, "she loves her church AND the biggest thing taught is that life should be working for you in a good way."
I was impressed with the love & zeal, because you dont usually find that in instituitons like that. She has Christ written all over her entire being. I was invited but have not gone, though we will be making a larger sale this year to her & donating something to their kitchen.

It was way awesome & I wont forget the way we met & found her to be a great blessing to me this year through all the problems. So, it is still out there, Wil:)

I can see why you would drive so far.
I thought you would appreciate the report.
Catch ya later.
Namaste Bandit,

Just got back from our eastern region retreat in the Poconos! Small group about fifty adults, ten kids. A good time was had by all!
Jehovah God has the power and the ability to bring unity to mankind. (Luke 18:27)

He also has the desire to do so.
In fact, the Bible calls it God’s good pleasure . . . to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.Ephesians 1:8-10.
In the ATOM-SMASHING POWER OF THE MIND, by Charles Fillmore, first published in 1949, Mr. Fillmore writes that… "Our modern scientist say that a single drop of water contains enough latent energy to blow up a ten story building." He goes on to say that this same energy that the scientist speak of is the same energy that Jesus used. It is Spiritual energy, and the entire universe is made of it.
I always find this kind of statement amazing — it's a huge assumption which only a materialist/consumerist culture would make. There's not one shred of evidence to support it.

Originally Posted by Bendee
In the ATOM-SMASHING POWER OF THE MIND, by Charles Fillmore, first published in 1949, Mr. Fillmore writes that… "Our modern scientist say that a single drop of water contains enough latent energy to blow up a ten story building." He goes on to say that this same energy that the scientist speak of is the same energy that Jesus used. It is Spiritual energy, and the entire universe is made of it.

I always find this kind of statement amazing — it's a huge assumption which only a materialist/consumerist culture would make. There's not one shred of evidence to support it.


Unless he's equating spiritual energy with molecular bond energy.
I always find this kind of statement amazing — it's a huge assumption which only a materialist/consumerist culture would make. There's not one shred of evidence to support it.

I haven't read the book, but it seems analogous to the mustard seed.
From Fillmore's book Christian Healing:
The truth is, then:

That God is Principle, Law, Being, Mind, Spirit, All-Good, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, unchangeable, Creator, Father, Cause, and source of all that is;

That God is individually formed in consciousness in each of us, and is known to us as "Father" when we recognize Him within us as our Creator, as our mind, as our life, as our very being;

That mind has ideas and that ideas have expression; that all manifestation in our world is the result of the ideas that we are holding in mind and are expressing;
That to bring forth or to manifest the harmony of Divine Mind, or the "kingdom of heaven," all our ideas must be one with divine ideas, and must be expressed in the divine order of Divine Mind.
In Him we live and move and have our being.
Paramahansa Yogananda says

Do away with masks ! Come openly as sons of God - not by hollow proclamations and learned-by-heart prayer, fireworks of intellectually worded sermons contrived to praise God and gather converts, but by realization ! Become identified not with narrow bigotry, masked as wisdom, but with Christ Consciousness. Become identified with Universal Love, expressed in service to all, both materially and spiritually; then you will no who Jesus Christ was, and can say in your soul that we are all one band, all sons of One God