The Arc of the Covenant


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The Arc of the Covenant

The "Arc of the Covenant" (of Palaidor) is describe as "a portal passage between D-2 Earth and the D-9 Andromeda (USG-9) system" that was created by Emerald Covenant Guardian groups 840,000 years ago, to enable the 3rd Seeding of the Angelic Human lineage on Earth. The "Ark of the Covenant big gold box" that has been part of humanity's legendary heritage and for which many have quested since ancient times, is a large box that was created after the 9558BC fall of Atlantis to house the radioactive "Rod and Staff" star gate/portal-opening tools. Both the Arc (think electrical "arc") and the Ark (think "gold box") are real in tangible, physical terms.

The physical Rod and Staff tools were given as a gift to the Maji Grail Line Races here, the Indigo Races, to allow them to open the Gates to the Inner Ecka Universes, so they could go back and forth between here and Inner Earth in the ancient times. They were given as a gift to the Guardians of Earth to be able to keep an open relationship with the Inner Earth Ecka people after the Fall of Atlantis in 9558 B.C.. Together, they allow people to open the Gates when D12 is not available on the planet, as was the case between 208,216BC and 2000AD. They create a modulation field, to allow certain people entrusted with them to open the Gates. These tools were charged with frequency from the Ecka Universes. The 12 Commandments were the Psonn Tones and the symbol projections, the Stanz, that were used.
What people have been seeking throughout recorded history has been the ability either to conquer the Templar or to heal the Templar.
The existence and history of the Arc/Ark has been shrouded in mystery since the Arc passage was last fully opened to the Universal-Veca level by the Inner Ecka Earth Eieyani, to evacuate groups of people in 9558BC just before the pole shift and final deluge of the Atlantian Islands.
Certain groups of Maji Grail Line descent "Indigo" races of various regions of Earth were entrusted by the Eieyani to carry pieces of the Arc/Ark knowledge, in order to preserve this wisdom for the time when it would likely be needed during the 2000-2017AD SAC. During the late 500s AD "King Arthur" and his Celtek-Druedek Maji Grail Line held the secrets of the Arc passage and guardianship of the Ark Box. The Kathars ("Cathari/Cathars" historically) of Montsegur France held the Arc knowledge, as did certain Celtek ("Celtic"), Native American, Greek, Indian, Chinese and Hawaiian Grail Lines. The history of the Arc of the Covenant portal passage and the Halls of Amenti Star Gate system through which the Arc portal interfaces with Earth is core to the identity and heritage of Earth's Angelic Human lineage.
The real, inner Rod and Staff are energy configurations within the planetary and universal body and our own physical bodies. There is a whole string of interrelated frequency activations that are going to take place really rapidly. The real Rod and Staff are the ones that are alive within your body. When you have the inside ones you don't need the outside ones. A full discussion of the Rod and the Staff, also the Arc of the Covenant, is available in the FTR workshop of February 2003.

The Arc of the Covenant, the "Golden Fleece" Wave-field and the "Cloak of Invisibility
The "Arc of the Covenant" is an extremely specialized Universal-Galactic-Planetary Shields Program that when fully activated allows for full, rapid, expedited activation of the Universal Krist Flame Body (Re: "Dance for Freedom" Program).
Through full, rapid activation of the "Krist", portions of the Shields that can "hold the Arc Codes" are able to temporarily enter a period of "hyper-dimensional suspension" within the Universal Flame Body. This specialized Shield Program allows portions of a Shield holding activated "Shield of the Arc (of the Covenant) Codes" to directly enter the "13th-Pillar Eternal Amoraea Flame". When the Arc of the Covenant Shield Program is activated, portions of the Shield that can enter the "13th-Pillar" are temporarily frequency-sealed into the Eternal Amoraea Central Flame. The sealed Shield-portion is energetically held separate from, while remaining connected to, damaged Shield portions. Sealing within the 13th-Pillar creates an impermeable "Force Field", called a Trans-Harmonic Hyper-dimensional Radial Body Capsule, around the sealed Shield portions. The "Force Field" buffer created by full activation of the Arc of the Covenant passage and Shield Program is known as the "Golden Fleece".
The "Golden Fleece" is a D-14 (pale yellow-gold)/ D-12 (pale-silver)/D-8 (Gold-Monadic) Primal Light Spherical-Standing-Scalar-Wave-Field Sheathe that rapidly forms around, and permeates the Universal-Veca Flame body upon entry of the "12 Commandment" Codes of the Arc into the sealed Shield. The "Golden Fleece" wave-field combines the D-8 Core Monadic current (Ectrons/Density-3 electrons) with the D-14/D-12 ante-matter current (Trions-Reions/Density-5 electrons, Density-4 neutrons) known as "The Golden-Silver-ONE" frequency.
Activation of the Golden Fleece wave-field around and within the Flame Body allows the matter forms "Wearing the Golden Fleece" to literally "de-manifest" ("disappear") from the larger "hologram" (3-D world experience) of which they are usually a part via entering a state of hyper-dimensional suspension within the Golden Fleece wave-field. Matter forms entering the Golden Fleece hyper-dimensional state are able to retain the manifest integrity of their atomic structure and physicality. Each atom internally generates its own "Golden Fleece" Trans-Harmonic Hyper-dimensional Radial Body Capsule within the larger Golden Fleece Capsule surrounding the sealed Shield, Flame Body and entirety of the matter form. Once ensconced within the Golden Fleece Capsule within the 13th-Pillar, matter forms "enter the Arc of the Covenant" or the "Arc Zone" (Divine Blue Print-sealed hologram-within-a-hologram), which exists as a frequency modulation area within the Void (magnetic repulsion zone) between the Universal-Veca and Ecka systems. While residing within the Arc Zone matter forms seem to "disappear" from the manifest territories of their original hologram as they enter the frequency-shelter of the Arc of the Covenant through "wearing the Golden Fleece"; for this reason the "Golden Fleece" has also been known as the "Cloak of Invisibility".

The Arc Zone "Half-step", Time Shift and the Bridge Zone

Like the Golden Fleece Capsule, the "Arc Zone" is also a Spherical-Standing-Scalar-Wave Trans-Harmonic Radial Body that exists within the "13th Pillar Eternal Amoraea Flame. The Arc Zone was created by Emerald Covenant races to serve as a "stepped-down union point", or "half-way house in frequency", between the Ecka Universe Azur-A Point and the Veca Azur-A Point. The Arc Zone exists as a common Universal Shield Co-ordinate, higher in frequency than the Veca system but lower in frequency than the natural Ecka system, through which the Azur-A Points of both systems are linked within the co-joined "13th Pillar Amoraea Center Flames'. The Arc Zone forms a simulated Azur-A point at a "half-step" in frequency between the Ecka and Veca systems.
Everything in manifestation has, as it core template, the 12 Tree Kathara Grid. On a planetary level, the Kathara centres or spheres are known as Stargates. These are co-ordinate points which allow energy to ascend and descend through the Time Matrix's dimensions, Harmonic Universes and Time Cycles. Star Gates are the fastest and easiest means of passage through time in a Time Matrix. In spiritual tradition Star Gates are usually referred to as Ascension Passages. Under normal circumstances, the ability to move through Stargates e.g. to travel through time and experience the full spectrum of one's interdimensional anatomy, requires what is known as Base 12 activation. Base 12 is the core mathematical expression of the Christos imprint.
When HetharO, with its attendant replenishing of the Christos Seed Atom, occurs as the result of the natural expenditure of this Atom's original energy thrust, beings carrying the core Christos imprint would have had time to activate their core template to a Base 12. However, when HetharO is triggered as a result of extreme, critical mass level of Opposite Expression of Free Will, many life forms will not have had sufficient time to accrete sufficient frequencies in their template, and would therefore not be able to ride the changing waves of time.
The Arc of the Covenant Gates are Base 6 Gates. Most natural stargates are Base 12, which means every dimension has 12 sub-frequency bands and every sub-frequency band has what's called a Keylon quotient or energy thrust quotient, a quantum of energy. Keylons are like wattage: how much electrical energy thrust does a particular frequency band have? Base 12 is much stronger than Base 6. Arc Gates are designed as a half step where one does not have to have a Base 12 Template to get hosted out or to begin regenerating one's own template. So it has been a gift. Base 6 is based on 6 sub-frequency bands for each dimension, instead of 12, which means they have half the Keylon quotient or power, which means, in turn, that one would have to have half the amount of DNA activation or template activation to be able to move through them.
With the Arc of the Covenant, beings that don't have Base 12 will get frequency support from the Golden Fleece Fields If they are able to catch those pulses of frequency and activate them within their own bodies, they will be able to sustain the frequency field of the Golden Fleece buffer field so they can make the transition out and not fall.
The Arc of the Covenant Passage thus offers the potential of Christiac Stargate passage and manifestation within Christiac Space-Time locations to beings and matter forms with lower accretion levels and Keylon thrust quotients than the usual standard Base 12.. The AC Passage ALSO allows lower accretion level life-forms/ matter forms that can anchor the Arc Shields ( template ) the ability to biologically survive the rapid frequency increases associated with Planetary Stellar Activation Cycles and restoration of Planetary Divine Blueprint.
During the May 2004 Hetharo anniversary workshop in Long Beach, CA, USA, an even more significant planetary activation took place, anchoring extremely powerful frequencies from our Parallel Ecka, called the L-Most of this realignment with the Christos is happening on the subtler levels of our being and may not yet be apparent on the level of the mass drama, but will become more evident as the Shields separate. There are no victims in this drama. Those who take the anti-Christos path of separation have chosen this over many lifetimes. All will be drawn to the time-space locations which feel most in tune with their core vibration. KS defines love as a state of vibrational harmonization; that which we love is, in a very real sense, what is in tune with our own core vibration. Beings who are more in tune with energies such as competition, power struggles, the victim/ victimizer drama, or other expressions of a separative, anti-Christos mindset, will be just as relieved when the Shield finally separate as beings who are fundamentally in tune with the Law of ONE. In a sense, all will go 'home', and thus this is a time of renewal and celebration, and also of respect for the Free Will choices of all beings, even if their choice is not what 'we' would choose for them!

Love and Light, Marietta
just out of curiosity is this scientoligy you are talking about:confused:
No this is not scientology. It is the original teachings of the Krist/Christ. Love and Light, Marietta
I am not trying to create argument or animosity but I am generally interested as This seems like very interesting page you have found. but I have a few questions:
First of all who is Krist?
Secondly the writing and the website you got it from doesn’t seem to mention Christ (i.e. Jesus Christ) at all and it doesn’t seem to be related to the bible or Christianity for that matter.
Thirdly what are the origins of this following and is there any evidence for the things it claims……Personally it sounds like a following based on myths

P.S It would probably be a good idea not to just copy a page from a website and paste it in your reply because it can be claimed as plagiarism. It would be a much better idea to place a hyperlink in future

Kind regards …..Majin
Okay, moving this to the New Age forum, as this has nothing to do with Christianity. :)
I,Brian, I don't understand why you are moving this to the New Age forum? The Ark of the Covenanet is very much a part of Christianity as well as Judaism.
Is it because I see things from a different perspective than you do?
Is it because I have learned to view the scripture and see beyond the traditions of man and his interpretation of these scriptures?
Isn't true Christianity about the Christ/Krist and not about a religious gathering of man with his traditions?
Just curious, which is my nature.
Love and Light, Marietta
Greetings Majin, Thank you for the reply.

You asked: First of all who is Krist?

The Krist is what has been translated as Christ. Look at any Greek text and you will see that Christ is a translation of Krist, Kristos, or Kristou.
The teachings this comes from are called the Freedom Teachings and they deal in detail with the the Krist and what he taught. It is Christianity at its fullest. These teachings are not based on myth, they are teachings that come from what is called direct cognition.
I don't know what you mean be this being plagiarism? Please explain?

Love and Light, Marietta :)
Hello Flow, Thank You! I think it is pretty Cool myself!
Love and Light, Marietta:)
I don't know what you mean be this being plagiarism? Please explain?
Love and Light, Marietta :)

***Moderator Note***
Plagiarism is when you copy someone else's work (written, art, or photos) and reproduce them without permission to do so. Copying large chunks of text off of other websites, or typing in large passages from printed books, and posting them here without permission from the author or artist who created it is plagiarism.

Plagiarism is against the law in most countries as it is considered a form of theft. Please read the Code of Conduct for Comparative-Religion's messageboard particularly section 5, "Copyright Issues," for more information about the seriousness which we take plagiarism and copyright infringement.

In the future please keep quoted material to a minimum -- it's much better to just provide a link to the site you want to discuss so that others can read it themselves. If it is a print resource you want to discuss please list the title and author and any other information you think might help people to locate it (like the publication's ISBN.)

We're much more interested in hearing what our members have to say about the topics under discussion rather than just reading information copied and pasted from somewhere else.

Ben Gruagach
moderator in the Alternative section of
Greetings Ben, Thank you for the information. As long as I am not trying to pass this off as being something that I wrote it is not plagerism.
This is information that is meant to be shared as long as it is not altered in any manner. Which is why I copied and pasted this information instead of condensing it into my own words. This way the integrity of the message stays in tact.
The article is written by Ashayanna Deanne of Azurite Press author of Voyagers 1 and Voyagers 11.

Thank You, Marietta:)
I,Brian, I don't understand why you are moving this to the New Age forum? The Ark of the Covenanet is very much a part of Christianity as well as Judaism.
Is it because I see things from a different perspective than you do?
Is it because I have learned to view the scripture and see beyond the traditions of man and his interpretation of these scriptures?
Isn't true Christianity about the Christ/Krist and not about a religious gathering of man with his traditions?
Just curious, which is my nature.
Love and Light, Marietta

Well, theologically what you posted seems to have little in common with Christianity as a religion, and won't be particularly accessible to Christians for discussion, hence the move to an area where people may be better able to discuss it. :)
Greetings Ben, Thank you for the information. As long as I am not trying to pass this off as being something that I wrote it is not plagerism.
This is information that is meant to be shared as long as it is not altered in any manner. Which is why I copied and pasted this information instead of condensing it into my own words. This way the integrity of the message stays in tact.
The article is written by Ashayanna Deanne of Azurite Press author of Voyagers 1 and Voyagers 11.

Thank You, Marietta:)

No, it is still illegal if you reproduce another person's work even if you say who created it. The key is that you have to have the explicit permission of the creator to reproduce it.

I'm going to leave it to the site owner (I, Brian) to decide whether to accept your claim and leave the quoted material intact in this thread or whether to delete it.

Some authors do say it's OK to reproduce their work providing it is reproduced intact -- in that case you must include the copyright information including that explicit permission with the actual quoted material. Telling us that is the case days after the material was quoted is not appropriate.

Copyright infringement is a serious matter. I would hate for the Comparative-Religion messageboard to be shut down due to legal matters stemming from copyright infringement. Let's all do our part to ensure that never has to deal with that sort of very avoidable problem.
bgruagach, Thank you for your reply.
I am a part of the Group that this material comes from and know that it is ok to share it. It is like saying that I need permission from the bible writers to post biblical scripture. This is considered sacred text and is the text from which the Bible origianlly came from

Love and Light, Marietta
Hello I, Brian, Thank you for providing me with the answer to my question, which makes a lot of sense to me.
Love and Light, Marietta

While employed by a large research university some years ago my specialty was to handle intellectual property matters at the corporate level. My responsibilities included negotiating many contracts where intellectual property matters and also publication rights issues were decided. I was often "accused" of being a lawyer, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Back when the Bayh-Dole act was passed in the early 80's, US universities had to scramble to find people who could function in these roles without paying them a king's ransom to do so. The truth was that I just had a knack for the stuff and any deals I cut were always run-by appropriate counsel before being entered into. Now, of course, if I applied for such a job I would be laughed at because of my lack of formal education and credentials in this field.

Since Marietta is posting materials owned by the spiritual group that she is affiliated with, I believe that the use of it here would fall under the "fair use" principle. I don't see this as being any different than the Gideons passing out Bibles to hotels, JWs passing out Watchtowers, or Mormons passing out The Book of Mormon. Of course, except for The Watchtower example, such activities are only really the distribution of educational materials that are in the "public domain".

The "fair use" provision regarding copyrightable materials basically says that in the case of materials that are not offered for sale elsewhere, the owner has the right to grant "fair use" of such materials for educational purposes, especially in the case of usage by those affiliated with the owners of the materials. I think that's how it goes. Of course CR could consult an intellectual property specialist attorney for an opinion on this, but these days such people usually charge upwards of $500 an hour for their time. I'd be inclined to take her word on this... but then it's not my website.

Besides...I find this stuff to be pretty interesting...,and we're here to share information regarding religion and spiritual matters aren't we ?

Hello Flow, Thank you for giving us this information, it is very much appreciated.

Love and Light, Marietta:)
Flow, thanks for the input.

Marietta was not clear until recently that she was part of the group that had produced the material she quoted. This could all have been cleared up at the start if she had provided a clear indication of where the copied-and-pasted material came from, what the copyright statement was concerning the quoted material, and that she was one of the authors.

Copyright issues on the internet are a very sticky situation because sites such as are not limited to just one country and arguably could be held accountable by laws from all over the place. Copyright laws are also a very hot topic and are frequently being changed (virtually eliminating "fair use" provisions in some draconian instances) so it's always safer for us to be a bit strict in discouraging copying-and-pasting large tracts into discussions here.

It's always better for us if a link to the original is provided instead and for the Comparative-Religions user to post their own thoughts on the material. The point of the messageboard is for discussion rather than a soapbox for posting tracts.

So sorry to have bungled your handle on the last post. Thanks for the comeback...and yes I agree that the net has vastly complicated the picture on copyrightable works. Some of us around the country in the 80's advised legislators that a total re-evaluation of intellectual property legislation was probably needed in the U.S. because of what technology was going to do to the accepted methods of protection and licensing. I think that just the fiascos concerning music downloads and curently You-Tube help to prove the point as per copyrightable works.

Marietta...yup, if you are part of the ownership of the stuff that you paste to the board let us know up front. By the way...I've downloaded the stuff you've already provided for my files. Very interesting. Also are you aware that a cache of round 10" stone plates with concentric grooves resembling old analog recordings were discovered in western China about fifteen years ago? Their estimated age was 10-12,000 years ago, plus or minus 1,000 yrs. I saw some initial reports when they were found but nothing since. What a surprise !
