A day of thanks

Yes...indeed Faithful Servant. Let us all give thanks for what G-d has given to us instead of cursing the sky because of what has been taken away from us. I believe that's a concept that even you and I may agree upon.

Have a wonderful day, both you and yours.

Yes, in America today it is Thanksgiving. A day of thanks. We gorge ourselves, we watch football (american style), watch parades and prepare for the shopping mayhem we call Christmas.

We give thanks for our blessings, break bread together with family and friends. Too many of us go to shelters to help feed the hungry, the shelters need assistance every day, but today people stand in line to volunteer. Often it is folks who are away from home, away from their family and they go to give to those in need.

Tis a glorious day and a glorious thought...one like an holy-day that we need to extend beyond its boundaries...extend that love till the next day arrives.

Today, right now, I give thanx to all those moderators, creators, maintainers, and members of this truly lovely site.
Yes...indeed Faithful Servant. Let us all give thanks for what G-d has given to us instead of cursing the sky because of what has been taken away from us. I believe that's a concept that even you and I may agree upon.

Have a wonderful day, both you and yours.


Happy Thanks Giving America.......

........ Flow, what did the sky do?

- c -
Hi C:

This all goes back to my observations concerning the origins of the spirits. Male spirits came from the sky and female spirits came from the earth. The ancients believed this and sought their spiritual rituals and mythical guidance accordingly.

I have since extended this to observe that historically and practically men are carriers of death and females are carriers of life. Genetic analysis of the human genome and mitochondrial DNA has now demonstrated that so called modern women were around in Africa thousands of years before so called modern men. I rest my case.

Hi C:

This all goes back to my observations concerning the origins of the spirits. Male spirits came from the sky and female spirits came from the earth. The ancients believed this and sought their spiritual rituals and mythical guidance accordingly.

I have since extended this to observe that historically and practically men are carriers of death and females are carriers of life. Genetic analysis of the human genome and mitochondrial DNA has now demonstrated that so called modern women were around in Africa thousands of years before so called modern men. I rest my case.


Without wishing to derail the Thanksgiving.........
One more consideration wise Flow..... Oannes, he came from the water.

- c -
Hi c: (there used to be canned fruit drinks by that name for sale in the US... maybe still are)

Hmmmm...well...there is water elsewhere in the universe I suspect.
Not wise...just awake.
