cognate deity names

Alvis Rofhessa

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stuck in "Antipodes" (want goto UK)
(I didn't know whether to put this under mythology or comparative studies, I guess it is more in this sub-forum area.)

My thesis is that the names of gods all around the world are/can be related. Everyone I have mentioned this to has attacked me, and said it is not true and can't be done. Although I have a long way still to go, I have neverthless made many amazing discoveries despite everyones adamant insistence/assertations.

This thread/topic is intended to be both (A.) for me to submit/share my discoveries and/or possible "discoveries" to you, and/but also (B.) for you to post your own theories/thoughts/feelings/ideas/info/data/criticism/etc (whether your own, or ones you have read/heared from other peoples books/etc).

Though I would prefer this thread/topic to be mainly about possible name (cognate) correspondences, some digression into/on synonymous natures or common/similar themes would also be interesting as long as it doesn't push out the intended original purpose/focus of connecting names.

(Please note that each future post/entry of my own will take time for me to get around to doing, sometimes long time, sometimes short. And remember some will be definately correct, and/but some will/may be wrong as this is a new pioneeering trial and error field, and I am not fully informed/educated/conversant with the full scope of extant knowledge in the currently reached level of orthodox linguistics/philology.)

Name connections can turn out to provide a lot of new light on hitherto not well-understood mythological details, eg see Sedna in coming post.
Many other implications in various fields arise, such as for example proof of contacts between Americas and Old World across Atlantic.

Coming planned posts of my own will probably be the ones on Sin, Enlil, and Ea.

Here is a starter on a particular culture/people/pantheon rather than on a particular deity's worldwide cognates:

Tupi-Guarani deities:

Guaracy 'sun'......................~ Semitic............Heres/Keret 'sun/gold' (C Berlitz.)
Jacy 'moon'........................ ~ Hamitic............Yah 'moon'/Ea.
Ir-in Mage 'magic/deluge/rain' ~ Sumer-Akkadia..En-lil 'wind'.
Toru-shompek 'sun'...............~ Akkadian..........Shamash 'sun'.
Peruda 'generation'............... ~ Indo-Europea...Freyr/Peruwa.
#1. Sin worldwide cognates (few poss wrong):

Sin/Sinne (Akkadian) 'moon'.
Sina/Hina/Ina (Polynesian) 'moon' (RA Lochore, E Sykes).
Si (Chimu Indian) 'moon' (Z Sitchin, Fitzgerald-Lee).
Singala (Arab).
Chia (Muyscaya Indian) 'moon' [otherwise could be Hea/Ea?]
Ya'china'ut (Koryak) 'moon'.
Sedna (Eskimo) 'sea, one-eyed' [moon ~ sea via tides, tidal-bulge, cresent/boat, lake/mirror. For possible -d- infix compare eg Raudna/Rauni?] (Larouse seemingly possibly hints that this correspondence is poss already secretly known?)
Zin (Songhay) 'water', though Zin is thought to be from Arab Djin.
Tin(ia) (Etruscan) 'sky, fire, lightning, birth' [birth waters].
Cinteotl (Aztec) 'night, 4' [though prob not related, being more likely = Ki as maize deity].
?Sia (Egyptian) 'perception, hand, papyrus, intellect, travels, barque' [eye/moon, moon connect with wisdom via calendar/measure/maths, night travellers]?

A few other less likely/unfinished possibilities left out.
Sin & cognates may possibly be cognate with Selene & cognates with l/n interchange as in Hebrew and Celt (etc)?, but I will give Selene as a separate (cross-referenced) future entry. If Sin and Selene are same then that would possibly give 2 branches of diffusion!
My apologies to anyone who may have already seen some of my deity name connections on my older threads on Skadi forum and Simaqianstudio history forum.

# 2. Enlil world wide cognates (some may be wrong):

El-lil/En-lil/Ill-in-us/Nin-lil/Mul-lil (Sumer-Akkad) 'mtn, storm, wild ox, wind, air, axe' [alt/also read/rendered In-Sakh].
An-ila (India) 'wind' [Greek word anima].
Fei Li-en (Chinese) 'wind, direction'.
Ton-en-ili (Navaho) 'rain, celestial, skies, 4 card pts, storm clouds, blue, fox, rainbows' [and see Donar/Danu].
Lilu (Berber) 'rainwater'.
El-lel (Hittite/Hurrian) [cp Alalus?]
Olila (Ghana) 'Buadza, storm, wind'.
Ir-in Mage (Tupi-Guarani) 'magic, rain, deluge'.
Lil-uri (Syria) 'mtn, weather, bull' [or prob more likely is Ilwer/Wer/Mer].
Ilmatar 'air, heroine' or Ilmar-inen/Inmar 'hero, hill, smith, young, sky, weather, stars, travellers' (Finn/Votyak) [Ilmarinen alt/also resembles Ilwer/Wer/Mer?]
Iris (Greek) 'rainbow, wings' [tho cp Egyptian word i-r 'eye'?]
I'lena (Koryak) 'rain, spirit'.
Hi'lina (Haida) 'thunder, wings, ltning, clouds, cloak'.
Painal (Aztec) 'hasty, war' [or see Paean/Pavana].
Ir-min (German) 'war, hero, grove'.
Igalilik (Eskimo) 'hunting, spirit, travels, icy wastes' [tho Igaluk (igloo?) more resembles Ea, Glaucus or Galatea?]
Ilat (East Africa) 'rain'.
Hila (Eskimo) 'air' [tho primary spelling Sila(p inua) would seem to disproove this].
Ilyapa (Peru) 'weather, thunder, firearms'.
Ilya (Slav) 'prophet, merged with Perun' [said to be Elijah or Helios].
Iraj (Iran) [tho see Ares].
Alvis Rofhessa:

Just to let you know that there's at least one soul out here that appreciates your hard work on this. I have always held that if we go far enough back into the past through the analysis of linkages among languages, religious ritual, and genetic heritage we'll eventually find significant common ground and crossovers we could never have imagined. But then there are some who do not seek any knowledge of any of that. What a shame.... thank you.

Thank-you flow(person), makes a change from all the negative/de-constructive criticism I've had in last 12 months! Tho I would like to also actually have people discuss possibile correspondences too.

(Yes I believe/have evidence that all religions d/evolved from one common original, but since myth and bible are about a dualistic conflict between 2 lines thruout whole of history/time (eg Horus vs Set), that means that the religion/[politics] of the future will not quite reconcile all of humanity/world, there will be 2 sides (In and Out), and it looks like the (western) world religion is going to be at odds with Judaeo-Xtianity.)

Note about entry on Sin:
It is said that Sin/shin/Sinne is from Su-en which is said to equate with En-zu (tho Zi-ana may be more/less likely possibility?) I was of the opinion that Sin and Enzu were to be treated as separate entries, but since I treated En-lil and its reverse Ill-in-us as interchangeable perhaps Sin and Enzu are a little more likely to also be closely related?

All I have on Enzu so far is:
Sumer-Akkad Enzu ~ Egyptian Kh-ensu, and perhaps Indian Indu??? (tho said to be short for Sindhu).
Kindest Regards, Alvis Rofhessa, and welcome to CR!

I am sorry to hear of the troubles you are having in your scholarly quest, but this subject is not universally frowned upon. I would like to recommend a couple of books that may be of great assistance in your search. One from the states dated to 1865 from a pamphlet written in 1859 by Rev. Alexander Hislop is titled "The Two Babylons." A second British book by Sir (?) Frazer (possibly Frazier) titled "The Golden Bough" from around 1880 is another very good scholarly resource that extensively covers the ground you are looking over. Both have different agendas and draw different conclusions, but both are extensively researched. A more modern scholar that may appeal to you on this issue is Joseph Campbell, he has written a number of books I would like to read one day myself.

There is a long time contributor here, "No God No Masters", who has posted quite a few posts that cover some of these things. If you know how to look up a person by their "name" here, and then look under the posts they have written, it should make your search a lot easier.

Best of wishes, and good luck in your search!
Thanks Juantoo3.

re "not universally frowned upon": sure there are a certain amount of writers/scholars who have written on comparative mythology, but when it comes to my thesis of world-wide deity names (conate) correspondences the extant literature is pretty small/limited, even just Indo-European as a whole is not very much.

I have Hislop's 2 Babylons. Although it has some good/useful info in it, it is not really that extensive in terms of world wide deity names corrsepondences, and he wrongly translates names using Hebrew words. Although the theory that Hebrew was the original world language may poss be true, it is not so straight forward interpreting names straight from Hebrew/Chaldee words. Tho ultimately the names of gods do correspond to biblical persons eg Rimmon/Ramman/Rimac (rain) = Lamech (lament)?(Winckie Pratney, RA Anderson, and JT Chick have good summaries tho I no longer have Chick's publications.)

I have the abridged version of Frazer's Golden Bough, but again while it has some useful thematic/nature/attribute correspondences it doesn't have many name correspondences excepting "Janus/Dianus"/etc & "Jana/Diana/Juno"/etc.

There is a writer John (or Derek) Jewell who put out some publications that have some good correspondences esp on Tiwaz/Zeus.

LA Waddell's British Edda and Makers of Civilisation have quite a few unique correspondences of Greek, Norse, Sumerian, Indian, biblical, Celt and Egyptian deities, tho some are wrong, and still far short of any universal scheme.

Frazer, Jewell and Waddell all have different Tiwaz/Zeus derivations/correspondences!

A good reference book is Gerald Massey, A Book of Beginnings, tho I only have one volume.

Georges Dumezil and Bruce Lincoln have some good name and nature correspondences but he doesn't have much more than within restrictive confines of conventional IE linguistics, some of which are wrong.

Joseph Campbell from what I remember has some good/useful nature/theme correspondences but not name ones?, but unfortunately I/local library don't have his Oriental &/or Occidental Mythology.

An author I *really* liked was GW Cox, Mythology of the Aryan Nations, which really did have a lot of Indo-European cognates, but unfortunately I don't have copy of book, & my notes were destroyed, and library (not local one) got rid of all their old books or put them in stack.

Grimm (& Bulfinch, & Max Muller?) have quite a few Germanic/I-E connections but unfortunately I don't have their books (and what notes I had were destroyed in crisis 2 yrs ago.)

An author I would *really* like to get is Idries Shah.

Another author I'd *really* like to get is Cohane's The Key.

Barbara Walker's Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets is a very good reference/source, but a bit chaotic/limited/unreliable.


# 3. Yamm world-wide cognates (couple poss wrong):

Yam/Yamm (Egypt/Syria/Babylon) 'ocean/sea'.
Ymi-r (Norse) 'frost, deluge, ship, sailing'.
Yima (Iran) 'flood'.
Yam (Arab) 'Noah's son'.
Amm (s Arab) 'moon, weather, lightning'.
Immap Ukua (Eskimo) 'sea'.
Dais-Imid (N Amerind) 'shell' [cp Maya imix "water"].
Yamuna (India) 'river, blue'.
Yemaja (Yoruba) 'water, lake, river' [tho as Yemanja see Mani?]
Inkanyamba (Zulu) 'storms, water, tornado'.
Nammu (Sumer-Akkad) 'watery, birth, riverbed, clay'.
Im (Mesopotamia) 'storm' [storms at sea, deluge = storm, rain/storm].
Almo (Italic) 'river'.
Iamos (Greek) 'Poseidon his grandfather, purple, river, sea'.
Amphi-trite (Greek) 'sea, ....'
Palaemon (Greek) 'sea'.
Asherat-ian (Ugarit) 'sea'.
Amimitl (Aztec) 'lakes, fish hunters'.
Kindest Regards, Alvis!
re "not universally frowned upon": sure there are a certain amount of writers/scholars who have written on comparative mythology, but when it comes to my thesis of world-wide deity names (conate) correspondences the extant literature is pretty small/limited, even just Indo-European as a whole is not very much.

I have Hislop's 2 Babylons. Although it has some good/useful info in it, it is not really that extensive in terms of world wide deity names corrsepondences, and he wrongly translates names using Hebrew words.
I seriously question whether we are discussing the same book. It is apparent you are more familiar with the topic at hand than I, however, Hislop was (is) my indoctrination into this subject, and his work *extensively* corresponds *world wide* deity names. Further, his translation of hebrew words is relatively small in comparison with the total content of his book. Whether there are more authoratative authors on the subject I admit to not knowing, but Hislop, considering the day and age in which he wrote, is quite extensive.

Although the theory that Hebrew was the original world language may poss be true, it is not so straight forward interpreting names straight from Hebrew/Chaldee words. Tho ultimately the names of gods do correspond to biblical persons eg Rimmon/Ramman/Rimac (rain) = Lamech (lament)?
I seriously do not recall Hislop making this direct statement of Hebrew being the basis of language. I do know this is a common presumption among some, be that as it may, a group of us here made a quest of our own to research that very issue some time back in a thread about the origin of languages. While Hebrew may not be the source of all others, all others can be shown to come from a sanskrit source, with a handfull of exceptions. Notably the Oriental languages (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc) and one or two obscure languages from the hinterlands of Europe. This from reputable scholarly sources dealing in the study of linguistics.

I have the abridged version of Frazer's Golden Bough, but again while it has some useful thematic/nature/attribute correspondences it doesn't have many name correspondences excepting "Janus/Dianus"/etc & "Jana/Diana/Juno"/etc.
Ah, but therein lies some of the correspondences you are seeking: the linguistics are tied to the function. I.E., the god of the hunt in one culture often *translates* or *transliterates* into the god of the hunt in another culture.

For example, I recently learned the Chinese have a "father Christmas" type figure, who they call Sinda Lau Yin. I cannot help but be amazed at the similarity with Santa Claus. And as we have already discovered here in a thread titled "santa theory," santa claus goes back as much as 60 thousand years, recognized by the ancient Ainu and Laplanders as the Wild Man.

There is a writer John (or Derek) Jewell who put out some publications that have some good correspondences esp on Tiwaz/Zeus.
Cool. Hislop covers Zeus and correspondences well.

LA Waddell's British Edda and Makers of Civilisation have quite a few unique correspondences of Greek, Norse, Sumerian, Indian, biblical, Celt and Egyptian deities, tho some are wrong, and still far short of any universal scheme.
Cool, something to look forward to.

Frazer, Jewell and Waddell all have different Tiwaz/Zeus derivations/correspondences!
Such is the nature of scholarship.

A good reference book is Gerald Massey, A Book of Beginnings, tho I only have one volume.
Another to look for.

Georges Dumezil and Bruce Lincoln have some good name and nature correspondences but he doesn't have much more than within restrictive confines of conventional IE linguistics, some of which are wrong.
Again, scholarship. :cool:

Joseph Campbell from what I remember has some good/useful nature/theme correspondences but not name ones?, but unfortunately I/local library don't have his Oriental &/or Occidental Mythology.
I can accept this. In mentioning Campbell I was remiss in not sticking directly to "words." I was drawing *complete* connections, of which words / names are but a token. As I mentioned already, function figures into these correspondences as well. Campbell's focus is on function.

An author I *really* liked was GW Cox, Mythology of the Aryan Nations, which really did have a lot of Indo-European cognates, but unfortunately I don't have copy of book, & my notes were destroyed, and library (not local one) got rid of all their old books or put them in stack.

Grimm (& Bulfinch, & Max Muller?) have quite a few Germanic/I-E connections but unfortunately I don't have their books (and what notes I had were destroyed in crisis 2 yrs ago.)

An author I would *really* like to get is Idries Shah.

Another author I'd *really* like to get is Cohane's The Key.

Barbara Walker's Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets is a very good reference/source, but a bit chaotic/limited/unreliable.
Sounds like some interesting reads, of course one could make this a study of a lifetime. Not to disregard such in any way, I have other skillets in the fire, and this subject (while important) is not the "be all and end all" to me. In short, this subject is but a minor fraction of my anthropological studies. I wish you well in your search, keep us posted! :D
well it has been a while since my last entry/post but I very miserable/lazy/busy/distracted/unmotivated/uninspired lately and can't say if/when I will be able to post next/further entry/ies. So in meantime I give you links to previous posts of some entries on other forums,
indo-european cogantes only:
world but older/less certain:
Philology of God Names - History Forum

I have many where only a few/couple that I could perhaps post like:
Indian Kama 'love/desire' ~ Greek Comus 'sensual pleasure' (comedy?)

Are there any (other) deity names any of you would like to know my info/data/ideas on?
Do any of you have any connections (of your own or from other sources) you'd like to share?
I would very much like any pro/con comments/feedback (please?)
Not maybe the comment you were looking for but the combination of that background and that font is painful.

Your info seems extensive, but I have to cut and paste it to another format to read it. I'd try bolder/larger/different font/ it just my 50 year old eyes?
[My thesis is that the names of gods all around the world are/can be related. ]

I agree: [I hope this is not too long??? ENJOY]

Chapter Seven

Identities of the Noahic Elite of genesis 10 found in National Mythologies.

Each patriarch or matriarch commands only one primary entry. Either by primary entries or cross-referencing, every name in Genesis 10 and three from Genesis 11 are listed in the order of occurrence in the Bible. Three columns present the biblical name of the primary entrant, various identities and the political or cultural context in which the name occurs. Names in boldface in the central column are ones used most often in this study when they do not correspond to the all-capital name to the left. Biblical citations are placed in parentheses.

NOAH (10:1)

Aeëtesking of Colchis in Hellenic Argonautica

Alalu Hurrian father of Kumarbi

Anu Subarian heaven god

Apsu primordial sea personified in Akkadian Marduk Epic

Baiame Australian god, father of Daramulun

Bai-Ulgan variant of Kudai Bai Ülgön

Dagan (Siton) Ugaritic and Philistine fish god

Dedan (10:7) Hebrew vassal of Cush

Didanu Amorite king

Etana Sumerian ruler of First Kish

GebEgyptian earth god of the Ennead

Glooskap Algonquian hero god

Inachus Hellenic first man

Indra Indian storm god

Ikshvaku Indo-Arayan first ruler

Itzamna Mayan god, father of four Bacabs

Kudai Bai Ülgön Altaic father god god

Kudda Sumerian ruler of Fourth Erech

Lehab- (10:13) Hebrew vassal of Mizraim

Menulis Baltic god

Neptunus Roman sea god

Nun Egyptian husband of Naunet in the Ogdoad

SarlagabGutian ruler

Ukkoinnish sky god

Ukush Sumerian ruler at Umma in Dynasty IIIPeriod

iusudra (Uta-napishtim) Ark builder at Sumerian Shuruppak

SHEM (10:1)

Adad (Dada) Syrian storm god

Aliyan Bal Ugaritic storm god

Amun Egyptian husband of Amaunet in the Ogdoad

Anzu (Zu)Akkadian “thief of the Enlilship”

Balih Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Brahma Indian creator god of the Trimurti

Dadasig Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Dardanus Hellenic-Phrygian progenitor

Darya Andamese ruler of southwestern half of mankind

Dyaus Aryan sky god, equivalent to Zeus

Enmeduranna antediluvian ruler at Sippar

Hangwehdiyu Iroquois benevolent creator-wind god

HarharuAmorite king

Herakles Hellenic demigod, “Strength of Ham”

Ishkur Sumerian storm god

Jebus- (10:16) Hebrew vassal of Canaan

Kumarbi Hurrian god, father of five (10:22)

Lugalzagesi Sumerian ruler of Third Erech

Melchizedek (14:18) Hebrew king of Salem

Mummu vizier of Apsu in Marduk Epic

Ometeotl Aztec creator god

Phra RamThai brother of Phra Lak

Puzur-ili Sumerian ruler of Fourth Erech

Puzur-Sin Sumerian ruler of Fourth Kish

Puzur-Sin Gutian ruler

Raamah (10:7) Hebrew vassal of Cush

Rama Chandra Indian hero of the Ramayana (? could be Joktan, s. of Eber)

RammanAssyrian version of Ishkur

Sem (Argl)Balto-Slavic god

SethEgyptian son of Geb in the Ennead

Tar Prussian version of Teutonic Thor

Taru Hittite storm god, “father” of Telipinu

Tata Elamite ruler at Awan

Teutates Gallic god of human sacrifice

Thor (Sig) Teutonic storm god

Tös KhanAltaic son of Kudai Bai Ülgön

Zeus Hellenic Olympian storm and sky god

HAM (10:1)

Ao-Ping (Huandi - Yel, Central Peak) Chinese chief Ocean Dragon King

Anshar father of Anu in AkkadianMarduk Epic

Bera (14:2) Hebrew king of Amorite Sodom

CaucaMayan Bacab of the yellow south,son of Itzamna

Dumuzi the Shepherd antediluvian ruler at Badtibira

Enmebaraggesi Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Girgash- (10:16) Hebrew vassal of Canaan

Gurmu inscriptional name of grandfather ofSumerian ruler Ur Nanshe at Lagash

HablumGutian ruler

Hangwehdaetgah Iroquois wind god, evil brother of Hangwehdiyu

Hanu Amorite king

Havilah Hebrew vassal of Cush

Heh Egyptian husband of Hauhet in the Ogdoad(Hah, nome god of Metelis)

Hellen Hellenic son of Iapetus

Hermes Hellenic Olympic god

Hybla Sicilian bee god

IlshuSemitic ruler of Mari in Sumerian Dynasty III period

Jemshid Persian god

Kirghiz Khan Altaic son of Kudai Bai Ülgon

Kama Indian love god

Mixcoatl Aztec god

Raki (Rangi) Maori sky god

ShuEgyptian air god of the Ennead

Tamusi Carib god

Tammuz Semitic version of Dumuzi the Shepherd

Uranus Hellenic heaven Titan

Ur-Nammu Sumerian ruler of Third Ur

Veles Baltic god of the Dumuziship

Zehuti (Thoth) Egyptian god of the moon

JAPHETH (10:1)

Atab Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Atum Re sun god of Lower Egypt, head of First Ennead, god of the nome of Pithom

Ensipazianna antediluvian ruler at Larak

Fornjot Teutonic giant, father of Hler, Logi and Kari

Hatanish ruler of Elamite Hamazi in Sumerian Dynasty III period

Iarlagab Gutian ruler

Inti Incan sun god

Kedorlaomer (14:1) Elamite king (See war of Abraham)

Kek Egyptian husband of Kauket the Ogdoad

Lacedaemon Hellenic eponym of Lacedaemonians

Lahmu Akkadian “father” of Anshar and Kishar

Lugh Gallic god

Luh-ishan Elamite ruler of Awan

Malsumis variant of Maslum

Masluh- (10:14) Hebrew vassal of Mizraim

Maslum (Malsumis) Algonquin “brother” of Glooskap

Mesilim Sumerian early ruler of Kish

Phra Lak Thai brother of Phra Ram

Prajapati Indian “father of creatures”

Re-Harakhte Egyptian “Horus of the Two Horizons,”

god of the nome of Edfu

Sheba II (10:7) Hebrew vassal of Cush

Snefru (Snofru) Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty IV

Suilap Altaic son of Kudai Bai Ülgön

Sumuabu “Shem is my father,” variant of Zuabu

Svarog Slavic smith god

Tonatiuh Aztec sun god

Zuabu (Sumuabu) Amorite king


GOMER (10:2)

Dazhbog Slavic sun god, son of Svarog

Gumalum ruler at Syrian Ebla

Himavan Indian god of the Himalayas

Himerus Hellenic son of Lacedaemon

Hler Teutonic sea god

Khufu (Cheops) Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty IV

Kon Incan son of Inti

Lagomar Elamite god

Llyr British sea god

Lugalure Sumerian ruler of Second Erech

Mont Egyptian war god of the nome of Hermonthis

MAGOG (10:2) [Wind god]

Anubis Egyptian jackal god of the nome of Cynopolis (“Dog City”)

Ayar MancoIncan god

Hurricano Amerindian wind god

Kalibum (“Dog”) Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Kari Amazonian culture hero

Kari Teutonic wind god

Kurum Gutian ruler

Mango-Capac Incan hero god, son of Inti

Menkaure Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty IV

Rudra Iranian wind god

Svantovit Slavic fertility god, son of Svarog

MADAI (10:2)

Agni Indian fire god

Ahura Mazda Iranian god of goodness and light,winning duelist at Aratta

Chipiapoos Algonquian god of the dead

Logi Teutonic fire god

Mashda Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Pachacamac Incan son of Inti

Svarogich Slavic fire god, son of Svarog

JAVAN (10:2)

Brân Welsh son of Llyr

Ibranum Gutian ruler

Redjedef Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty IV


Agilim Hurrian “son” of Kumarbi

Athamas Hellenic father of Phrixus, Melicertes and Helle

Atys Hellenic version of Phrygian god

Bor Teutonic father of god Odin

Bull of the Desert Egyptian god of Xois

Dumuzi the Wild Bull Sumerian god

Eber (10:24) Hebrew son of Shelah

Ebore god of the Yoruba (Nigeria)

Ebrium ruler of Syrian Ebla

Elam (10:22) Hebrew vassal of Shem

Elulumesh Gutian ruler

Fa Yoruba god of fate

Faunus Latin progenitor, son of Picus

Gilgamesh Sumerian ruler of Eanna dynasty

Hotepsekhemwy Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty II

Mbori chief god of the Sudanic Azande

Nabu (Nebo) Babylonian god of prophecy

NuabuAmorite king

Poch Welsh father of Fercos

Samug (Mezsamug) Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Sekhemkhet Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty III

Shemeber (14:2) Hebrew king of Zeboiim

Tamas Indian god of gloom

Volkh Russian hero of the Bogatyri

Yamm Ugaritic son of Tr Il


Aram (10:22) Hebrew vassal of Shem

Aranzah Hurrian “son” of Kumarbi

Bes Egyptian god

Besh Libyan ruler

Car Hellenic eponym of the Carians

Emisee (Esaugetah) Muskhogean creator god

Emsu Amorite king

Esu Yoruba god

Esus Gallic god

Joktan (10:25) Hebrew son of Eber

Khaba Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty III

Khitan Arabian version of Joktan

Kubera (“Ugly Body”) Indian god of wealth in the north

Mael the Tall Welsh hero

Melicertes Hellenic son of Athamas

Melqart Canaanite god

Meskiaggasher Sumerian ruler of First Erech (Eanna)

Mihula Russian hero of the Bogatyri

Odin Teutonic king of the gods

Re-Neb “Re is My Father,” Egyptian Pharaoh of Dynasty II

Tawiskara Iroquoian twin brother and antagonist to Ioskeha

Tin Etruscan god

Tizkar Sumerian ruler of First Kish

TIRAS (10:2)

Nyneter Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty II

Tirigan Gutian ruler

Tyrsenus Hellenic eponym of the Tyrsenoiof Phrygia


Abazu Amorite king

Argandea Sumerian ruler of Second Uruk

Ix Mayan Bacab of the black west,son of Itzamna

Jason Hellenic hero of the Argonautica

Kanati Cherokee hunter god

KwikumatYuman creator god from the sea

Quetzalcoatl Aztec god of priests

Markandeya Indian ruler

Mes-gandeSumerian ruler at Erech in Sumerian Dynasty III period

Pelasgus Hellenic son of first man Inachus

Skan Siouan creator god

Vishnu Indian sustainer god of the Trimurti

Wabasso Algonquin god

Wakanda variant of Wakan-Tanka

Wakan-Tanka Dakotan god

Wash Libyan enemy of Narmer

Yarilo Slavic god

Yarlaganda (Yarlagan) Gutian ruler

Yaşil Kan Altaic son of Bai-Ulgan

RIPHATH (10:3)

Absyrtos son of Aeëtes king of Colchis in Hellenic Argonautica

AdamuAmorite king

Adapa Sumerian sinner of the Myth of Adapa

Adonis Hellenic lover of Aphrodite

Amor- (10:16) Hebrew vassal of Canaan

Asir (Osiris, Usire) Egyptian s. of Geb in the Ennead,god of wine, death, resurrection

Chakekenapok Algonquin god

Daramulun Australian son of Baiame

Dionysus Hellenic Olympian god of wine

Dumuzi-abzu Sumerian god of the abyss, male version

Fufluns Etruscan god of wine

Ibate Gutian ruler

Kara Khan Altaic “Black Prince,” son of KudaiBai Ülgön

= Karşhit Altaic son of Bai-Ulgan

Khasekhem Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty II

Khenti-Amentiu Egyptian version of Asir at Thinis-Abydos

Kikku-siwe-tempti ruler of Awan in Sumerian Dynasty III period

Mictlantecuhtli Aztec god of the underworld

Mulac Mayan “Bacab” god

Olifat Micronesian culture hero

Pathrus- (10:14) Hebrew vassal of Mizraim

Sabazius Thracian god of wine

Sabitum Sumerian father of Arwium of First Kish

Seba (10:7) Hebrew vassal of Cush

Shiva Indian destroyer god of the Trimurti

Shiva Pashupati Dravidian god in India

Tamula Carib god


AnhurEgyptian version of Horus the Elder, nome god of Sebennytos

Bacchus Roman god of wine

Birsha (14:2)king of Gomorrah

Burça KanAltaic son of Bai-Ulgan

Har (Horus the Elder) Egyptian brother of Asir and Seth

Inimbakesh Gutian ruler

Kan Mayan Bacab of the red east,son of Itzamna

Pyrshak KhanAltaic son of Kudai Bai Ülgön

Qalumum Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Sahlamu (Kitlamu) Amorite king

Sokar Egyptian god of the dead

Tuge Sumerian ruler of Second Kish

[unnamed] Cappadocian wine god

Xiuhtecuhtli Aztec “Turquoise Lord,” the “old god” of fire and hearth

ELISHAH (10:4)

Agenor Hellenic son of Poseidon

Aliche Siberian dragon god

Alkhla (Arakho) variant of Aliche

Hela Teutonic son of Loki

Melam-KishSumerian ruler of First Kish

KITT- (10:4)

Cadmus Hellenic son of Agenor

Khetm Egyptian pre-dynastic pharaoh Lugal-kitun Sumerian ruler at Uruk

NangishlishmaSumerian ruler of First Kish


Bahina (Babum) Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Enkidu Sumerian servant of Gilgamesh

Fenris Teutonic “son” of Loki

Lugal-TarsiSumerian ruler of Ur or Uruk inDynasty III period

Phoenix Hellenic son of Agenor


Danaus Hellenic son of Belus son of Poseidon

Jörmagandr Teutonic “son” of Loki

Ro Egyptian pre-dynastic pharaoh

“Rosette Scorpion” Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty 0

Zukakip (“Scorpion”) Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Hamite Section

CUSH (10:6)

Ao-Shun (Baidi,Xuanlong, White, North) Chinese Ocean Dragon Kingof the North (Persian Gulf)

Chernobog Slavic “black god” of evil

Djer Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty I

Enlil Sumerian air god

Hunab-ku Mayan god, “father” of Itzamna

Hyperion Hellenic sun Titan, son of Uranus

Inkishush Gutian ruler

Kane Hawaiian god

Karakuş Altaic “son” of Bai Ulgan

Pan Hellenic shepherd god, son of Olympian Hermes

Quirinus Roman father of Mars

Tane-mehuta Polynesian “Father of Forests,” son of Raki

Tapio Finnish forest god

Tezcatlipoca Aztec god of political sovereignty

Tupan Amazonian god, brother of Guaran,eponym of the Tupi

Vidar Teutonic forest god

Xuthus Hellenic father of Ion, eponym of the Ionians

Yangi Amorite king

MIZRAIM (10:6)

Achaeus Hellenic eponym of the Achaeans

Aka Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Amenominakanushi Japanese first god

Angle Danish eponym of the Angles, brother of Dan

Ao-Jun (Heidi, Bailong, Blk, West) Chinese Ocean Dragon King of the West (Red Sea)

Djet Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty I

Mandaru Amorite king

Mennumna Sumerian ruler of Dynasty III period

Min Egyptian storm god

Mynogan Welsh god

Oceanus Hellenic Ocean Titan

Tabaldak Algonquin creator of Glooskap and Maslum

Tangaroa (Tangaloa) Polynesian god of islands, son of Raki

PHUT (10:6)

Aeolus Hellenic wind god, eponym of the Aeolians

Ao-Chin (Chidi, Zhulong, Red, South) Chinese Ocean Dragon King of the South

(Gulf of Aden)

Dan eponym of the Danes, brother of Angle

Den Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty I

Enlil-gi Sumerian ruler at Umma in Dynasty III period

Iae Amazonian god

Iapetus Hellenic Titan, son of Uranus

Imta Gutian ruler

Nanabozho (Manabush) Algonquian rabbit god

Pu-AnnumSumerian ruler of First Kish

Stribog Slavic wind god

Tawhiri-matea Polynesian god, son of Raki

Un Egyptian rabbit god of Hermopolis Magna, son of Zehuti

Xolotl Aztec god

Yacatecuhtli Aztec god of commerce


Aiomun-Kondi Arawak god

An Sumerian heaven god

Anedjib Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty I

Anu Akkadian heaven god in the Marduk Epic

Anu Hurrian heaven god, antagonist of Alalu and Kumarbi

Ao-Kwang (Cangdi, Qinglong, Blue, East) Chinese Ocean Dragon King of the East (Arabian Sea)

Byelobog Slavic “white god” of good

Cronus Hellenic Titan son of Uranus; father of Olympians Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus

Chakekenapok Algonquian god

Dorus Hellenic eponym of the Dorians

Farbauti (“Fierce Striker”) Teutonic father of Loki

Guaran god of the Amazonian Guarani,“Warrior” (in Spanish), brother of Tupan

Gunidu Sumerian father of Lagashite Ur-Nanshe

Huitzilopochtli Aztec war god

Ilku Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Ku Hawaiian war god

Tan-Gun founder of Korean dynasty(through grandson Akurgal)

Tirawa Pawnee creator god

Tudia founder of the Amorite dynasty

Tue Teutonic war god

Tu-matuenga Polynesian war god, son of Raki

SEBA (10:7) See entry on RIPHATH.

HAVILAH II See entry on HAM. (10:7)

SABTAH (10:7)

Arwium Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Ganesha Indian elephant god, son of Shiva and Parvati

Harsu Amorite king

Harsiesis Egyptian Horus the Younger,son of Osiris and Isis

Karşit Altaic “son” of Bai Ulgan

Lugal-Kingineshdudu Sumerian ruler at Ur or Uruk inDynasty III period

Sopdu Egyptian god of Per-Sopd in Lower Egypt

RAAMAH See entry on SHEM (10:7)


Akki tutor of Sargon in Akkadian Legend of Sargon

Aurva Indian fire tutor of Sagara

Bhrigu Indian priest of fire

Caradawg Welsh “son” of Brân

Cernunnus Gallic horned god

Fergus (Fercos) insular Celtic mythological king

Frey (Fricco) Teutonic god

Gulla-Nidaba-annapad Sumerian ruler of First Kish, titled “He Rules Them All”

Gira variant of Irra

Giraitis Lithuanian hunting god

Hephaestus Hellenic Olympian smith god of fire

Hiv- (10:17) Hebrew vassal of Canaan

Iltasadum Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Ioskeha Iroquoian stag-antlered creator god

Irra Akkadian god of fire

Karaduku Andamese crocodile god, variant form of Puluga

Kingu Akkadian ally of Tiamat, antagonist of Marduk in Marduk Epic

Kulassina-ib-‘el variant of Gulla-Nidaba-annapad

Latinus Roman eponym of the Latini in the line of Saturnus, Picus and Faunus

Lugalannemundu Sumerian ruler of Adab in the Dynasty III period

Lud (10:22) Hebrew vassal of Shem

Lydus Hellenic-Phrygian eponym of the Lydians, son of Atys

Nergal Sumerian god of the underworld, commonly identified with Irra

Peleg (10:25) Hebrew son of Eber

Peli Elamite ruler of Awan in the Sumerian Dynasty III period

Perkuna Prussian storm god

Phrixus Hellenic son of Athamas, brother of Melicertes

Pillan volcano god of the Auca

Prometheus Hellenic Titan, son of Iapetus

Puluga Andamese god of the northeast wind,ruler of northeastern half of mankind

Purugin Indian father of Sagara

Puru Kan Altaic “son” of Bai Ulgan

Resheph Canaanite god of destruction

Shiva Pashupati Dravidian god in India, depicted in same posture as Cernunnus

Sobek (Sobdek) Egyptian crocodile nome god of Crocodilopolis

Ur-lugal Sumerian ruler of First Uruk (Eanna)

Telipinu Hittite secondary storm god

Tessub Hurrian storm god, “son” of Kumarbi

VulcanRoman volcano-fire-smith god

The relationship between Peleg-Caradawg and his feudal father Brân calls for comment. Brân is the Welsh version of Japheth’s son Javan; and Caradawg, a version of Peleg-Sabtecah with a name derived from the Andamese word for a crocodile Karaduku, identifying him with the Egyptian crocodile god Sobdek or Sobek. Because Peleg became one of the four horsemen of the Teutates panel and died in the Battle of Teutates, a logical conclusion is that the four horsemen were sworn as vassals by Javan to compensate him for the loss of his four vassals of 10:4, slain in the Battle of Metelis.

Thus for a brief time at least, Javan became the feudal lord of Arphaxad I-Taranis, Eber, Peleg-Cernunnus and Joktan-Esus. These feudal relationships followed from Eber and Joktan’s vassalage to Javan’s grandfather Japheth as Tubal and Meshech. Kurdistan is the result of their allied victory in the Battle of Teutates.

SHEBA II (10:7) See entry on JAPHETH.

DEDAN See entry on NOAH. (10:7)

NIMROD See entry on ASSHUR. (10:8)

ZUD- (10:13)

Eryx Hellenic son of Poseidon andAphrodite

Shushuntarana ruler of Awan in Dynasty III period

Sosondowah Iroquoian hunting god

Susanowo Japanese storm god, son ofIzanagi

Susuda Sumerian ruler of Kish in Dynasty II period

ANAM- (10:13)

Amaterasu Japanese sun goddess, daughter of Izanagi

Ananda-Devi (Anata-Thewi) Austroasiatic goddess

Ma’at Egyptian goddess of truth

LEHAB- See entry on NOAH. (10:13)


Anath Ugaritic goddess, sister wife ofBal and daughter of Dagan

Bau Sumerian goddess

Hamath- (10:18) Hebrew vassal of Canaan

Hera Hellenic Olympian queen goddess,wife of Zeus

Juno Roman version of Hera

Nephthys Egyptian goddess of the Ennead,wife of Asir and daughter of Geband NutNinmar Sumerian goddess, daughter of Nanshe

Saraswati Indian goddess

PATHRUS- See entry on RIPHATH. (10:14)

MASLUH- See entry on JAPHETH. (10:14)

PHILIST- (10:14)

Beli the Great Welsh son of Mynogan

Bile variant of Beli

Býleistr (“Squallraiser”) Norse brother of Loki and Helblindi

Loki’s father Farbauti is Mizraim’s brother Canaan, not Mizraim himself. In this case Norse mythology treats the sons of Ham as collective body of “giants” equivalent to the Hamite Titans of Hellenic tradition.

CAPHTOR- (10:14)

DônWelsh daughter of Mynogan,sister of Beli the

Great Selkhet, Egyptian scorpion goddess

[unnamed] Cretan serpent goddess

SIDON (10:15)

Ea (Nudimmud) Akkadian sea god of wisdom

Enki Sumerian sea god of wisdom

Enmenunna Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Gudea Sumerian governor of Lagash

Izanagi Japanese father of Susanowo and Amaterasu

Ka-ap Egyptian pre-dynastic pharaoh at Thinis

Kalbum Sumerian ruler of Kish in Dynasty III period

Karibu (Ea)

Kasyapa Indian sage, father of Surya by Diti

Kothar-wa-khasis Ugaritic god of wisdom

Loki Teutonic trickster god

Pah Pawnee moon god, husband of Shakuru, a Sun Goddess.

Poseidon Hellenic Olympian sea god

Ptah Egyptian god of wisdom, lord of Caphtor-Crete

Sanakhte Egyptian founder of Dynasty III

Sint-Holo Muskhogean god of languages and writing, invisible horned serpent

Tasmisu Hittite god

The identification of Ea, Enki, Kothar-wa-khasis and Ptah is traditional among scholars. Instead of referring these names to a single human being as I do, conventional scholars explain these wisdom gods as the result of cross-cultural religious influence. The sequence from Caphtor, last of the Mizraim clan, and Sidon, first of the Canaanite, is meaningful in itself. As Egyptian Ptah, Sidon claims imperium over Caphtor-Crete just as Sidon-Poseidon claims imperium over the Mediterranean from the port of Sidon westward. The Hellenes accurately sourced the all-important family of Poseidon and Libya— the Javanites— in Phoenicia. Waddell claims to source the Brythonic Celts of Mynogan, Beli and Dôn in Phoenicia. The identification of Sint-Holo is based solely on attribute.

HETH (10:15)

.Er-Lang Chinese nephew of Jade Emperor

Hades Hellenic Olympian god of the .underworld, brother of Poseidon

Hedammu Hurrian sea monster, “son” of Kumarbi

Lang Thai war god

Oman Amazonian god

Ur-Nanshe Sumerian founder of Lagashite

Dynasty in Dynasty III period

Er-Lang’s relationship to Arphaxad I (Jade Emperor) is explained by identifying Heth’s father Canaan, Arphaxad’s brother-in-law, as his “brother.” In the Hurrian Song of Hedammu, Heth is pictured as a sea monster consistent with his fathering the “eleven monsters” of the Marduk Epic, given the hostile reputation of Lagash and Waddell’s view that Ur-Nanshe and his family became masters of the sea. One of the Altaic “sons” of Bai Ulgan, Er-Kanim, suggests a form Ur-Kanym, based on the Altaic name of Bai Ulgan’s wife Kanym— Mahadevi wife of Noah. Mahadevi was Heth’s mother by Canaan.

JEBUS- See entry on SHEM.


AMOR- See entry on RIPHATH.


GIRGASH- See entry on HAM.


HIV- See entry on SABTECAH.


ARK- See entry on GETHER.


SIN- Amentet Egyptian goddess of the Libyan nome

(10:1) Ceres Roman version of Demeter

Demeter Hellenic Olympian goddess of grain

Lakshmi Indian goddess

ARVAD- AphroditeHellenic Olympian goddess of love, lover of Adonis


Isa (Isis) Egyptian sister-wife of Asir in the Ennead, amagician

Medea daughter of Colchian King Aeëtes inthe Argonautica, a magician

Parvati Indian goddess, lover of Shiva

Venus Roman version of Aphrodite


.Ganga Indian goddess of the Ganges

(10:18) Hestia Hellenic Olympian goddess

of virginity

Neith Egyptian goddess of virginity

at Sais

Tefnut Egyptian lioness goddess, sister wife

of Shu

Vesta Roman version of Hestia

Zemyna Baltic earth goddess, daughter

of Menulis

HAMATH- See entry on NAPHTUH-.


Shemite Section

ELAM See entry on TUBAL.



Ahriman Iranian god of evil, losing duelistin theUruk-Aratta War

Amun Re Egyptian sun god of Wazet (Thebes)in Upper Egypt

Ashur Assyrian god of war

Huni Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty III

Helius Hellenic “Sun,” son of Hyperion at Rhodes

Hoenir Teutonic god

Ion Hellenic son of Xuthus, eponym of Ionians

Mars Roman god of war

Nimrod (10:8) Hebrew son of Cush

Ningirsu Sumerian god, version of Ninurtaat Lagash

Ninib Assyrian version of Ninurta

Ninurta Sumerian war god

Olorun sky god of the Yoruba

Orion Hellenic Titan mighty hunter at Chios

Reu (11:18) Hebrew “son” of Peleg

Sagara Indian king of the solar lineof Ayodhya

Sargon Akkadian ruler, founder of the Akkadian Dynasty

Utulkalamma Sumerian ruler of Eanna Dynasty

Varuna Indian captor god

The close parallel between Nimrod and Asshur in 10:10-11 identifies both names with Sargon. As Asshur, Nimrod founded Nineveh at some time during his Akkadian 56 years. The reappearance of the name Sargon among Assyrian rulers makes the point as does the continuity of Akkadian and Assyrian traditions. An internet source identifies two Asyrian kings Ushpiya and Apiashal as reigning in the period of Akkadian dominance. In view of Ahriman’s equation with evil in the Aryan tradition, note Waddell’s view that the Indians took their word for a demon, ashura, from the cruel example of the Assyrians prior to the Indian exodus from Cappadocia to Gangetic India.


Amraphel (14:1) Hebrew king of Shinar (Sumer)


Ares Hellenic Olympian god of war

Asalluhe Sumerian version of Marduk

Babilos (Bubilas) Balto-Slavic bee god

Barsalnunna Sumerian ruler of First Kish

[bee] of Hannahanna Hittite finder of Telipinus

Belu Amorite king

Belus Hellenic son of Poseidon

Buri Teutonic grandfather of Odi

Daksha II Indian grandson of Daksha I

Diklah (10:27) Hebrew vassal of Joktan

Djoser Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty III

Horus Neterirykhet Horus name of Djoser

Ilus Hellenic-Phrygian grandson

.of Dardanus, same as Tros

Kazalu Hurrian “son” of Kumarbi

Lugalbanda Sumerian ruler of Eanna Dynasty,

hero of Erechite victory over Aratta

Lutpan Il variant of Tr Il

Marduk (Bel) Akkadian creator god, hero

of victory over Tiamat and Kingu

Neuserre Egyptian pharaoh of Dynasty V

NefertumEgyptian god of Memphis

Picus “Woodpecker,” Roman son of Saturnus, .father of Faunus

Rugievit Eight-faced, eight-sword Baltic god

Shelah (10:24) Hebrew heir of Arphaxad I

Shulme Gutian ruler

Surya Indian sun god

Tr Il Ugaritic god, father of

Yamm, Athtar and Mot

Tros Hellenic-Phrygian grandson

of Dardanus, same as Ilus

Tukla Prussian god of good fortune

Utuhegal Sumerian founder of Fifth Uruk Dynasty

LUD (10:22) See entry on SABTECAH.

ARAM (10:22) See entry on MESHECH.

UZ (10:23) Human Elamite god

Magni Teutonic son of Thor

Martu Sumerian god

Martu Canaanite god

Scythes Hellenic son of Herakles

Umman Assyrian god

Unzi Sumerian ruler at Akshak

HUL (10:23) Hullr Teutonic son of Thor

Hyllus Hellenic son of Herakles

Kemur Egyptian “Black Bull” of Athribis

Khaldi chief god of the Urartians

Meskalamdug Sumerian inscriptional ruler of Ur

Note how well the Egyptian name Kemur, “Black Bull,” fits the thicknecked, Negroid image of the Olmecs as sampled in San Lorenzo Head 6 displayed in Chapter Ten.

GETHER Agathyrsus Hellenic son of Herakles

(10:23) Arcas Hellenic son of Zeus

Ark (10:17) Hebrew vassal of Canaan

Arcturus (“King Arthur”) Welsh legendary king

Gaur Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Igeshaush Gutian ruler

Ur-Zababa Sumerian ruler of Fourth Kish

MASH Madhe Teutonic son of Thor

(10:23) Maskakatu Sumerian ruler of First Kish

Math Syrian god

Math Welsh son of Mathonwy
ALL the following are-can be downloaded free-

Some of the best "older" books research on COMPARATIVE MYTHOLOGY Are - foundations to Alexander Hislop, are these. (Hislop gets a lot of his identifications for Nimrod from Algernon Herbert in "NIMROD", 1828 and earlier pub dates. OTHER researchers into comparative etymology and mythology are:

Dr. John D. Pilkey: origin of the Nations, Noah's family Speaks, Kingship At Its Source, Postdiluvian Timeline, Mesopotamian Timeline, and 3 other titles; OTHER older Titles:
Andrew Ramsey 1779; Antoine Banier- Myth and Fables of the Ancients 1739; Sir William Jones- Asiatic Researches 1770s; JACOB BRYANT New Analysis of Mythology 1790s; Thomas Burnett Sacred theory of the earth 1719; George Stanley Faber- Origin of Pagan Idolatry 1800s; ALGERNON HERBERT "NIMROD" 1828 ed.; SAMUEL SHUCKFORD-1848 Sacred and Profane History; THOMAS BLACKWELL 1748 Letters Concerning Myth; and L.A. WADDELL- makers or Race and Civil.

THE BEST comparative etymology books can be had by KEY WORD SEARCHES for:
"SUMERIAN compared to Chinese, ... to Turkic languages - to Indo-European Languages- to Dravidian-Tamil- to Indus Writing, etc,.. LOLOL, Sumerian seems to be attached to and the prototype to just about all other lang groups, BUT etymologists say, it is an ISOLATE language and has no affinity to other languages. Well, it is a separate Isolate, BUT other L. groups house many LONE WORDS FROM Sumerian or at least share similar roots.

Dr. John Pilkey's works are on Amazon and thru portal,
Contact me for free PDFs.

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