presence( a)



The Greek word from which "presence" is translated is pa·rou·si´a, formed from pa·ra´ (alongside) and ou·si´a (being; derived from ei·mi´, meaning "be"). Hence, pa·rou·si´a means, literally, "being alongside," that is, a "presence." It is used 24 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures, frequently with regard to the presence of Christ in connection with his Messianic Kingdom.—Mt 24:3; ..............yes ,Jesus is now a reigning king in heaven ,and he was made king of Gods heavenly kingdom goverment in 1914 inline with bible prophecy and chronology. Daniel 2;44 Daniel 7;13-14 and since that time we have been living in the PRESENCE of the son of man.

Presence (Parousia)

Mt 24:3—Gr., το σημειον της σης παρουσίας
Our study of Jesus’ presence should have a direct bearing on our life and our expectations. Jesus urged his followers to stay alert. He provided a sign so that his presence could be recognized, though most would take no note: "As the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be."—Matthew 24:37-39............yes ,people take no note of the presence of the son of man, its all happening in this time of the end ,Jesus has recieved the kingship in the heavenly kingdom goverment and the signs that Jesus spoke about are all happening . many confuse the word presence, with the word coming. how we respond to the presence of the son of man will effect our outcome as to weather we come through the great tribulation or not.

The Greek word from which "presence" is translated is pa·rou·si´a, formed from pa·ra´ (alongside) and ou·si´a (being; derived from ei·mi´, meaning "be"). Hence, pa·rou·si´a means, literally, "being alongside," that is, a "presence." It is used 24 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures, frequently with regard to the presence of Christ in connection with his Messianic Kingdom.—Mt 24:3; ..............yes ,Jesus is now a reigning king in heaven ,and he was made king of Gods heavenly kingdom goverment in 1914 inline with bible prophecy and chronology. Daniel 2;44 Daniel 7;13-14 and since that time we have been living in the PRESENCE of the son of man.

Presence (Parousia)
Mt 24:3—Gr., το σημειον της σης παρουσίας
Our study of Jesus’ presence should have a direct bearing on our life and our expectations. Jesus urged his followers to stay alert. He provided a sign so that his presence could be recognized, though most would take no note: "As the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be."—Matthew 24:37-39............yes ,people take no note of the presence of the son of man, its all happening in this time of the end ,Jesus has recieved the kingship in the heavenly kingdom goverment and the signs that Jesus spoke about are all happening . many confuse the word presence, with the word coming. how we respond to the presence of the son of man will effect our outcome as to weather we come through the great tribulation or not.

also means, "same as"...;)
also means, "same as"...;)
Many translations vary their renderings of this word. While translating pa·rou·si´a as "presence" in some texts, they more frequently render it as "coming." This has been the basis for the expression "second coming" or "second advent" (adventus ["advent" or "coming"] being the Latin Vulgate translation of pa·rou·si´a at Mt 24:3) with regard to Christ Jesus. While Jesus’ presence of necessity implies his arrival at the place where he is present, the translation of pa·rou·si´a by "coming" places all the emphasis on the arrival and obscures the subsequent presence that follows the arrival. Though allowing for both "arrival" and "presence" as translations of pa·rou·si´a, lexicographers generally acknowledge that the presence of the person is the principal idea conveyed by the word. and Jesus was right when he compared his presence with the days of noah , because no one took any note of the warning in noahs day ,and it is the same today people do not take any note of the signs of Jesus presence.they go along with their way of living and take no note .