Barack Obama


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Sorry to kind of restrict this to Americans. Of course, anyone can respond but maybe noone else has much interest. :D

There's a politician that I'm really impressed with. And this from someone who hates politics and hates politicians because of the shocking dishonesty and self-serving BS that's been inherent to the US system for some time now. This politician is Barack Obama, a current senator from Illinois. He's pretty famous with some people, I've heard some news program call him a rock star - and so he is! A lot of people seem to connect with his bipartisan ideas and the desire to return the government to one that seeks the best for the people and not the richest campaign donor.

But anyway, I'd like to hear what people think, if you have the time. In addition to that, I'd like to get the word out, because obviously, I think pretty highly of him. It is also to the benefit of any American to learn a bit about him because if he's not running for Prez in '08 (as yet, publicly undecided), I would bet that he's at least on the ticket.

So here's the speech that made him famous, the DNC keynote from 2004. It's 17 mins long, I think, divided between two youtube vids. But it shows who this man is and it's definitely worth the watch. It won't seem like 17 mins. :)

Part 1

Part 2
warning cynic alert....

He is the rising rock star of the Democratic Party, he is being groomed for a presidential bid. He is well spoken, already proving to be a consumate politician. Unfortuneately this to me means actor. Clinton and Reagan, were great actors, Bush and Carter, lousy actors.

I would like to think he is more than a smoke and mirrors...but again the BS alarm seems strong. It'll be interesting in 2008 will he support the Clinton bid? Or will the party put him in the fray against it...and how ugly will that get?

I'd like him a lot better if he were unaffiliated with the Republicrats and didn't have a machine behind him...
Hey wil--

I was waiting for your alert. I knew it was coming! I'm kind of sitting back, watching on this one, too. You know--sounds too good to be true? But if it is, the Demoblicans might have a good run at things. Too early to predict a Clinton/Obama ticket, or vice-versa?

(Edited to add: Besides, Obama rhymes with Osama--just think of the campaign ad possibilities.:D)

Hey wil--

I was waiting for your alert. I knew it was coming! I'm kind of sitting back, watching on this one, too. You know--sounds too good to be true? But if it is, the Demoblicans might have a good run at things. Too early to predict a Clinton/Obama ticket, or vice-versa?
I'm so transparent...

I currently see no likelyhood for those to powerhouses to join forces. This to me is the biggest miss of the political machines. An Obama/Clinton ticket would win (I think she is un-electable despite the polls). But then 2012 a Clinton/Obama ticket could easily win...all the time grooming another candidate in a cabinet post...and the flip back with an Obama/newbie ticket...this could roll for years as a dynasty...

Today politics is name recognition...that is all movie stars, wrestlers etc. have going for them and they get elected...
Well, that something seems too good to be true does not mean that it is. I suggest reading Obama's books before coming to these conclusions about him. 'Dreams from My Father' was written when he was a college student and shows the kind of life he has led and just maybe that he's not a stooge of politics. 'The Audacity of Hope' is a much more recent thing and addresses his political views. Good read.
Hi sara(h)

I just want to let you know that I was not knocking Obama. I am just waiting and watching. Actually, from what I know about him, I do hold out a bit of hope. I hope he really is what he appears to be, and if so, I hope he continues.

Namaste Sara(h)ing,

I hear you and will give him a read. It just isn't often that anyone can come out of that den of lions unscathed.

Yes, Obama, you've got a great notion there, and I applaud you for it, and I'll be glad to cosponsor/vote for/support your bill...if you'll just take a look at this over here. You do know that what it takes to get a bill out of committee don't you son? Lets finish this 18, and after the sauna will talk about it on the jet back home...