The Ashes


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Is anyone here following the cricket? I'm reading about in the newspaper but it's not on TV over here. Anyone watch the first test? What went wrong? Are you able to cheer me up with news that England will bounce back?
Hi Cav:

Try tuning in to the BBC world service overnight. I'm sure that you can pick it up there from Hong Kong etc. They have regular and extensive updates on world cricket and football all night long. Bet their website has it also.

Will do, it's the daytime here though. I'm also really contemplating getting some foreign satelite service, radio is good, but TV is better.

I guess I already know the answer but, are you interested in the cricket?
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lol... I LOVE how they try and "hype" such a slow and dull game... You seen the tv adverts? I nearly wet myself with laughter watching them...

Making it like WWE Wrestling adverts! Flashes! Explosions! Fire! Noise!! ARRRGH! Quick rapid moving colours... Then! Some cricket players rise from the ashes!!! Why try to 'reach out' to a younger generation or younger audience.. They may get fooled by the tv adverts but when they watch the game there will be quick turning of the channel...

Doesn't cricket last a whoooooole day? And some cases a game can be a week... a freaking week long? I would like to introduce timer grenades to the game instead of cricket balls... and more fielders... The more fielders the batsman can destroy the more points to the score for his team... I'd watch that!
Now, the longest games last 5 days. Even after all that time there regularly isn't a winner. Originally games just went on until there was a winner, games lasted 9 days or more.
I love the five day game. It's great to see the mental strategy extended over a longer period of time. I also enjoy the fact that teams can do badly, terribly even, but still a chance to recover.

Out of curiosity 17th, where are you from England or America?
Now, the longest games last 5 days. Even after all that time there regularly isn't a winner. Originally games just went on until there was a winner, games lasted 9 days or more.
I love the five day game. It's great to see the mental strategy extended over a longer period of time. I also enjoy the fact that teams can do badly, terribly even, but still a chance to recover.

Out of curiosity 17th, where are you from England or America?

Nine days!? Ugh... I'd end up going crazy and attacking people with my bat...

It's a "special" situation... I am adopted :D Live in England, have done all my life. But I have canuck blood... Fear. :D my blood craves for Ice hockey/Moose hunting and kraft dinner.... :\
I don't know what to say, as bad as we've been, and even with the idiocy of not picking Panesar for the first two tests, you've got to take your hats off to the Aussies, they're a great team.
Thanks for the link, but watching that kills me.
Maybe I'll give it a bash for the next test.