Chinese Language

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Hi all,
Is anybody here fluent in writing chinese please? (cantoneese & mandarin) I have some words I need translating and I have found some stuff on the net for them but I would like to have them clarified by a native speaker as well if possible. Many thanks.
Hi all,
Is anybody here fluent in writing chinese please? (cantoneese & mandarin) I have some words I need translating and I have found some stuff on the net for them but I would like to have them clarified by a native speaker as well if possible. Many thanks.

I am a native Chinese ,I can help can feel kindly to send mail to me: be your friend.
Many thanks for your kind offer of help. Can you send me a picture please for how "mother" would be writen in cantonese? full version and simplified version would be great. Also, if possible the same in mandarin. Do you know anybody that can write tibetan or sanskrit as I would like "mother" translated in these languages too. Thanks again for your help.
Many thanks for your kind offer of help. Can you send me a picture please for how "mother" would be writen in cantonese? full version and simplified version would be great. Also, if possible the same in mandarin. Do you know anybody that can write tibetan or sanskrit as I would like "mother" translated in these languages too. Thanks again for your help.

Getting a tattoo eh? But want to pick the most appealing character(s)? I can write Kanji.... (Japanese.)
I was thinking of japanese once but they tortured, killed and brutality treated alot of british POW's during the war so I chose against it. I know all countries have their tainted history though :-(
Hi Penguin:
In Chinese language,the "mother" word can be wrotern as "母亲"
both in Cantonese and mandarin in China.the difference between
Cantonese and mandarin is only on pronunciation."母亲" (mother) is a
formal usage.and the oral language is"妈妈",equal to "Mom" in English.
we usually use "妈妈".
"妈妈" or"母亲" is used in mainland China,included
Beijing,Shanghai and Canton,etc. they are Chinese simplified
on the other hand."媽媽"(Mom) or"母親"(mother) is used by
Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan,which are Chinese traditional characters.
I don't know whether you understand?

By the way, It is said that Japanese stealled our Chinese the Kanji are very similar with Chinese,but much
more different. They envy our Chinese flourishing and great culture.
So they invaded our country when we are weakness,especially during
1937-1945,the Japanese militarists and fascists killed millions and
thousands of Chinese people.they made monstrous crimes to Chinese People.
It is really really inhuman.
However .now everything had gone,we all Chinese consider that is not the faults of Japanese common people ,but Japanese militarists and fascists that time.China is a friendly and peaceful country from ancient to now. I just hope The Japanese can envisage history,just like German, having a good peccaries attitude. Do not hurt the feelings of Chinese any more.
we hope the world can be peaceful forever!
妈妈(Mom) 母亲(Mother)----simplified
媽媽(Mom) 母親(Mother)----traditional

I was thinking of japanese once but they tortured, killed and brutality treated alot of british POW's during the war so I chose against it. I know all countries have their tainted history though :-(

Yeah... Because the English never tortured and killed their prisoners... They have always been most civil towards the enemy.... :rolleyes:
China is a friendly and peaceful country from ancient to now. ...
we hope the world can be peaceful forever!
Living in Taiwan, an island targeted by more than 700 Chinese ballistic missiles, I find this a little hard to take.
As is know to all, Taiwan,the island is part of China,which can never be
permitted to infringe by any other country,any body who attempt to
separate it from China.
Because of history,China could not take back her children Hongkong.Macao and Taiwan when she founded in we have taken Hongkong,Macao back by peaceful measures successfully.especially,own to the great conceive of "one country,two systems".
now,Taiwan problem is just the internal affairs of China.In order that
China was not ravaged by other powerful countries any more.we belive that we can and have to take Taiwan to the mother's bosom by peaceful measures.even by force at last.
As is know to all, Taiwan,the island is part of China,
You are aware that this is nothing more than Chinese propoganda. There are actually a hell of a lot of people in the world who believe (rightly or wrongly) that Taiwan is a fully independent country.
The truth of the matter is that the legality of Taiwan's independence is debatable.
Certainly using the theory of popular sovereignty, Taiwan should be self determined. 57% of people here regard themselves as Taiwanese rather than Chinese, and an even greater number would reject any form of governance from Beijing.

Comparing Taiwan with Hong Kong and Macau is absurd, they are two completely different cases. While the people in Hong Kong and Macau were always basically Chinese, with much in common with those in the PRC, The Taiwanese are a different race, with a different history and traditions.

lanyunsky said:
now,Taiwan problem is just the internal affairs of China.
If this were really true then why would it always be issue No.1 when President Hu meets President Bush? Why are you always looking for Bush to rebuke Chen Shui Bian?
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Pardon the interruption--just want to say "Hi, cav!" Glad to see you around. (InLove knows little about this conversation, so off she goes, wishing she could contribute to a very interesting discourse.)

"There are actually a hell of a lot of people in the world who believe (rightly or wrongly) that Taiwan is a fully independent country."? That is
very absurd. Do you know how many countries recognize Taiwan as a independent country?Only a handful of nations recognize Taiwan (24 at the start of 2006)as a independent country, mostly in Central America and Africa. These countries are all small and less development,which received lots of money from Taiwan authority,and then they recognize Taiwan as a independent country.however no big and powerful nation(include USA) recognize Taiwan as a coutnry. There are only one China in the world!
. While the people in Hong Kong and Macau were always basically Chinese, with much in common with those in the PRC, The Taiwanese are a different race, with a different history and traditions.

If this were really true then why would it always be issue No.1 when President Hu meets President Bush? Why are you always looking for Bush to rebuke Chen Shui Bian?
The Taiwan problem is a result of the Chinese Civil War which ended in 1949. The Chinese Nationalist Party, Kuomintang (KMT), were defeated by the Chinese Communist Party. Fleeing to Taiwan they re-established their Republic of China (ROC) government in Taipei. In mainland China, the Communists established the People's Republic of China (PRC). In essence there were two "China"s, the ROC, and the PRC. Neither side accepted the legitimacy of the other however, and both claimed sovereignty over both Taiwan and mainland China.
So the PRC and ROC people are both Chinese. understand?now times are different ,it's time to solve the internal order for both The Chinese Nationalist Party and the Chinese Communist order to unify ,we also have to search for international cooperation!
Okay. Hello lanyunsky. I was so enjoying your interpretations--the idea that someone would actually come in here and help Penguin.

What happened?

This is now about Taiwan? Why wouldn't you think that Taiwan can be free, and China can still be great. I guess I just don't understand.

I am not the brightest star in the political science class.

"There are actually a hell of a lot of people in the world who believe (rightly or wrongly) that Taiwan is a fully independent country."? That is
very absurd. Do you know how many countries recognize Taiwan as a independent country?
This is actually a different issue. You stated earlier that everyone knew that Taiwan was part of China, "everyone" would refer to people, not nations.
lanyunsky said:
Only a handful of nations recognize Taiwan (24 at the start of 2006)as a independent country, mostly in Central America and Africa. These countries are all small and less development,which received lots of money from Taiwan authority,
I have to laugh at this display of what must be either ignorance or hypocrisy. I ask if you are unaware of, or are choosing to ignore China's history of chequebook diplomacy?
lanyunsky said:
however no big and powerful nation(include USA) recognize Taiwan as a coutnry.
What people know, and what governments are strong armed into saying are two very different things.
The Taiwan problem is a result of the Chinese Civil War which ended in 1949. The Chinese Nationalist Party, Kuomintang (KMT), were defeated by the Chinese Communist Party. Fleeing to Taiwan they re-established their Republic of China (ROC) government in Taipei. In mainland China, the Communists established the People's Republic of China (PRC). In essence there were two "China"s, the ROC, and the PRC. Neither side accepted the legitimacy of the other however, and both claimed sovereignty over both Taiwan and mainland China.
So the PRC and ROC people are both Chinese. understand?
Thank you, I understand the situation very well. Indeed it would appear that I understand it better than you. What you need to understand is that not everyone in Taiwan is descended from those who came here 1949. The vast majority are the descendants of those who came here in the 17th century. To regard those people as Chinese would be the same as regarding Australians as English and Irish, or Americans as largely European.
lanyunsky said:
it's time to solve the internal order for both The Chinese Nationalist Party and the Chinese Communist Party.
Again this is misguided thinkng. It might be a difficult concept for you to grasp but Taiwan is no longer a one-party state. Not only that, but the Kuomintang have lost the last two Presidential elections here. In order to resolve the Taiwan situation the CCP will have to do more than just deal with the KMT.
Okay. Hello lanyunsky. I was so enjoying your interpretations--the idea that someone would actually come in here and help Penguin.

What happened?

This is now about Taiwan? Why wouldn't you think that Taiwan can be free, and China can still be great. I guess I just don't understand.

I am not the brightest star in the political science class.


Thanks for you to talk with me.the fact is like this. I first to come here, just to help Penguin,from Uk,who want to know how "mother" was writen in Chinese. and he/she ever considered in japanese how the word "mother" can be writen.but because the Japanese army had a bad attitude towards the British army he chose against it. so,I support Penguin,and I said that China is a peaceful country.but China was invaded by Japanese. however Cavalier said China does not love Peace.and then we start to debate.
China was invaded by many nations in recent history,just because we are order not to invaded by other nations any more.we should build our nation more strongger. now Germany is a developted nation, because they unify the west Germany and the east Germany.China now is also a developing country,there are still lots of poor people. So we just want to uify Tianwan and Mainland
to build flourishing nation. just so so.
In fact ,I also don't know much about politics.and my English is poor. so If I speak something wrong,please correct me.
and this weekend belongs to Christmas. hope you can have a nice Christmas!

Merry Chirstams! enjoy yourself. also Cavalier .
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