Birth of the Baha'u'llah

"Secondly, as regards the Iran government, I have no concern with them.
They do not justify my actions and I do not justify theirs."

That weasled again, Imran. I asked if you SUPPORTED and believed their actions were proper.

"Secondly, as regards the Iran government, I have no concern with them.
They do not justify my actions and I do not justify theirs."
That weasled again, Imran. I asked if you SUPPORTED and believed their actions were proper.

You wanted a response, you got it. I have said time and again, why the Iranian government, I have never made a comment about any government. I get responses on my web site asking me to write an article condemning this and that. I never do that and I can assure you that I will never do that ever. Actions of government, whether positive or negative are not my focus area.

You wanted a response, you got it. I have said time and again, why the Iranian government, I have never made a comment about any government. I get responses on my web site asking me to write an article condemning this and that. I never do that and I can assure you that I will never do that ever. Actions of government, whether positive or negative are not my focus area.


Then why should I continue to discuss this with you? If it's your ball and your court and your referee?
Then why should I continue to discuss this with you? If it's your ball and your court and your referee?

Is not my court or my ball and I am definitely not the referee. I could put the same argument to you as well.

My focus is belief and not politics. Dont let this issue come in the way of what could be a very enlightening and interesting discussion.

Is not my court or my ball and I am definitely not the referee. I could put the same argument to you as well.

My focus is belief and not politics. Dont let this issue come in the way of what could be a very enlightening and interesting discussion.


Tippy-tippy-tap-tap, tippy-tippy-tap-tap. tippy-tippy-tippy-tippy-tap. You need to learn a new combination for those not so shiny tap shoes.

Hi Scott:

Many thanks to you and your friend for the reference. It is in the footnote of Behar vol 38, page 278.

In an earlier post, you had mentioned that this tradition is a fulfilment of the prophecy of the Mahdi since Bab and Bahaullah were separated by 2 years in BIRTH. This inference is not correct.

Firstly, the tradition is from Imam Ali which clearly indicates the difference of two years in the age of the Holy Prophet and Imam Ali. Allamah Majlisi in the same footnote mentions that the age of the Holy Prophet was 66 and that of Imam Ali at the time of his martyrdom was 64. It is an acknowledged fact that the Holy Prophet and Imam Ali at their time of their DEATH were apart in age by 2 years.

So if this tradition were to be applicable to Bab and Bahaullah as the measures are different - one is about being seperated by 2 years in birth - the other is being separated by 2 years in age. In fact the measure of being separated by age does not apply to Bab and Bahaullah for the difference in their ages was more than 2 years (Bab died early, while Bahaullah lived much longer).

Secondly, nowhere does the tradition mention that it is a prophecy for the Mahdi. Even Allamah Majlisi clarifies that it is an explanation to the difference in the ages of the Holy Prophet and Imam Ali so that the tradition may not be misinterpreted.

Thirdly, what could be the reason that the Bahais are happy to acknowledge one tradition from amongst thousands in Beharul Anwar and that too which appears in the footnote of volume 38. I will urge you and your friend to refer to volume 51, 52 and 53 of Behar which are about the prophecies about the Mahdi wherein one will find traditions about the Mahdi from 11 Imams and the Holy Prophet of Islam. I have quoted these traditions extensively on my web site. I also have a section of the Bab v/s the Mahdi of Islam which uses traditions from Behar to raise questions about the credibility of the claims of the Bab.

Is'nt it ironical that one tradition which may "appear" remotely appealing to the Bahais is quoted in all their books including Dawn Breakers. Yet when the issue of traditions is brought up, we are told that traditions could be wrong or altered.

Warm regards as always

Hi Imran,

Just wanted to mention that prophet Mohammad died at age 63, and not 66.
Welcome M19! Wasapening? (What's happening?)

W E L C O M E :D

That's all I can say ;)
Definitely some tap-dancing going on here. How hard is it to answer a question with so many opportunities?
Hey heaven's blade!

Welcome to the Baha'i Forum at CR!

I'm reminded of an old song "Question me an Answer!" ...seriously the question was asked and discussed a few years ago but we never tire of talking.


- Art:)