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First post, quite tired, so I will keep it short, and add, if it takes off.:p

Throughout history we have seen many political systems rise and fall.




If something fails, or is dysfunctional, then there is a reason, and the reason is that today, as always, we are permitting the finger to do the job that the brain should be doing.

Before making a snap judgement, please look at this link

* Hmm, cannot post link it says, until I make ten posts, so try typing the word Geniocracy project into Google, for now.

Having spent some time reading the manifesto, and I mean really reading it, please come back and share your thoughts.

Hope you all had a nice holiday.

PS - Is it possible to have a sig here, the way that you can on other forums of a similar type?
I browsed through the manifesto you referred to.

It makes few good points but on the whole it seems very naive.
Let's see. Where to begin?

If nothing else no one is ever going to buy Geniocracy. Marx had a formula for revolution. Christianity, Islam and Buddhism preached equality that won over the masses. Geniocracy has none of that. It's just plain elitist.
Geniocracy is naive in the sense that it believes that the intelligencia can be trusted to look out for the disenfrachised's best interests.

It is also naive in the sense that no one will ever support such a transparently elitist form of government. Just what kind of revolution would lead to Geniocracy anyway? Marx at least did the math and had a plan. Even if communism didn't stand in the end at least Marx envisioned how society would get there.
Geniocracy is naive in the sense that it believes that the intelligencia can be trusted to look out for the disenfrachised's best interests.

It is also naive in the sense that no one will ever support such a transparently elitist form of government. Just what kind of revolution would lead to Geniocracy anyway? Marx at least did the math and had a plan. Even if communism didn't stand in the end at least Marx envisioned how society would get there.

I think it is important at this juncture to define what intelligence is, imo.

Intelligence is love, imagine a world were those that shaped the planet were of altruistic intent?

Is that too hard to imagine?

Not really.

It is only too hard to be imagined because we have literally, over thousands of years, been told it is so.

In fairness bud, you would really need to read the whole thing, and that took me weeks, and several attempts.
I think it is important at this juncture to define what intelligence is, imo.

Well that's not how intelligence is defined in the geniocracy manifesto. There they define intelligence in pretty much the standard way. In fact they go on to say that morality is over-rated by democracy.

The merits or demerits of geniocracy aside. I'm curious. Just how would we go from a functioning democracy to a geniocracy. Are people expected to simply vote away their right to vote? Or would this be a violent revolution where the very intelligent take up arms and coherce the masses?
Well that's not how intelligence is defined in the geniocracy manifesto. There they define intelligence in pretty much the standard way. In fact they go on to say that morality is over-rated by democracy.

The merits or demerits of geniocracy aside. I'm curious. Just how would we go from a functioning democracy to a geniocracy. Are people expected to simply vote away their right to vote? Or would this be a violent revolution where the very intelligent take up arms and coherce the masses?

Perhaps what I meant to say was emotional intelligence.

You will have to Google that too, since I cannot provide the link!

Something that is quite apart from the now twisted ideals of morality, and ethics.

Anyway, it is important here to make the distinction between EI, and IQ, or even academic intelligence.

The latter really only calls for (on occasion), a good memory to pass rigid exams, and, imo, is not a measure of true intelligence, or rather it is a crude measure of intelligence. Often, as we see with private education, it relies on having the good fortune to be born into wealth and privilege.

Further, IQ is no measure of creative intelligence either, ie; true genius.

And it is true genius, those with creative intelligence, and the EI, who have never been permitted to shape any nation.

Yes, Governments steal their ideas.

Yes, those same Governments misuse that intelligence to force their scientists to spend their time making terrible weapons to destroy life, rather than sustain it, or really create an atheist 'heaven on earth'.

But true genius, well, that has never, not in the history of mankind, ever been permitted to shape our world.

"The problems of mankind will always exist, until philosophers are kings, and kings are philosophers"....

But your question is a good one.

The truth is, that in the present vulgar world that we live, it would be close to impossible to create this, and certainly not through violent or forceful methods, as that would contradict the very basis on which it would be founded.

I suppose we would, and when I say we, I mean homo sapien, would have to evolve toward it, we would need to gravitate toward it, that would be the only way.

We do not have a democracy in the west, many think we do, but we do not, on all sorts of levels, and in all sorts of ways.
Hmm, Claude's old books are being dredged up with his new one...
Oh, btw, welcome to CR, E....

Actually, leave this to one side, there is something I want to show you, I got it someplace else, however, I don't really get it, and think you might be better placed to comment....

*Sigh, I cannot post the link here, you will find it on our forum*

This ten post rule, albeit I do see the point, is doing my head in!
Ugly ugly ugly and evil... no thank you. Send this Raelian manifesto back to where it alledgedly came from... off the planet.
Okay, did you read it all?

What is evil about it?

What was ugly about it?
E, like I've told you before, it's freakin' elitist, and the priviledged elitists are set up to be controlled through flattery and pride springing from this elitist construct. It's a whole system set up like circular reasoning. If you look at China's Ch'in dynasty, and what happened there, you can probably expect much the same thing under "geniocracy."
E, like I've told you before, it's freakin' elitist, and the priviledged elitists are set up to be controlled through flattery and pride springing from this elitist construct. It's a whole system set up like circular reasoning. If you look at China's Ch'in dynasty, and what happened there, you can probably expect much the same thing under "geniocracy."

SG, with respect, you and I have had this discussion many many times, and I would rather not have it here with you again, because that would be a waste of my time and your time.

I mean that, let's not you and I do this here, I wanted to hear what the person who made that statement has to say.


So is that a Nazi swastika your sporting Enlightenment or something else?

You are partly right.

(Sigh, I cannot do the link - Google "Origins of the Swstika", and see what you learn)

It is a symbol of peace, over 3000 yrs old, I am a person of peace.
I prefer variety.

I've dealt with a number of geniuses who couldn't problem solve themselves out of a paper bag.

I've also met a number of highly educated folks with doctorates who can't hardly have a conversation outside of their field.

I know these are generalities.

But I'd prefer a variety of people from a variety of fields (not all lawyers as the US has become) with varying levels of education and hopefully some common sense.
I prefer variety.

I've dealt with a number of geniuses who couldn't problem solve themselves out of a paper bag.

I've also met a number of highly educated folks with doctorates who can't hardly have a conversation outside of their field.

I know these are generalities.

But I'd prefer a variety of people from a variety of fields (not all lawyers as the US has become) with varying levels of education and hopefully some common sense.

But you would have variety, of course you would.

If you have a spare day or two, read the manifesto, leave aside the prejudices that some show, as you seem to be able to do, and come back and tell me what you think.

If after that you feel it is "evil" :rolleyes: as someone else wrote, then leave it alone, if you feel that any of it has merits, then take those parts.

Nice avatar, btw.

Kinda hypnotic....
re: avatar
It is a symbol of peace, over 3000 yrs old, I am a person of peace.
Yes it is quite easy for us to be swayed, one bad apple does spoil the barrel...the swastika in all its glory was destroyed by the third riech. Today the US civilians salute our flag with a hand over our heart, prior to the war we did it with outstrecthed palm at the flag...

My wife had gorgeous native american jewelry handed down from her grandmother, necklaces, bracelets...swastikas all over them. and not just in a geometric connected pattern, but also in circles at an angle...