Compromising Our Christian Faith


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"If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels."--Luke 9:26 (NIV)

Those are the straightforward words of Jesus Christ as He spoke to His faithful followers while on earth. His words extend to the faithful today as well.

Christians today are in fact denying Jesus Christ when they fail to be active in sharing the Gospel (or "Good News") with the world. Or if they are sharing it in compromised form to please everybody. It's also not enough for a Christian to attend church in "ritual mode." Being a Christian is more than that. It is a lifestyle, a way of life. Christians should be active in living out their faith as well as sharing it, openly with no reservations....

From the article--

Lee Camp said:
Here's my answer: Because I profess that Jesus is Lord of Lords, I have committed myself to loving both neighbor and enemy. Because I profess that Jesus is King of Kings, I have committed myself to serving and honoring all people. Because I profess that Jesus is the ultimate authority to which all other authorities must submit, that authority requires of me to extend gracious, generous hospitality to the stranger, the pilgrim, and those who do not see the world as I see it.This, of course, is not how the authority of Christ has always been practiced. In serious dialog with Jews and Muslims, we American Christians, who tend to have very short historical attention spans, must acknowledge the sins of Christian history.

What's wrong with that? This isn't watered-down Christianity, as the author of the article claims. Camp isn't apologizing for something he did not personally do, but only acknowledging that indeed there have been great atrocities inflicted on others in the name of Jesus throughout history. Again, what's wrong with that? I think that by acknowledging those things, we certainly become more reasonable and trustworthy and honest.

Why not focus on commonalities, as Camp suggested? Certainly the author of the article is all too happy to focus on militant Islamic factions, but I notice there is no mention of the majority of peaceful Muslims who don't mind trying to get along with Christians.

"If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels."--Luke 9:26 (NIV)

Those are the straightforward words of Jesus Christ as He spoke to His faithful followers while on earth. His words extend to the faithful today as well.

Christians today are in fact denying Jesus Christ when they fail to be active in sharing the Gospel (or "Good News") with the world. Or if they are sharing it in compromised form to please everybody. It's also not enough for a Christian to attend church in "ritual mode." Being a Christian is more than that. It is a lifestyle, a way of life. Christians should be active in living out their faith as well as sharing it, openly with no reservations....


Thats true. If we who know the truth dont share it, we have blood on our hands.
Camp doesn't seem the least bit ashamed of Christ, IMO. :)

"If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels."--Luke 9:26 (NIV)

Those are the straightforward words of Jesus Christ as He spoke to His faithful followers while on earth. His words extend to the faithful today as well.

Christians today are in fact denying Jesus Christ when they fail to be active in sharing the Gospel (or "Good News") with the world. Or if they are sharing it in compromised form to please everybody. It's also not enough for a Christian to attend church in "ritual mode." Being a Christian is more than that. It is a lifestyle, a way of life. Christians should be active in living out their faith as well as sharing it, openly with no reservations....


Interesting. Had a Chief pull me to the side the other day. We were working outside and apparently my cross fell outside my tee shirt and was dangling. chief says "Sir, you can't wear religious medals in uniform". I smiled at him and said, "yes I can." He persisted, "Sir, regulations state that no relgious articles may be displayed..." and I cut him off.

"Personal manual states no articles of jewelry aside from wedding rings, watches and/or religious symbols may be worn with the military uniform, or otherwise detract from such uniform, this includes excessive makeup of un-natural color, nail polish or embroidered nails, lipstick that does not compliment the complexion of the individual, earings that are other than diamond or gold ball less than a quarter inch in diameter...but it says nothing about crosses, stars, cresent moons or ship's wheels, Chief. Furthermore, I can't help if my cross slipped out from under my tee shirt. I merely have to put it back under, but I do not have to and will not take it off."

He looked hard at me. And I said, "take it to the Captain if you have a problem." He did not (take it to the Captain). ;)

A few days later he came back and told me I was right, but he thought he was correct (politically correct) Again I smiled...and said "You haven't seen what's hanging in my cubicle..." Then I stepped aside so he could see my rosary. He grinned and shook his head, then walked away.

I think the little things are what matter. :D