'Rocky' Back and Reborn Christian


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Sylvester Stallone opened his sixth and final underdog story, "Rocky Balboa," in theaters Wednesday. Some hope for the series ending, others call it the surprise of the season, and evangelicals are pleasantly surprised.

An "unexpected pair: God and 'Rocky' Stallone," the San Francisco Chronicle called it. But the new film, directed and acted by Stallone, intentionally talks about God.

"Who wouldda thunk?" Rocky would say.

"We need the God-fearing script, the script that really deals with compassion and deals with the word of Jesus and God, and believe me, people will rally behind it because we need it," Stallone said in a late November conference call to Christian leaders, according to the Chronicle. "It's like, you watch some of the films, they only save these kinds of films for Christmas."...

Sylvester Stallone opened his sixth and final underdog story, "Rocky Balboa," in theaters Wednesday. Some hope for the series ending, others call it the surprise of the season, and evangelicals are pleasantly surprised.

An "unexpected pair: God and 'Rocky' Stallone," the San Francisco Chronicle called it. But the new film, directed and acted by Stallone, intentionally talks about God.

"Who wouldda thunk?" Rocky would say.

"We need the God-fearing script, the script that really deals with compassion and deals with the word of Jesus and God, and believe me, people will rally behind it because we need it," Stallone said in a late November conference call to Christian leaders, according to the Chronicle. "It's like, you watch some of the films, they only save these kinds of films for Christmas."...


Isn't it amazing. These jet setters and powerful people, eventually come to grips with reality, that is to say there are less days ahead than there are behind...and they get quiet in their lives and hear the whisper of God. And for all the noise they made in the past, their quietest moves are heard around the world, when it is God they are acknowledging.

Kudos to Mr. Stallone. I will go and see "Rocky", just to see the message he wanted to impart on his viewers. (besides I liked the character Rocky Balboa, now he is coming to life in the actor...life imitating art, imitating life...) :)
i went to see it.. i must have missed the part about god, although i did catch a few lessons to be learned. i will have to pay closer attention next time i see it. other than that it is a good movie, reminscent of the first rocky with fine acting.
My ex wife bought my son the Rocky collection for Christmas. We'll have to go see this new one; it sounds like a winner. From what I understand, Stalone has been trying to get this movie made for a long time now. I'm glad he got what he wanted . . . . I Love the Rocky movies, lol! :)

Much Love,