Saddam Is Dead


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Well, the Zionist backed USA finally got their way, and engineered the execution of a man that they once fast tracked into power.

I do not support the death penalty.

I doubt that this trial was ever going to be anything but a sham, but if Saddam was culpable of the crimes that he was alleged to have committed, then so too must it follow that Bush and Cheney are also tried, in the same method, and hanged, for their crimes against humanity.

But of course, somehow, that will be different though, huh.

Now let's hear the excuses as to why it is different?
Saddam was such a bad bad man that the UK and US continued to sell weapons to him. If I recall right as well, the US tried to spin the original attack as committed by Iranians, in order to help protect Saddam.

Also good to see the UK abandon it's traditional objections to the death penalty for political expediency at it's worst.
I was involved in a conversation about Saddam the other day, and an interesting comment was made. Someone said that they were about to hang the only person who could actually fix the situation in Iraq. Not saying I agree, but it did give me pause.


Interesting this.

I am a member of a board were the others are 99% American.

The difference in reaction from there to here is like between night and day.

In fact, being on that other board, and reading about this, it is like I am among Zionist zealots.

They are celebrating in a quite disturbing manner.

One or two exceptions, but not many.

Over on this board, primarily British, the atmos is much more humane.

Oh, and another thing.

And this is a little off topic.

Try mentioning to them a National Health Service!

They really are such a bunch of greedy, money hungry, spoiled brats, that they would rather let their fellow citizens die, than give up their 'personal freedoms', (see those two words together, you know right away you are talking with a right wing American).

Cooler waters here.

Thanks for reading.
Wish the Iraqi people, who American Gov have sent troops to murder and rape their women, could have their 'day in court'....
yes, saddam is dead...wonder who the next avatar of evil will be? I watched lil bits of the trial, and as far as I could see saddam knew quite early on that he was gonna die, he had that mad light in his eyes which suggests he knew the end was near, and for that reason, I feel sorry for him... okay, they say he was a bad lad, but isn't every dictator like that? yes, he killed ppl, but that's what happens in the ole politics and dominion game, and there's others out there who do the same thing every day without being hanged... seems to me like georgie bush did this for his dad, maybe it was this years xmas present?

I actually support the death penalty, for some crimes, but war crimes are not on my list... I dont think that ppl should die at the hands of their victors, merely for losing the same game everyone else is playing...

but, hey ho, onwards and upwards...
the death of any human being other than natural is surely always a travesty. is there such a thing as justifiable violence? sure, its easy to put an argument for war - 5000 in 5000 years apparently, you'd think we'd get the idea by now, it doesn't work. as for crimes against humanity, maybe he did, i can never know for sure, i know only what a bias, government controlled media tell me. and what of bush and the war crimes for which he is ultimately responsible. funny how the soldiers are prosecuted when its a US offence but the leader when it was an iraqui offence. i saw that film shooting dogs about rwanda, phew, and a film about bosnia which showed that most joe bloggs on the street given the right surroundings is capable of horrendous crimes against humanity. i think theres little difference between any of our leaders. i still would rather live somewhere where i can openly say tony blair your a prat - even if i don't think that... maybe you could speak against saddam and the idea you couldnt is one that has been given to me, again i cant know. i read once(here it comes the unavoidable quote) that war is an expanded reflection of the conflict within each one of us. so i'm as responsible as saddam or bush for the people who died because within i am in division and not whole. every family behind every door could be construed as a mini dictatorship, i'll stop there as i'm wafflin, j.....:eek: apparently after the nazis were beaten in ww2 100,00 german women were raped by russian soldiers, now if this is true and you can view nazism as a state of mind rather than a particular peoples then it becomes obvious that nazism wasnt overcome on v.e. day.
The Kurds were denied their day in court due to Saddam's speedy execution. They are not happy. I can't say that I blame them.
Kurdish Media
I agree but I'd say some Kurds. I know quite a few were calling for an immediate execution years ago.

I am curious SG: Do you think the Kurds who press for an overlapping or independent Kurdistan, within or beyond Northern Iraq, are rightful in their actions in the last decade? Today?
the death of any human being other than natural is surely always a travesty. is there such a thing as justifiable violence? sure, its easy to put an argument for war - 5000 in 5000 years apparently, you'd think we'd get the idea by now, it doesn't work. as for crimes against humanity, maybe he did, i can never know for sure, i know only what a bias, government controlled media tell me. and what of bush and the war crimes for which he is ultimately responsible. funny how the soldiers are prosecuted when its a US offence but the leader when it was an iraqui offence.

Yeah mate.

Odd that.

I wonder why.......

Good post

Interesting this.

I am a member of a board were the others are 99% American.

The difference in reaction from there to here is like between night and day.

In fact, being on that other board, and reading about this, it is like I am among Zionist zealots.

They are celebrating in a quite disturbing manner.

One or two exceptions, but not many.

Over on this board, primarily British, the atmos is much more humane.

You'll find that most of the prolific posters in this forum are actually American!

The nature of the forum is due to Brian.
I agree but I'd say some Kurds. I know quite a few were calling for an immediate execution years ago.

I am curious SG: Do you think the Kurds who press for an overlapping or independent Kurdistan, within or beyond Northern Iraq, are rightful in their actions in the last decade? Today?
I'm afraid that my education regarding the whole situation is too scanty to offer up a good opinion on that matter. However, I do believe that the Kurd's grievances against Saddam deserve to be heard, and not just be swept under the carpet. It would be a good way to become more informed on the matter, and to perhaps find the lessons we need to learn from it.
I'm afraid that my education regarding the whole situation is too scanty to offer up a good opinion on that matter. However, I do believe that the Kurd's grievances against Saddam deserve to be heard, and not just be swept under the carpet. It would be a good way to become more informed on the matter, and to perhaps find the lessons we need to learn from it.
You drew my curiosity by quoting Kurd Media. I find many things twisted there. When I hear words like Anfal, Kurdistan, and Kurdish whatever, I tend to ask whatever became of 1.5 million Armenians.

The ethnocentrism is ripe, the nationalism is conflicting, the political hypocrisy is thick, the foreigners are local, the religions are militant, and the diasporas many.

A few things stuck in my mind from a history teacher:
1. History books and traditions are written by the living.
2. Religious or idealistic wars are the bloodiest.
3. The concept of Nation is fluid and overlapping with many evil Shibboleths.
You drew my curiosity by quoting Kurd Media. I find many things twisted there. When I hear words like Anfal, Kurdistan, and Kurdish whatever, I tend to ask whatever became of 1.5 million Armenians.

The ethnocentrism is ripe, the nationalism is conflicting, the political hypocrisy is thick, the foreigners are local, the religions are militant, and the diasporas many.

A few things stuck in my mind from a history teacher:
1. History books and traditions are written by the living.
2. Religious or idealistic wars are the bloodiest.
3. The concept of Nation is fluid and overlapping with many evil Shibboleths.
Hence, my dismay that stories of genocide are once again being swept under the rug without proper examination. How are we ever going to learn our lessons from it and quit committing the same evils over and over again that way?
I believe there is a reason that Saddam was not tried on the deaths in Kurdistan...according to Pentagon reports I read previously it was not conclusive that he was the cause and the evidence actually pointed otherwise.

There is also a reason that Saddam was not tried in International Court, he was tried by the 'Iraqi' Govt. If the US ever pushed anyone into the Intl Court than suddenly our leaders would be potential defendants as well.

As far as which evil avatar will be next....we simply need to look at who we (US) are suppporting today as it seems many of who we've had to go after in the past were supported by our Gov't and/or our industry before they became something we had to war against...Hitler, Noriega, Osama, Saddam...if the past is any indicator of the future we are currently making the same mistakes right now.