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GOODNEWS, the established heavenly kingdom goverment ...Daniel 2;44...was set up in line with bible prophecy and chronology in 1914 and that was the year that Jesus was given the kingship of this heavenly kingdom Daniel 7;13-14 its all happening in this time of the end .the end of man ruling himself independent of God ,soon this heavenly kingdom will take over manmade rulerships. but those who are in opposition to Jesus and his kingship, will not like to give up their rulerships. but guess who will win the battle ........JESUS... i am making known about this established heavenly kingdom so that it can be heralded throughout the earth ......And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 not the end of the planet, but the end of manmade goverments and rulerships.people have to know about this goodnews , so that they can put themselves on the side of Jesus and the heavenly kingdom of is for a witness.................
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.
(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,....................i have put my vote in for the heavenly kingdom goverment with Jesus as the king . because it leads to everlasting life . have you put your vote in?
Why do you choose to believe in a system of religion that has been debunked again and again since it first began?
Why do you choose to believe in a system of religion that has been debunked again and again since it first began?

I think that is called, learning. Not having pride to hang onto things when you learn they are wrong? Such as they started believing that jesus was killed via a cross, from their studies and understanding of the orginal texts they found that to be false and moved to a stake which was more accurate in the orginal lanuage.... Maybe that is why he believes?

Also because it is his....... choice? I could look down upon you and ask; Why, Silas do you choose to believe what you believe, when I think it is clearly a fairy tale and a load of nonsense? Because from your own choice you have come to believe what you have is the real deal... Vice versa, Silas.
Why do you choose to believe in a system of religion that has been debunked again and again since it first began?
bible prophecy has been fullfilled Daniel 7;13-14 Daniel 2;44 Jesus is now a reigning king. bible prophecies alway comes, there is no stopping it. my vote is well and truly in. this reigning king will bring peace to the earth , as Isaiah 9;6-7 informs us.
For there has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. 7 To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom in order to establish it firmly and to sustain it by means of justice and by means of righteousness, from now on and to time indefinite. The very zeal of Jehovah of armies will do this...................... yes ,this king will rule in the right way , nolonger will manmade goverments be passed on to others , this goverment will rule in justice and righteouesness ,Jesus is our wonderful counselor,the prince of PEACE. yes Jehovah God has installed his king on the throne.
(Psalm 2:6) [Saying:] "I, even I, have installed my king Upon Zion, my holy mountain."

bible prophecy has been fullfilled Daniel

Yes, mark it: "Bible Prophecy" and not "JW prophecy." You guys have been making false predictions since forever. Why not quit while you're behind?

Jesus is now a reigning king.

Jesus has been reigning! From Everlasting to Everlasting He reigns! He took a break during His humilation period, where He left glory and became a man. Yo think about that for awhile and let it soak it. God took a quantum leep. He left His Glory form to take upon the form of a human being. Dude, thats more amazing that you becoming a roach to save roaches.

bible prophecy has been fullfilled Daniel

Yes, mark it: "Bible Prophecy" and not "JW prophecy."
yes bible prophecies, Jehovahs witnesses do not make prophecies ,we keep awake to bible prophecies . that is what we do, and it has led to great things in the last days , nice :)
"And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant." Daniel 12;4 yes it is very abundant indeed , if you feed from Jehovahs channel you will be full up indeed , with lots of good spiritual food ....... nice

Jehovahs witnesses do not make prophecies ,

Yeah, only wrong predictions. If this was OT time, wouldnt the JWs be stoned? Be honest. How do you understand salvation? Is it by grace alone through faith in Christ alone, or do you also combine works in order to be saved?
Jesus has been reigning! From Everlasting...
amen, the eternal son who created all things reigns over all things, one just needs to personally accept that and put their faith in christ.

Jehovahs witnesses do not make prophecies ,

Yeah, only wrong predictions. If this was OT time, wouldnt the JWs be stoned? Be honest. How do you understand salvation? Is it by grace alone through faith in Christ alone, or do you also combine works in order to be saved?

They believe it is by deeds and works... But isn't that obvious? I love killing people! I ain't gonna stop :D But hey I love jesus he's my freaking buddy!! :D PRAISE THY LORD!! HALLEUGHAAAAGH I art saved! I wouldn't say it worked like that... Specially if you look into the paradise you apparently are given... You would still be a murderer.... And then place this murderer on a paradise earth with loving peacful people... There is going to be issues son :D

Jehovahs witnesses do not make prophecies ,

Yeah, only wrong predictions. If this was OT time, wouldnt the JWs be stoned? Be honest. How do you understand salvation? Is it by grace alone through faith in Christ alone, or do you also combine works in order to be saved?
both with regard to Jehovah’s faithful servants in pre-Christian times and the congregation of anointed Christians of the first century of our Common Era, without exception all had incomplete knowledge and understanding. but as proverbs 4;18 says .... But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established...... and now , especially since 1914 which was the (start of the last days,) or the time of the end, true knowledge has become abundant
(Daniel 12:4) "And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant."
(2 Peter 1:19) Consequently we have the prophetic word [made] more sure; and YOU are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in YOUR hearts. yes in these last days the prophecies are well along and Jesus is now a reigning king in the heavenly kingdom goverment Daniel 2;44 Daniel 7;13-14 Jehovahs reveals things at his time and the revealing goes on . as for works and faith lets see what the bible says ,
YOU see that a man is to be declared righteous by works, and not by faith alone. 25 In the same manner was not also Ra´hab the harlot declared righteous by works, after she had received the messengers hospitably and sent them out by another way? 26 Indeed, as the body without spirit
(Or, "breath.")
is dead, so also faith without works is dead.James 2;24-26 so it seems that we cannot have one with out the other. we would have to use our faith
(James 2:17) Thus, too, faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself.
(Matthew 7:21) "Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.
(James 1:22) However, become doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning.

(1 John 5:3) For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome,
12-23-2006, 04:20 PM #55 (permalink) mee vbmenu_register("postmenu_85510", true);
Executive Member

Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,572

Re: death is swallowed up

...both with regard to Jehovah’s faithful servants in pre-Christian times and the congregation of anointed Christians of the first century of our Common Era, without exception all had incomplete knowledge and understanding. They had to continue to make progress, readjusting their understanding as they observed and experienced the gradual outworking of Jehovah’s purposes. For them, the path of the righteous ones has indeed been like ‘a bright light that gets ever lighter and lighter.’...

so much copying and pasting instead of actual conversation, im wondering if this is a bot?! LOL.
both with regard to Jehovah’s faithful servants in pre-Christian times and the congregation of anointed Christians of the first century of our Common Era, without exception all had incomplete knowledge and understanding. but as proverbs 4;18 says .... But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established...... and now , especially since 1914 which was the (start of the last days,) or the time of the end, true knowledge has become abundant
(Daniel 12:4) "And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant."
(2 Peter 1:19) Consequently we have the prophetic word [made] more sure; and YOU are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and a daystar rises, in YOUR hearts. yes in these last days the prophecies are well along and Jesus is now a reigning king in the heavenly kingdom goverment Daniel 2;44 Daniel 7;13-14 Jehovahs reveals things at his time and the revealing goes on . as for works and faith lets see what the bible says ,
YOU see that a man is to be declared righteous by works, and not by faith alone. 25 In the same manner was not also Ra´hab the harlot declared righteous by works, after she had received the messengers hospitably and sent them out by another way? 26 Indeed, as the body without spirit
(Or, "breath.")
is dead, so also faith without works is dead.James 2;24-26 so it seems that we cannot have one with out the other. we would have to use our faith
(James 2:17) Thus, too, faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself.
(Matthew 7:21) "Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.
(James 1:22) However, become doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning.

(1 John 5:3) For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome,

How come you never write your own thoughts but instead only copy and paste? Also, and this just popped into my head, but what good has the JWs did for God since they were invented? What does history record of you?
How come you never write your own thoughts but instead only copy and paste? Also, and this just popped into my head, but what good has the JWs did for God since they were invented? What does history record of you?
Damn good medics...:cool:
How come you never write your own thoughts but instead only copy and paste? Also, and this just popped into my head, but what good has the JWs did for God since they were invented? What does history record of you?
i love the way the whole of the bible harmonizes, and i can take out the scriptures from my online bible and paste them into here to get the point over . the bible is what we should be using after all.
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 that is what Jehovah and Jesus christ want heralded all over the world ,and he is using those who were faithful to him and to his son Jesus christ , to get the job done . we are now well along into bible prophecy and things are moving ahead and it is very good indeed.Daniel 2;44 what the world thinks about us is not really important, but we are more interested in doing the will of God , as it leads to everlasting life , and Jehovahs sovreignty and purpose will be acomplished . taste and see that Jehovah is good.
i love the way the whole of the bible harmonizes, and i can take out the scriptures from my online bible and paste them into here to get the point over . the bible is what we should be using after all.
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 that is what Jehovah and Jesus christ want heralded all over the world ,and he is using those who were faithful to him and to his son Jesus christ , to get the job done . we are now well along into bible prophecy and things are moving ahead and it is very good indeed.Daniel 2;44 what the world thinks about us is not really important, but we are more interested in doing the will of God , as it leads to everlasting life , and Jehovahs sovreignty and purpose will be acomplished . taste and see that Jehovah is good.

So, what good has the JWs done for God since they were invented? And, what does history record of you?
So, what good has the JWs done for God since they were invented? And, what does history record of you?
doing the will of God , that is the aim of Jehovahs people . its a case of ......... what does God require of us ? not doing it our own way. but doing this makes us out of line with the world and its views . but what we do does not look good in the eyes of those in opposition to Gods ways. where we are now is at a time when Jesus wants the goodnews about the established heavenly kingdom made known Daniel 2;44......... and Jehovahs people are doing just that . but only honest hearted people respond to the witness given.
matthew 24;14 matthew 28;19-20
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14

(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.
Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,
This world will not succeed in working out solutions to its problems. It will not keep on sustaining itself indefinitely. Why can we be so sure? Because the inspired Word of God says so: "The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever."—1 John 2:17.

Once again I am here as a moderator.

I have been watching your posts develop, this is not an isolated incidence. I am greatly discouraged that you keep hammering at others, bordering on personal attack. Were this not a person like mee who is pretty good natured about such things, I would expect to have quite a few complaints about your style. In this thread alone, I see Angel trying to get you to see where you are wrong in your presentation. Yet, you ignore and refuse to see. Bad move on your part.

If someone else came in here and started in on you, oh, for the sake of example, let's say an atheist, I think you would take great exception and start to cry foul when that imaginary person starts telling you how messed up you are to follow your messed up imaginary beliefs...

G-d gave us all free will, to choose whether to come to Him or not...what's more, He placed all of us where He intended for us to be. You seek Him in your way, and that's good. Mee, and others, seek G-d in the way they best understand, and that too is good. It is this last part you are having issues with...your way is right for you, it is not necessarily right for others. Get over it.

As a moderator, I am telling you to knock it off, the personal attacks are not welcome. Discussion in a friendly, respectful manner is always welcome. But if you cannot disagree in a polite and respectful manner without proselytizing and judgementally condemning, then I suggest this is not the place for you. I have let this go too long, Brian and the other moderators will be made aware. My advice is to cool it if you wish to continue participating here.

Your views and opinions are valued here, but those views and opinions are not exclusive. It would do you well to review the Code of Conduct:

I also recommend these two threads, the OP's were written in direct response to people just like you…
Can that same question not be asked to you Silas? Oh no... Sorry hah hah, I forgot you're right.... right? Sorry to interupt keep knocking down this christian and judging him... good job. :)

Way to go, with the sarcasm! People must really love you! ;)
doing the will of God , that is the aim of Jehovahs people . its a case of ......... what does God require of us ? not doing it our own way. but doing this makes us out of line with the world and its views . but what we do does not look good in the eyes of those in opposition to Gods ways. where we are now is at a time when Jesus wants the goodnews about the established heavenly kingdom made known Daniel 2;44......... and Jehovahs people are doing just that . but only honest hearted people respond to the witness given.matthew 24;14 matthew 28;19-20

What is the will of God? What have you guys done? What has history shown of your works?
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