Followers of Jesus share Christ with Muslims


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...In the final scene of the Gospel of Matthew the resurrected Christ appears to his disciples on a mountain in Galilee and tells them to make new disciples by "teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you." Evangelicals take this instruction from Matthew's Gospel — often called "The Great Commission," literally. They see it as their religious duty to make converts, to spread the Gospel, or "good news," of Jesus Christ.

But when it comes to Islam, evangelical Christians have always had a tough time winning converts. Islam is itself a faith that seeks converts — one of the reasons Christianity and Islam both spread so quickly through the centuries. And Muslims can face persecution and even death in some Islamic cultures if they leave the faith for another.

..."Your job is not to convert Muslims, your job is to love them," Masri told the 500 students in his seminar. "Muslims know Islam does not work — it's like a house with a leaking roof. We need believers to tell them there's a better house, the house of Jesus...

...In the final scene of the Gospel of Matthew the resurrected Christ appears to his disciples on a mountain in Galilee and tells them to make new disciples by "teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you." Evangelicals take this instruction from Matthew's Gospel — often called "The Great Commission," literally. They see it as their religious duty to make converts, to spread the Gospel, or "good news," of Jesus Christ.

But when it comes to Islam, evangelical Christians have always had a tough time winning converts. Islam is itself a faith that seeks converts — one of the reasons Christianity and Islam both spread so quickly through the centuries. And Muslims can face persecution and even death in some Islamic cultures if they leave the faith for another.

..."Your job is not to convert Muslims, your job is to love them," Masri told the 500 students in his seminar. "Muslims know Islam does not work — it's like a house with a leaking roof. We need believers to tell them there's a better house, the house of Jesus...


Contradiction of terms: "Your job is not to convert Muslims...We need believers to tell them there's a better house, the house of Jesus..."
Contradiction of terms: "Your job is not to convert Muslims...We need believers to tell them there's a better house, the house of Jesus..."

I disagree. There is a difference between conversion and speading the gospel. For one, Christians do not convert, God does. We are just the messengers. We spread the Word like the sower sows the seed. Some will fall on good ground, some on bad ground. But it is the Holy Spirit that will use that Word to reprove the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement (John 16:8-11).

As Jerry Garcia sings it, "The story teller makes no choice, soon you will not hear his voice, his job is to shed light and not to master."