90 Minutes in Heaven


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Texas, USA
Im an avid reader and very little affects me anymore like the bible..

I almost didnt read this book because every other book about NDE I feel are fake and meant to make someone rich.. but I was listening to Pastors Perspective a show I listen to on the radio when the subject of this book came up.. enough was said to interest me..

It took me 2 hours to read this book.. I believe every word this man says because he doesnt add anything to what the bible says about heaven. The main gist of the book is the power of prayer and faith. It glorifies God.. it edifies the body of Christ and it doesnt teach anything new..

The guy is a pastor and 1989 he was struck head on by a semi and died instantly.. 90 minutes later another pastor who was directed by God to pray over the man watched as the man came back to life singing What a Friend We Have in Jesus along with him.. The writer of the book Don Piper describes what happened after he died and it is such a wonderful description of what we already know from the bible.

The majority of the book was about his struggles after he came back and the long recovery he had to face. This book is for those who need to believe in miracles or in of need comfort because they lost someone or are facing the journey home themselves.

Its a good read for anyone interested in the wonders of Jesus Christ. :)
I read t5he book also. Fascinating account. You know it's tesimonies like these that help confirm my beliefs. I mean by all rights, the man should be dead. I think in any other situation, he would be, had it not been the faith of the pastor who prayed. Even more remarkable is the long journey of a painful recovery that followed. Though I would welcome an NDE in my own life, I don't envy nor desire what he went through in the aftermath. So much is the price of the glimpse into glory.
One thing, heaven is better than Earth? And by your belife, that is our goal? To get to heaven... So, this guy gets to go to heaven, but then is cast down to Earth again. I, don't, get it....
What is faith 17th? Nothing but a glimpse of heaven. When one states "I believe in you...", what are they saying? You will bring me comfort, and I accept that. For a moment, one is in heaven...

Once heaven is tasted, there is nothing that comes close to it. Do I know this for fact? Perhaps. Can I explain it? No.

But I have seen and experienced things...hard to describe. A glimpse of heaven, maybe...


Read the book.. :)

Did, wouldn't recommend it... Wait you're talking about the book 90 minutes? Heh, no thanks....

But I have seen and experienced things...hard to describe. A glimpse of heaven, maybe...

Yes, a glimpse I guess, but this guy claims he has been to heaven? There would be no point in sending him back to Earth IF his final destination is meant to be heaven.
Yes, a glimpse I guess, but this guy claims he has been to heaven? There would be no point in sending him back to Earth IF his final destination is meant to be heaven.

But he isn't the only one who has had an experience like this. For example, the Apostle Paul has a NDE describes in II Corinthians 12:

"It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.

And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter."

And of course, we have John's visions of the New Heaven and New Earth in Revelations. There is purpose in accounts like these, for it gives one hope.
I wonder if you realize how many thousands of people have received comfort and as Dondi puts it, hope in this mans experience.. It glorifies God which in itself is enough..

Do you have a problem with God putting His children to work for His kingdom? What an honor this man had..

And seriously.. a few more years on earth compared to eternity? The author said that life here seemed like a mist in comparison to the stark reality of heaven... the mist would be like waking up after a dream and barely remembering it..

The book DID confirm what I thought it would be like in that you dont recall the people who wont be coming to heaven in your life... but the ones that will be coming after you... you just know for certain you will see them again..

So all the grief I feel here about all the people that I meet who wont make it to heaven.. I wont experience it there. Thank you Lord.
Did, wouldn't recommend it... Wait you're talking about the book 90 minutes? Heh, no thanks....

Yes, a glimpse I guess, but this guy claims he has been to heaven? There would be no point in sending him back to Earth IF his final destination is meant to be heaven.

If his job wasn't done here, I don't see why not. The man is gonna redouble his efforts now that he is certain of what lies ahead. No fear left 17th, for he who has seen heaven...even for a moment.

