Question (agian)



Hi people!

What do you guys think the purpose of life is? I'm especially interested in hearing the nonChrisitan answer.


Hi people!

What do you guys think the purpose of life is? I'm especially interested in hearing the nonChrisitan answer.


On the Christian board??

If one is a parent or has parents somewhere along the line you probably heard something like, "You are not going to get any more toys until you learn to play with the ones you've been given"

Well I feel G-d gave us this nice big blue ball of vegetation and life, and all of these other wonderful souls, and our body temple. And G-d loves us so much that we don't get to go to the next plane of existence until we learn to respect, care for, and love all three matter how many lives it takes.

On the Christian board??


If one is a parent or has parents somewhere along the line you probably heard something like, "You are not going to get any more toys until you learn to play with the ones you've been given"


Well I feel G-d gave us this nice big blue ball of vegetation and life, and all of these other wonderful souls, and our body temple. And G-d loves us so much that we don't get to go to the next plane of existence until we learn to respect, care for, and love all three matter how many lives it takes.

If you dont mind me saying, that sounds very man centered. What about "all things are made by Him [Jesus] and for Him [Jesus]?" What about us fulfilling your existance by doing what you were made to live for - namely, God's glory?
Purpose of life is to have a relationship with God.
That is why God created a universe fit for human life, laid down guidelines for how to live our lives.

Each one of us is created for communion with God; God wants to know us, to love us, and to rejoice with us.
lol, I just found it ironic you were looking specifically for nonchristian answers on the Christian Board, you'd have to go out to the interfaith or comparative religion board to acquire non Christian answers.
If you dont mind me saying, that sounds very man centered.
Of course out there in the big world one couldn't chastise those folks for thinking for themselves, and answering honestly.
I see that a powerful purpose behind most everyday physical things is to permanently record what purpose people give it. It follows from basic thermodynamics, but every action inscribes into the world a pattern that exactly records who, what, where, when, why, and how it happened.

Matthew 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Purpose of life is to have a relationship with God.
That is why God created a universe fit for human life, laid down guidelines for how to live our lives.

Each one of us is created for communion with God; God wants to know us, to love us, and to rejoice with us.
I can agree, love thy neighbor as thyself, to me we and our planet are each G-d expressing, expressions, creations of G-d. I know many don't like it when I think we agree.
lol, I just found it ironic you were looking specifically for nonchristian answers on the Christian Board, you'd have to go out to the interfaith or comparative religion board to acquire non Christian answers. Of course out there in the big world one couldn't chastise those folks for thinking for themselves, and answering honestly.

I dont mind you answering honestly, I wanted to hear what you guys thought! I believe the purpose of life is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. I believe that is the cheif end of man.
Well I feel G-d gave us this nice big blue ball of vegetation and life, and all of these other wonderful souls, and our body temple. And G-d loves us so much that we don't get to go to the next plane of existence until we learn to respect, care for, and love all three unconditionally...

I love this answer and I agree with Dor...

I would say that the purpose of life is to proove G-d's point that, given free will, some men would choose him.

I think both answers say that.
I dont mind you answering honestly, I wanted to hear what you guys thought! I believe the purpose of life is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. I believe that is the cheif end of man.
John 21:19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me.
My response? wil's answer was right-on the first time. We are here to learn to love and serve one another. For until we can learn to do this, and make this a planet of peace and of material prosperity ... we cannot learn to do this on higher, more spiritual levels.

One could almost turn this around, which is what I am tempted to say. Until we learn to embrace and embody spiritual truths, we will never reach a planet-wide condition of peace and outward prosperity.

But these two go hand in hand. And it takes such recognitions as those which great souls like His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, and Mahatma Gandhi have shown & taught us. We don't have to reach their level of spiritual enlightenment, but we do have to come to a measure of their understanding, and be ready & willing to embrace the truths that they embodied.

Christ Jesus taught and showed us just such truths. That all people, everywhere, no matter their background, walk of life, social status or outwardly professed values ... really wish for peace, contentment and brotherhood for all.

Now some people are very much caught up in the "ways of the world," but if we look around, for someone to blame for the missteps of mankind, we will find no one who more directly has caused the current condition than ourselves. We are responsible for the mess we have caused, and we are responsible for repairing the damage done to God's beautiful Creation. ;) :eek:

So the theologies which place blame on a snake somewhere, on a fallen angel, or even upon man's fallen, sinful nature ... are all actually just scapegoat theologies, and attempts to DODGE the proverbial bullet. The closest of these to the actual truth, is the recognition that we made this mess, and so we must clean it up!

And so we shall. God's Purpose is not so short-sighted, nor His Plan so ill thought out and inept, that it does not or cannot take into account room for ERROR. God even allows for a WIDE MARGIN OF ERROR ... or what we call `sin,' the proverbial "missing of the mark." But just as, astrologically, Capricorn follows Saggitarius, so, likewise, Humanity is called - and destined - to proceed THROUGH the tests of Scorpio, VIA THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW PATH of the Accurate Archer's Arrow (Saggitarius), to COMPLETION and Initiation into NEW and Abundant Christ-Life ... in Capricorn.

And while this lies yet ahead, for many of us, there are even now, within our Human Family, those who are approaching the final stages of our cyclical journey around the Spiritual Zodiac. For the Individual Soul, once it has taken Initiation in the sign of Capricorn, will move forward to become the Server, in Aquarius, and finally, the World Server, in Pisces. Christianity has taught us this, and in the example of Christ the Purpose of God is partially revealed - through the Sun's entrance into Pisces (2100 years ago), with the 2nd half of the message coming NOW, on the world stage, with our Planetary entrance into Aquarius.

This is perhaps confusing, all this business of planetary vs. individual Zodiacs, forward progression vs. reversed wheels ... and that is why Christ spoke to us, the masses, in the very simple language of the day, which we could understand. Yet He did not hesitate to speak in parables, that a deeper message, the teachings of the Mystery or Wisdom Tradition, might also be provided, for those who were yearning for such teachings.

The Commandments were summed up in two, simple statements. And to fulfil the one is to fulfil the other, Christ said ... for it is not possible to Love our God (with all our heart, body, mind, soul and spirit) - and yet shun our neighbor, brother man. And likewise, to truly love Humanity is to come to know that God indwells the hearts & minds of all, such that any failure to detect Him is owing to our shortsightedness, and not God's.

To Love and to Serve ... might be the easiest way to sum up the purpose for our very existence here. And as we begin to live up to this purpose, it is possibly for God's Light, and Love and Power, to manifest more abundantly on Earth ever so slightly. Likewise, the closer we come to building a truly sustainable world society, founded on spiritual ideals & principles - practically realized in the hearts & minds of collective Humanity ... then the closer we will ALL MOVE, spiritually speaking, to God's Presence, for like attracts like, and God draws the faithful unto Him.

We can live, if we choose, so that our every thought, word and deed truly glorifies God ... and this is the greatest worship of all. For THIS Glorification, we are placed on Earth for loving, willing, voluntary Service ... but not for blind worship, or the embracing of empty creeds & doctrines. True worship uplifts, and it ever draws us closer into God's Presence, while false-ego is automatically removed, purged by selflessness and Love's transformative nature.

God's Love never belittles, nor does Right Worship create, or highlight division. Love unifies, and forgiveness is a balm that can cure even the deepest of wounds. If we are called, so to learn how to love and forgive, in our own, little human circles ... then we may deepen our understanding of the Divine Purpose, by accepting the opportunity provided.

Love and Light,

God's Love never belittles, nor does Right Worship create, or highlight division. Love unifies, and forgiveness is a balm that can cure even the deepest of wounds. If we are called, so to learn how to love and forgive, in our own, little human circles ... then we may deepen our understanding of the Divine Purpose, by accepting the opportunity provided.

Love and Light,


I appreciate your post, Zag, because the sense of it is close to what I feel.

IMO The part I've chosen to highlight strikes closest to the truth.

I would add that, for me, "blind" obedience (submission) to G-d (not to man or man's doctrines) is a requirement and a pleasure.

My response? wil's answer was right-on the first time. We are here to learn to love and serve one another.
Yes, I fully agree, in part. Also to be honest with one another, to NOT tell lies and deceive each other.

and make this a planet of peace and of material prosperity
Say what? Who wrote that religion?
I appreciate your post, Zag, because the sense of it is close to what I feel.

IMO The part I've chosen to highlight strikes closest to the truth.

I would add that, for me, "blind" obedience (submission) to G-d (not to man or man's doctrines) is a requirement and a pleasure.

Thank you. Understood, Prober, I think. We cannot always know what G-d's will holds in store for us ... or for others, let alone for the whole planet! I like to imagine that it is an inconceivable, indescribable glory - a veritable Heaven-on-Earth. Otherwise, Christ's Mission here, as well as Humanity's presence, is meaningless.

I do not mean that I don't believe in life after death, or that we do not continue on to something much greater on the other side of the veil. I just don't think we have to die to get to Heaven. :)

As far as submitting to Divine Will, this is not always easy. Nevertheless, my experience has been - and continues to be - that periods of fasting, increased self-discipline and voluntary sacrifice (of our personal will and the interests of the little self) ... are well worth the reward when it comes to the Spiritual. There are also plateaus, where we are given an opportunity to stretch our legs, so to speak, and reflect on the trials that we have just been through.

The part that must remain constant is our dedication - the commitment to "keep on keeping on," even when the flesh is weak. This expression doesn't just mean the body; it also refers to the mind nature, and to our desire for material comforts ... even sympathy, or various understandable emotional desires. The Prayer of St. Francis comes to mind, as a beautiful reminder of how to redirect the desires of the little self to those of the Greater.

Above all, what must come to characterize our spiritual search, and also our commitment to the spiritual path (whatever that may be), is a tenderness towards others, a positive attitude in every situation which presents itself, and a genuine, heartfelt Joy ... so that we may become a conduit, an infectious agent, for God's undying & unconditional Love for all that lives and breathes.

I know these are high ideals. But blind obedience ... just sounds so empty, and impersonal to me. Still, I think I do know what you're saying. It is in the submission of our little wills that we can make space, and a way, for God's Will ... and although we do not expect to perfectly express this will, let's not rule out any possibilities. ;) (As a good friend mine has often reminded me, Things are always a little bit better than you imagine them to be. :))

and make this a planet of peace and of material prosperity
cyberpi said:
Say what? Who wrote that religion?
I knew I forgot to qualify or comment on something! :p

See, I think this is precisely the great tragedy of the triumph of materialism, and a failing of religion ... that we have come to react even to just the notion of material prosperity as something inherently wrong! I love the Gnostic Wisdom; I will mention quite often in my posts something about the Demiurgos - as the face of God whom & which we have often come to accept, as a substitute for the real thing.

And yes, such a being would ask us to bow down & worship [it], all the while with a wry smile on its face. I mean, wasn't the Buddha first Noble Truth that the world is full of suffering!?! And by this, was he not referring to conditioned being, such that our objective becomes the escaping of the wheel of rebirth - and entrance into Nirvana(or even, Mahasunyata)?

Yes, sort of. Christianity is on the same page here, but I think this is where both religions fall short, imho. I do not mean that the founders didn't Teach us a better way, but LOOK at what they DID, when they were here on Earth, to illustrate their Teachings!

Everyone on this forum is well aware of what Christ DID in His 3-year Ministry. And if Heaven, the after-life, and faith alone were all that really mattered - yes, escaping the suffereings of the material world - then WHY, please tell me, WHY - did he even BOTHER to minister to the sick, to treat of people's physical & psychological suffereings, and to FEED the physically hungry (!) - along with healing & feeding men's SOULS?

Yes, there was a dual-purpose, and we see that Christ taught us the Living Truth ... but if THAT was all that mattered, then WHY the "down-to-Earth," hands-on practical ministry? As for Buddhism, though the legends of Shakyamuni's good DEEDS may be less well known to many of us here in the West (myself included), I can still assure you - the record is very much like those of His Brother, the Christ!

So, here are two World Teachers - each regarded as a Savior by millions of people, and each having taught the transitory nature of life in this world ... but yet BOTH MEN worked great wonders for all to plainly see - and this, they indicated, not simply to win converts or impress, but to SHOW us something. Show us what?

Christ pointed toward God the Father ... and this takes us squarely back to the Purpose for our being here. Even material prosperity (which I think we often do not understand) is part of our purpose here - yet this has nothing to do with Greed or Attachment to the things of the world. But what has Western Capitalism contributed, in the positive, to this understanding? :eek: :(

We should note that the Buddha, building upon a Foundation that was well established - LONG since embraced in the East - emphasized detachment from the things of this world. Yet the Noble Middle Way is that lifestyle, a spiritual and practical approach, which avoids both extremes - of over-indulgence, on the one hand, and ultra-asceticism, on the other. Buddha illustrated, in His life-example, that we are to tread the path of moderation. Yet for some reason the very concept of prosperity still suggests the extremes of greed & indulgence. Why is this?

In simplest terms, I just feel that a Loving God would not want, does not want, for ANY of His creatures or Children to suffer. This even includes our existence here, within the physical world - including the inner world(s), of the human psyche, or personal consciousness.

The Gnostic attempt, then, and also the Eastern approach, will say much about why we seem to suffer so greatly ... while every Mystical Tradition (of both East & West, modern and ancient times) will affirm that in the Spiritual Worlds, God's Purpose is Done (vide the `Our Father,' or `Lord's Prayer') - and suffereing is not. Christianity explains our predicament with `Original Sin' and the `Fall from Grace,' both of which doctrines I reject, as they are presented today, after 1500+ years of theological wrangling & haranguing.

But you see, long before these ideas were invented, there was already fighting between tribe & tribe, nation & nation, even family & family. There was conflict & dispute, often over land & possessions, perhaps also status & worldly glory ... but all of this we lump together under the expression "the haves and the have-nots." "With ... without/And who'll deny, it's what the fighting's all about," says the Pink Floyd, aptly (`Us and Them,' Dark Side of the Moon).

Speaking of Purpose, this imbalance still underlies the entire human condition today, and chokes off our progress, by gnawing at the roots of the Tree of Unity. There is nothing wrong with the system of Capitalism in theory. But just look at what has happened - to people, to our planet, to our society - in even just a short time of practice!

We are all-too-eager to see the personal prosperity aspect of capitalism, and too hasty to denounce the shared, communal aspect of a system like communism ... meanwhile unwilling to pratice the nitty-gritty aspects of a religion like Christianity (or Buddhism, either one). All this, and we have ENOUGH food, ENOUGH resource, and ENOUGH of everything - upon planet Earth - for everyone to live a meaningful life ... both spiritually and materially prosperous, rewarding. Enough of almost everything, that is ...
`There is no human problem on this planet that cannot be solved by Intelligence and Love.' --anonymous
Love and Light,

The Object of Man’s Life

Hi people!
What do you guys think the purpose of life is? I'm especially interested in hearing the nonChrisitan answer.

I give hereunder a response of your post in the words of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908, the PromisedMessiahImamMahdi, from his book Philosophy of the Teachings of Islamttp://
Different people being short-sighted and lacking high resolve, appoint different purposes for their lives and limit themselves to worldly goals and ambitions. But the purpose that God Almighty has appointed thou man in His Holy Word is as follows: I have created men and jinn so that they may know Me and worship Me (51:57). Thus the true purpose of man’s life is the worship of God, His understanding and complete devotion to Him.
It is obvious that man is not in a position to appoint the purpose of his own life, for he does not come into the world of his own accord, nor will he depart therefrom of his own will. He is a creature and the One Who created him and invested him with better and higher faculties than those of all other animals, has also appointed a purpose for his life. Whether anyone penetrates to it or not, the purpose of man s creation without a doubt is the worship and the understanding of God and complete devotion to Him.
At another place God Almighty has said in the Holy Quran: The religion which provides true understanding of God and prescribes His true worship is Islam (3 :20). Islam is inherent in man’s nature and man has been created in accord with Islam. That is the everlasting faith (30:30-31). This means that God has desired that man should devote himself to His worship and obedience and love with all his faculties. That is why He has bestowed on man all the faculties that are appropriate for Islam.
These verses have very wide meaning. A part of which we have set out in the third part of the answer to the first question. Here we wish to state briefly that the true purpose of the internal and external limbs and faculties that have been bestowed on man is the understanding of God and His worship and His love. That is why, despite occupying himself with diverse projects in this life, man does not find his true welfare except in God. Having had great wealth, having held high office, having become a great merchant, having ruled a great kingdom, having been known as a great philosopher, in the end he departs from all these involvements with great regret. His heart constantly rebukes him on his total preoccupation with worldly affairs and his conscience never approves his cunning and deceit and illicit activities.
An intelligent person can appreciate this problem in this way also, that the purpose of everything is to be determined by its highest performance beyond which its faculties cannot operate. For instance, the highest function of a bullock is ploughing or irrigation or transportation. Its faculties are not adapted to anything else. Therefore, the purpose of a bullock’s life are just these three things. It has no power to do anything else. But when we look into the faculties of man and try to discover what is their highest reach, we find that he seeks after God, the Exalted. He desires to become so devoted to God that he should keep nothing as his own and all that is his should become God’s. He shares with the other animals his natural urge towards eating, sleeping etc. In industry some animals are far ahead of him. Indeed the bees extracting the essence of different types of flowers produce such excellent honey that man has not yet been able to match them. It is obvious, therefore, that the highest reach of man’s faculties is to meet God, the Exalted. Thus the true purpose of his life is that the window of his heart should open towards God.
I am an Ahmadi - a peaceful faith in Islam working for unity of all revealed religions with peaceful means.
As far as submitting to Divine Will, this is not always easy. Nevertheless, my experience has been - and continues to be - that periods of fasting, increased self-discipline and voluntary sacrifice (of our personal will and the interests of the little self) ... are well worth the reward when it comes to the Spiritual. There are also plateaus, where we are given an opportunity to stretch our legs, so to speak, and reflect on the trials that we have just been through.

Absolutely...and thank G-d for the plateaus! "You must be tried in the fire". Tempered steel requires heat and cold.

Above all, what must come to characterize our spiritual search, and also our commitment to the spiritual path (whatever that may be), is a tenderness towards others, a positive attitude in every situation which presents itself, and a genuine, heartfelt Joy ... so that we may become a conduit, an infectious agent, for God's undying & unconditional Love for all that lives and breathes.
Big Amen to that! Especially loved the last part...
I know these are high ideals. But blind obedience ... just sounds so empty, and impersonal to me. Still, I think I do know what you're saying. It is in the submission of our little wills that we can make space, and a way, for God's Will ... and although we do not expect to perfectly express this will, let's not rule out any possibilities. ;) (As a good friend mine has often reminded me, Things are always a little bit better than you imagine them to be. :))

Love and Light,

I feel ya here...I don't have to be a robot. Most of the time G-d lets me do as I please (in keeping with His commandments). It's just that there are times when He says "Just do it" and I can accept that.

Love ya,
The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole [obligation] of man ............ecclesiastes 12;13