


Can someone please tell me why we have such a thing called "Liberal Christanity?" If you arent going to adhere to historical orthodox Christanity, why even call yourself Christians? How come no one does this sort of stuff with Islam or any other religion? Because of these so called "Christians," many unsaved folks lump you in with us and the name of the Lord is blasphemed. Can you please quit it?! Why not get a new name for yourselves; the world is confused enough about us.
Silas said:
Can someone please tell me why we have such a thing called "Liberal Christanity?" If you arent going to adhere to historical orthodox Christanity, why even call yourself Christians? How come no one does this sort of stuff with Islam or any other religion? Because of these so called "Christians," many unsaved folks lump you in with us and the name of the Lord is blasphemed. Can you please quit it?! Why not get a new name for yourselves; the world is confused enough about us.

Silas--I'm not going to stay for a conversation at the moment. But I want you to do something for yourself. I want you to print this question out and keep it. As your studies and your life progress, I want you to refer back to this question. This is what I'd like--don't know if you will do it. Anyway--it may not seem like it to you right now, but my request is made in all sincerity and in the Spirit of Christian Love.

Namaste my brother,

Our orthodox Christianity of today or probably any denomination or sect would probably look pretty confusing to Paul, or Peter, or Jesus...

Islam has quite the variety of sects or haven't you noticed the discussion between the Shiia and Sunni and Almahdi and not wahabi and..... then there are the variety of Sufi sects...

As does Judaism, Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed, Reconstruction, Renewal, and the indendent unaffiliated and...and...and...then the variety of Cabalists..

Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Wiccans, Pagans, they all have their individual varieties as time goes on....and the debates about what is right, wrong, similar or different in Christianity have been going on for what 2,000 years?

And you my friend are not alone in knowing all the answers, and knowing for sure who is right and wrong, many do. But as years of study turn into decades, and lay preachers turn into ordained low and behold their views often change, along with their denominations, sects, and beleifs.

In my belief system it is actually impossible for an individual or group to blaspheme the lord or irritate G-d...spirit is above that.
Silas--I'm not going to stay for a conversation at the moment. But I want you to do something for yourself. I want you to print this question out and keep it. As your studies and your life progress, I want you to refer back to this question. This is what I'd like--don't know if you will do it. Anyway--it may not seem like it to you right now, but my request is made in all sincerity and in the Spirit of Christian Love.


Are you assuming that I will leave the essentials of the faith and adhere to some new stuff as I grew in the faith?
Namaste my brother,

Our orthodox Christianity of today or probably any denomination or sect would probably look pretty confusing to Paul, or Peter, or Jesus...

Not a chance. The core essential doctrines that we hold true today are the same the the ones Paul taught. We adhere to essentials and keep the five solas: Grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone, scripture alone, to the glory of God alone.

The unessential things like eschotology and how we understand predestination vs freewill, etc., arent essential to salvation and we can debate that till Jesus comes back to take us home.
Are you assuming that I will leave the essentials of the faith and adhere to some new stuff as I grew in the faith?
I think the assumption is that you will grow, and have an ever increased understanding as time goes by...and that a scrapbook/diary/journal of sorts may be helpful in your travels.

As synchronicity goes, it was what I almost added to my post, instead I pushed the enter key only to find it was said for me a minute prior.

I look back at myself 10-20 years ago and marvel at the growth. I look forward to looking back 10-20 years from now and seeing it again...and 10-20 years from then and say, boy how naive I was.

As we accumulate life experiences and thought and they exponentially increase each other tis quite a ride. And well worth looking back down memory lane and appreciating how we got here.
I understand what you're saying, Silas.

For me (just for me), it really helps to hear many opinions of whatever question is in my mind. I learn just as much from hearing viewpoints with which I don't agree as hearing viewpoints with which I agree.

Many times, hearing a "liberal" viewpoint makes my "conservative" faith stronger and strengthens my belief.

Sometimes I hear something which I've previously labeled as "liberal" which turns out to be a beautiful concept which I can verify as truth from the Bible. It might even be something to which I formerly had my mind closed.

And, of course, there are plenty of things with which I don't agree. And I certainly wouldn't want for anyone to have a bad or inaccurate witness of Christianity either.

I know what G-d's rules are for me. I don't know that He wants me to make them for everyone else.

I'm willing to hear what you have to say...:)

I think the assumption is that you will grow, and have an ever increased understanding as time goes by...and that a scrapbook/diary/journal of sorts may be helpful in your travels.

As synchronicity goes, it was what I almost added to my post, instead I pushed the enter key only to find it was said for me a minute prior.

I look back at myself 10-20 years ago and marvel at the growth. I look forward to looking back 10-20 years from now and seeing it again...and 10-20 years from then and say, boy how naive I was.

As we accumulate life experiences and thought and they exponentially increase each other tis quite a ride. And well worth looking back down memory lane and appreciating how we got here.

I dont doubt that I will grow. But, if I grow to the point where I no longer hold to the core essentials of the faith, here's how I would view my past when I did adhere to the core essentials. I would say that I was:

-Intrigued and fasinated with Christ and with Christanity.
-Lead by emotion and feelings.
-Fasinated with the truths and what came about from stuying the Bible.
-Fooled by fickle emotions and a desire to be bold and brave

Thats how I would view myself. I wouldnt assume that I was a biblical Christian. I would have no growns for believing that.

Well here’s my fairly ignorant two penneth. I do find it strange that there’s a sub-forum called Liberal Christianity tagged on under Belief & Spirituality. If there is going to be such a sub-forum surely it should be under Abrahamic Religions? Apart from anything else, as LC is such a popular sub-forum it “masks” to some extent the activity in the B&S forum (IMO). Personally I think the split between Christianity and Liberal Christianity on this site mirrors the impending schism of Christianity worldwide.

But then this leads on to other questions such as the place of Bahai on the forum, the use of the term Eastern Thought and where is Jainism…

The three broad categories of religion are Abrahamic, Dharmic and Taoic; should this not at least be some sort of basis for the site’s forums and sub-forums?

I think Calvin and Hobbes was my favorite comic growing up. I loved it!
Namaste my brother,

Our orthodox Christianity of today or probably any denomination or sect would probably look pretty confusing to Paul, or Peter, or Jesus...

Actually this is an easy one here. Follow the bible and it looks similar Wil.

In my belief system it is actually impossible for an individual or group to blaspheme the lord or irritate G-d...spirit is above that.
Too bad the Bible states otherwise Wil. Thats all I have to go by.
Dor said:
Actually I have asked this question numerous times and still have never got a real answer.

Hi Dor. :) Actually, I have asked that question many times, as well. I don't think it is that we didn't get a real answer. I think we did. It's just not the answer we want to hear. I don't care for the label. But perhaps it is necessary, at least for the time being.

Silas said:
Are you assuming that I will leave the essentials of the faith and adhere to some new stuff as I grew in the faith?

No, Silas. Not quite. I just think that if you keep that question around where you can refer to and run across it every so often, it will somehow figure into your ministry and your life. And I just know it will help you.

Well--I've gotta bow out here again. I've got dinner to prepare. And besides, I don't want to debate this subject anymore right now. I just wanted to give y'all an earnest response. Hope I have not offended.

I dont doubt that I will grow. But, if I grow to the point where I no longer hold to the core essentials of the faith, here's how I would view my past when I did adhere to the core essentials. I would say that I was:

-Intrigued and fasinated with Christ and with Christanity.
-Lead by emotion and feelings.
-Fasinated with the truths and what came about from stuying the Bible.
-Fooled by fickle emotions and a desire to be bold and brave

Thats how I would view myself. I wouldnt assume that I was a biblical Christian. I would have no growns for believing that.
Namaste Silas,

Again I find it facinating your knowledge of the future. I suppose 10 years ago you new exactly how you would feel and act today. I have not that skill and will watch as it all unfolds in front of me.

But I believe this is yet another post for your scrapbook. Someday both you and your children will be intrigued as to what you wrote today...
Our orthodox Christianity of today or probably any denomination or sect would probably look pretty confusing to Paul, or Peter, or Jesus...
Actually this is an easy one here. Follow the bible and it looks similar Wil.;)
I'd think their reactions would be quite interesting when they look at our bible, the books we chose to cannonize, Paul especially. The fact that in so many of our churches we have Jesus on the Cross as his defining moment. The plethora of idols and chains and medalions and industry surrounding the church, someone might have an urge to tip over tables. That so many of us zip to church for an hour and leave to race home to watch the football game or cars drive around in circles... Sunday, the sabbath is on Sunday?? I'd say they'd all have quite a bit to say, how much would be complimentary is subject for yet another book or movie...
I'd think their reactions would be quite interesting when they look at our bible, the books we chose to cannonize, Paul especially. The fact that in so many of our churches we have Jesus on the Cross as his defining moment. The plethora of idols and chains and medalions and industry surrounding the church, someone might have an urge to tip over tables. That so many of us zip to church for an hour and leave to race home to watch the football game or cars drive around in circles... Sunday, the sabbath is on Sunday?? I'd say they'd all have quite a bit to say, how much would be complimentary is subject for yet another book or movie...

Bingo! ;)
The plethora of idols and chains and medalions and industry surrounding the church, someone might have an urge to tip over tables. That so many of us zip to church for an hour and leave to race home to watch the football game or cars drive around in circles... Sunday, the sabbath is on Sunday?? I'd say they'd all have quite a bit to say, how much would be complimentary is subject for yet another book or movie...

I'd have to agree, although I wouldn't call any of this orthodox...
I'd think their reactions would be quite interesting when they look at our bible, the books we chose to cannonize, Paul especially. The fact that in so many of our churches we have Jesus on the Cross as his defining moment. The plethora of idols and chains and medalions and industry surrounding the church, someone might have an urge to tip over tables. That so many of us zip to church for an hour and leave to race home to watch the football game or cars drive around in circles... Sunday, the sabbath is on Sunday?? I'd say they'd all have quite a bit to say, how much would be complimentary is subject for yet another book or movie...

Really seems to me the apostles met on Sundays before it was all said and done.

Seems you need to come visit me and go to a bible teaching church we have no chains, medallions etc.
The church with the industry around it is not what Id call Christian.

Ask me and I will tell you what I think of WoF movement, Rick Warren, and Joel Osteen and all them.
The church with the industry around it is not what Id call Christian.

Ask me and I will tell you what I think of WoF movement, Rick Warren, and Joel Osteen and all them.

Joel Osteen is such a great motivational speaker. It would be cool if he were a Christian.