

at peace
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Hi Everyone :)

The idea for the title of this thread emerged for me from within multiple threads currently inspiring sincere representation from various viewpoints in several forums. That's what I am here to discover, and I really love learning when I find the diplomatic element, but I have learned from less peaceful contrasts. This is simply part of life as I know it in this moment.

I am thinking that maybe a look at what "context" really means in terms of communicating with one another might help add continuing levels of perception to these aforementioned threads.

When I started writing this post, I am almost certain that I had some extremely profound observations to contribute. But I distracted myself by writing a proper introduction. I am sure that if these thoughts apply down the line, I will offer them. :rolleyes:

In the meantime, anyone thinking along these lines (or circles, or spheres, or within this context)? I'd love to read your comments. :)

IMO If we are to communicate with each other and be understood, we must find a common language.

For discussions of a spiritual nature, I suggest this language be love and respect.

If we can start there, we may each understand the other.

I think this already mostly the case.


I broadly concur. The language of understanding is that of love, respect and, of course, agreeing with me!:D

Hi Everyone :)

The idea for the title of this thread emerged for me from within multiple threads currently inspiring sincere representation from various viewpoints in several forums. That's what I am here to discover, and I really love learning when I find the diplomatic element, but I have learned from less peaceful contrasts. This is simply part of life as I know it in this moment.

I am thinking that maybe a look at what "context" really means in terms of communicating with one another might help add continuing levels of perception to these aforementioned threads.

When I started writing this post, I am almost certain that I had some extremely profound observations to contribute. But I distracted myself by writing a proper introduction. I am sure that if these thoughts apply down the line, I will offer them. :rolleyes:

In the meantime, anyone thinking along these lines (or circles, or spheres, or within this context)? I'd love to read your comments. :)


{{{{In Love}}}}}}

This is the very definition of context!
This is why certain spiritual truisms are considered "context dependant" a good example being Pascals Wager.
The moment we begin to organize our thoughts the unspoken, pre-articulate visions of truth begin to degrade. Often you will hear people speak about "relative truth" or "Absolute truth" Understanding what level is being addressed when we speak of truth is critical to understanding. Unfortunately not everyone is at the same level of growth and this leads to much misunderstanding when the conversation turns to spiritual principles. Those at lower levels cannot conceive of anything more abstract and will often defend to the death their own limited understanding.
Surely it is our own skewed version of self that frames the context.

Context in this context of quite open and varied discussion especially due to the remote and virtual nature of the net leads to quite the possibilities...

Can anyone raise a hand when their response was not completely what they thought of the discussion, but something outside the discussion in their real life bled into the response? ie one just had a tiff with a kid, a spouse, a boss, was just fed up with something on the news or with the state of affairs of moral decay and then this last missive by one of our members sent you into a little tirade or maybe just an out of character response which pounced on this previous posters contention with a little more venom than intended?

Or is that just me? Or is that just my perception?

I think love is relating to our hidden agendas as well. Our need to put our thought our belief out into the universe and be accepted by others. So we are not only responding to the post, contributing to the discussion, but bending an ear in hope of converts to our way of thinking. It may be unintentional but due to our nature hard to keep out of the conversation. There is a thought that says we spend 90% of our time either trying to be right in other's eyes or at least trying not to look bad.

Then each and everyone of us has a completely different history. We've done different things, we've lived different lives, we've studied different topics, we've had differing experiences....all of this individually and intotal changes our view or perception our context of any post or any thread or any individual. And our responses are colored by that.

Having read my words and thoughts over the past couple of years there are many here who see my name associated with a post and preconceived notions come up. They could be ones of Joy and anticipation (one has to dream), one of eyes rolling (wonder what the hell he's gonna say this time), one of disdain (more horseshit from wil's world, I won't look at this thread till a few more sane folks have posted), or 'no not more tolerant, mamby pamby we oughta just love more crap' or ....or ....or.... So each of these preconceptions taint the reading of the post or the context of the discussion. Being human tis hard to separate...

Well love, does this touch on any of the aspects of 'context' to which you were referring or am I as usual going off into one of the multiverse on a tangential plane??

See what getting hit in the head by the steel hankie of Politenessman can do for one!
:) Hey Everybody—my apologies for not responding for a while. I kind of forgot that I started this thread! What does this mean? (No need to answer that.)

Thanks for your varied and thoughtful comments (and the hug). Rather than trying to respond to each one individually, since I have failed to maintain my own thread for so long, I guess I’ll just offer the following and hope it is relative in some way to the stream of thought.

I personally wish that Love as I know it would always be the springboard to understanding one another. But I have come to realize that not even Love is perceived the same way by everyone. But it is the best way for me, the best start I have in opening myself up to what "the other guy" is trying to say, and hopefully determining the intentions behind them.

I have noticed that my personal style of language tends toward what I think is abstract. Funny thing is that someone else may not see it that way at all. It seems to me that there are times when, even though I prefer to name ideas a certain way, it helps to consider in any given exchange how the person or persons involved might perceive them. But how can we effectively speak the language of another person without really listening to them first to hopefully sense the nuances and dialect therein?

For instance, as Paladin pointed out, in order for me to attempt a discussion about context, I felt it necessary to contextualize. I could have simply written, “What is context?” But I wanted to zoom in on how context affects our communication with each other.

If I remember correctly, what greatly influenced my OP is the fact that most of my life, I have been relatively unaware of the profound significance of each stroke of ink or carving in ancient texts. (And I call myself an artist!) Specifically, Hebrew text. It took the combination of studying what our Jewish contributors here in CR keep trying to tell us and the delightful discovery of some very meaningful Native American and Celtic symbology to increase my awareness of the importance of understanding an idea within its intended context. That said, I have nothing against thinking outside the parameters of another person’s perception, but if we are to understand one another at all, then I think it is extremely helpful to develop a sense of where their ideas are born. What sometimes happens, however, is that we too quickly assess the situation and subsequently attach a label that may not even apply. When we do this, we miss the true meaning behind the spoken or written words.

I have mentioned before that when I read, for instance, the Bible, I find “layers” of truth and meaning. I have been told by people of diametrically opposing viewpoints that this is just plain annoying. At times, it has earned me a brand I would not choose for myself, but the only thing I can do about that is to let the one doing the labeling live with it. This is not to say that it has no impact on me, but the Spirit that lives in me cannot be defined in a such a narrow context. (And there we go—I have set forth my own context, haven’t I? How? By the use of the term “spirit”, and by the way in which I chose to write it down.) This may immediately either sound an alarm for someone else, or produce a fervent “amen” from another. But we so often read what we want the words to say, and in doing so, we create our own context instead of trying to understand the original intent.

Well, when I begin to wonder if I am rambling, then it is usually time for me to stop, at least publicly. I had another thought I wanted to add, but the phone rang (again), and the thought is out there somewhere else now. I hope it finds a good home.:)
