What would you do if...



OK guys, this should be interesting:

Image for a second that you heard the most earth-shattering news ever! You were home and on the phone telling a friend how much Jesus has changed your life. As you go on speaking about the most precious thing in your life, you friend interupts you and says, "he's not real, he was made up." The sudden burst of what you precieve to be spurious lies are followed by your friend saying, "turn on your tv. look on CNN!" As you look, you realize that they may be correct in their estimatiion and you begin to be conviced of what they were saying - there proof is irrefutable! As you hang up the phone and attempt to make sense of all that just occred, your mind continues to plague you with thoughts - a million at a time, it seems. As your fall back on your chair, what do you think? What will you do if you find out that Christanity was made up and that Jesus never existed.
OK guys, this should be interesting:

Image for a second that you heard the most earth-shattering news ever! You were home and on the phone telling a friend how much Jesus has changed your life. As you go on speaking about the most precious thing in your life, you friend interupts you and says, "he's not real, he was made up." The sudden burst of what you precieve to be spurious lies are followed by your friend saying, "turn on your tv. look on CNN!" As you look, you realize that they may be correct in their estimatiion and you begin to be conviced of what they were saying - there proof is irrefutable! As you hang up the phone and attempt to make sense of all that just occred, your mind continues to plague you with thoughts - a million at a time, it seems. As your fall back on your chair, what do you think? What will you do if you find out that Christanity was made up and that Jesus never existed.

I think any faith worth it's "salt" would hold fast to the one who professed it to begin with. Me personally? I'd listen and then hang up the phone. Later, I'd seek out my friend (after he'd come down from his adreneline rush), and we would talk again, just to make sure that is what he really meant...then take it from there.

Point is: I would listen first, just to make sure...