

Reaction score
Virginia Beach, VA
Like so many others in the introduction portion of this website, I am new :) I've read a few posts already and was really surprised at how well thought out some peoples responses are! (...well, they seem to be!) I have long wondered about so many things regarding religion and just God/god in gereral. I enjoy other insights and opinions.

I have an interest in the paranormal as well. Documentation on such things is fascinating. Look forward to communicating with other people with similar interests!

Hi there, Adamante, and welcome to comparative-religion.com! :)
Adamante said:
... I have long wondered about so many things regarding religion and just God/god in gereral. I enjoy other insights and opinions.

( . . . . )


I have reached my own conclusions on a number of questions; but I like to read and interact with others to see whether they might have reached similar conclusions. Even though I am secure with my own conclusions, nonetheless I don't relish the loneliness of being on my solitary self with my conclusions.

Want to consider my own definition of religion?


A human behavior founded upon a belief in an unknown power resulting in affections and actions intended by the believer to influence the power to react favorably to the believer.

Hope you have a good time here.

Susma Rio Sep

hi, welcome to the forum, i just found this forum recently aswell..many intelligent and experienced people here, take advantage

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Zar, I've been wanting to ask you, Is that graphic after your name the Sacred Heart of Jesus?

You know about the Immaculate Heart of Mary?

I hope they don't mind, and share some humor with me, Jesus and Mary.

I have seen them pointing to their hearts, embossed on ceramic tiles, which devout Catholics placed on their doors.

An association comes to mind when I see these images, that the tenants must be man and wife practicing cardiologists.

Hope Jesus and Mary enjoy this light-witted tie-up.

Susms Rio Sep

Adamante said:
Like so many others in the introduction portion of this website, I am new :) I've read a few posts already and was really surprised at how well thought out some peoples responses are! (...well, they seem to be!) I have long wondered about so many things regarding religion and just God/god in gereral. I enjoy other insights and opinions.

I have an interest in the paranormal as well. Documentation on such things is fascinating. Look forward to communicating with other people with similar interests!


Don't mind us, and gloss over the sharp wit. There are a lot of highly intelligent people here (I'm not talkin' about me). They have a habit of making you think, hard. And I guess that is why we come here, over and over again.

Personally, I'd hate to play chess with most all that post here, my king would fall.

welcome, and have fun.


Not so bright, me...

Quahom says:

Don't mind us, and gloss over the sharp wit. There are a lot of highly intelligent people here (I'm not talkin' about me). They have a habit of making you think, hard. And I guess that is why we come here, over and over again.

Personally, I'd hate to play chess with most all that post here, my king would fall.

Dear Quah, I was good in school and I thought I was better than others. Then when I left schooling and went into life with others in the world outside I came across many people much brighter and smarter than me.

I found compensations in other ways when faced with the kind of people where I have to practice humility as a necessary virtue.

Now, whenever I am dealing with people who are certainly more intelligent and learned than me, I try to say something different and 'jarring' to them.

I think I have some wicked fun thereby.

And maybe guys here who are not like Vaj might lose their cool with me.

Susma Rio Sep

dunno what the avatar is exactly, just looked sweet
Adamante, Susma, and Zaz

Susma Rio Sep said:
Quahom says:

Dear Quah, I was good in school and I thought I was better than others. Then when I left schooling and went into life with others in the world outside I came across many people much brighter and smarter than me.

I found compensations in other ways when faced with the kind of people where I have to practice humility as a necessary virtue.

Now, whenever I am dealing with people who are certainly more intelligent and learned than me, I try to say something different and 'jarring' to them.

I think I have some wicked fun thereby.

And maybe guys here who are not like Vaj might lose their cool with me.

Susma Rio Sep

I like your posts Susma, I think Zaz finds them intriguing, and I'm certain the Adamante (Adam ant), will be fascinated by all of this open minded conversation.

In school, I was different. Let's just say I never was dishonorable, but I was a problem child for the school powers that be (or were). We can discuss in private if you wish.

IN ANY EVENT ADAMANTE...welcome, thrice more welcome, and enjoy :D
Zdrastvuitsye, hola, shalom, salaam, Dia dhuit, namastar ji, hej, konnichiwa, squeak, meow, :wave:, Adamante. Que paso?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

lol...Thanks to all of you who welcomed me aboard. And thanks to all who did not too ::)

How is it that there can be peace between people when such an emotional topic is at the center of discussion? Maybe by being the new guy I just don't know what I'm talking about yet.

But either way...thank you all for saying hello! Even if it was done in a few different languages.

Nada. :)