Is Jesus better...



Has Jesus become precious to you? Have you had a glimpse of the glory of God in Christ inasmuch as to count all other things, e.g., family, friends, money, pleasure, etc., as lost in order that you may gain Christ more? If so, how did you come to this place in your life? If not, why?
Has Jesus become precious to you? Have you had a glimpse of the glory of God in Christ inasmuch as to count all other things, e.g., family, friends, money, pleasure, etc., as lost in order that you may gain Christ more? If so, how did you come to this place in your life? If not, why?

the Christ's example, His life and His words, have been, are, and always will be precious to me. mainly with one of His sayings, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God. that alone sums up that all the material in the world will not fill the void in ourselves, so leave everthing behind, including family and friends if you have to, to seek His face. you ask how i came to be like this? His law has always been written on the tablet of my heart. hard to explain, but even when i was an atheist, he was still guiding me, even when i was cursing Him, He was still blessing me, disciplining me, rebuking me.

Proverbs 3:11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: Proverbs 3:12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. i have loved Him yesterday, today, and into all of eternity. forever and ever. Amen.
the Christ's example, His life and His words, have been, are, and always will be precious to me. mainly with one of His sayings, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God. that alone sums up that all the material in the world will not fill the void in ourselves, so leave everthing behind, including family and friends if you have to, to seek His face. you ask how i came to be like this? His law has always been written on the tablet of my heart. hard to explain, but even when i was an atheist, he was still guiding me, even when i was cursing Him, He was still blessing me, disciplining me, rebuking me.

Proverbs 3:11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: Proverbs 3:12 For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. i have loved Him yesterday, today, and into all of eternity. forever and ever. Amen.

Amen! I'm glad God saved you bro and good to see you on board. Also, I know what you mean about your past, I was similar. What a privilege to be one of the Lord's elect, huh?
Amen! I'm glad God saved you bro and good to see you on board. Also, I know what you mean about your past, I was similar. What a privilege to be one of the Lord's elect, huh?

words cannot describe how grateful i am to our Father in heaven for revealing Himself to this worthless sinner. after all of the filthy carnal sins only through tears can i express how utterly grateful i am for this. but you know what, silas? our Father needs more laborers because the harvest is great. there aren't enough laborers, silas. He needs more. we are in the latter days, brothers. we need to work harder than ever before.
Has Jesus become precious to you? Have you had a glimpse of the glory of God in Christ inasmuch as to count all other things, e.g., family, friends, money, pleasure, etc., as lost in order that you may gain Christ more? If so, how did you come to this place in your life? If not, why?

Jesus is straight gangsta. 'Nuf said. Going what he went through for us is freakin' un-imaginable.

I'll never forget how he helped comfort me and deal with problems that bugged the crap out of me. But the first time I felt him work in me was when He took away all my worries in the blink of any eye, right after I asked him to. After that I saw myself change in marvelous and glorious ways, life was so worthwhile and meaningfull, and I loved myself so much more too. Everything I could possibly want to know about life and the world was answered in His Word, and I was amazed at how it made complete and perfect sense!

...Then in my pride, God slapped me on the wrist and I fell... Been an uphill balttle ever since, but I can still feel the Lord with me. I don't regret my fall; God showed me how much I needed to rely on Him and that I can't do it on my own. And He also showed me how blessed it is to be around fellow believers :)
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Jesus is straight gangsta. 'Nuf said. Going what he went through for us is freakin' un-imaginable.

I'll never forget how he helped comfort me and deal with problems that bugged the crap out of me. But the first time I felt him work in me was when He took away all my worries in the blink of any eye, right after I asked him to. After that I saw myself change in marvelous and glorious ways, life was so worthwhile and meaningfull, and I loved myself so much more too. Everything I could possibly want to know about life and the world was answered in His Word, and I was amazed at how it made complete and perfect sense!

...Then in my pride, God slapped me on the wrist and I fell... Been an uphill balttle ever since, but I can still feel the Lord with me. I don't regret my fall; God showed me how much I needed to rely on Him and that I can't do it on my own. And He also showed me how blessed it is to be around fellow believers :)

well, i don't know about the Christ being a gun-totin' criminal,lol, but it brings me joy to know that you love His instruction. we just have to keep walking with Him, just like Enoch. if He disciplines us, be joyful, because He loves us. now if he doesn't discipline us, then is when you have to start worrying.