Geostationary Banana Over Texas

I like it...I like it a lot!

10% the size of the moon...

A banana.

Hovering over Texas in a statement about US politics!

The sun will 'peel' the skin and the rest will plummet and incinerate itself...

I'm gonna come visit to see this one.

I like it.

Wonder if I could get a starfruit, or a pineapple, or an artichoke?

Texas should really get a t-bone.
Lemme see, flow--I could be mistaken, but I'm thinking that you are a bit west of me. From what I gather, the skies out there can get pretty crowded at night sometimes, so it would probably be written off as another "hoax"...:rolleyes:

But along wil's line of thinking--a banana would probably be the last thing anyone would expect to see over ranch country. :D
I'm just curious--had any of you heard anything about this before I posted the topic? Because my dad found this in the local newspaper from a small town east of here. I hadn't heard about it before, but then I don't get around like I used to. I can't figure out whether this is really for real in reality. I just thought it was funny and fascinating and perhaps very meaningful--or not? LOL.

Hello InLove,

To answer your question, yes i had heard about it before. It created some controversy here because the artist actually received money from the federal and provincial "Council of Art" which are governmental societies... The fact that some of my taxes are paying to fly a banana over Texas is ... kinda annoying, to say the least. :D
Hey Kal :)

Yes, I have been wondering about that. When I saw the article, my first thought was that it sounded like an art project more than anything else. But there is a scientific and political aspect, too. And the commercial. That's something Dad said right off the bat....someone is looking for money. I can see why you might be upset!

On the other hand, I have a mental image of how annoying it might be to certain policymakers from Texas. That alone might be worth it....:D

Hello InLove,

To answer your question, yes i had heard about it before. It created some controversy here because the artist actually received money from the federal and provincial "Council of Art" which are governmental societies... The fact that some of my taxes are paying to fly a banana over Texas is ... kinda annoying, to say the least. :D
So, what you want your own banana? Now that I know your gov't is funding it, isn't sort of like thumbing your nose at us, that our beficent provider to the north gives our great state of Texas a banana. Sort of like we can't or won't give Texas a banana ourselvses.

Now how about Texas? Any word down there? Do they want this gift banana? (Don't I remember reading about when France gave us 'Liberty' some folks were up an arms...sort of like when a relative gives you some gift that is hideous yet expects it to be hung on the wall or displayed)

Hard to get away from this banana hovering over you all day long, every day. Is that Canada hovering over Texas?? Hmmm is there any link to the Amero here, and Interstate 69, the NAFTA freeway from Mexico to Canada? Some sort of Banana Republic statement, fortelling our future as one borderless economy?

How can one banana raise so many questions... I will be jumpin on some discounted flight will be an excuse for me to hop down to the lone star state for a long weekend...I doubt I will have too many opportunities to see a banana floating over Texas...I won't miss this one.
Okay, well--

Wil, I look forward to your visit. Maybe there will actually be a Banana over Texas. If not, we will go to Six Flags Over The Same. It might not be as exciting, but we gotta do what we are given to do. Either way, perhaps it will be educational and fun.

I apologize ahead of time if this thought offends anyone at all, but I have had this in my head for a while now, and I just have to ask. I saw where there were lots of employment opportunities involved in the Banana project. One of the job descriptions, if I remember correctly, has something to do with "bamboo engineering". Oh forgive me, please, but I keep wondering where in Canada will we find these people???? (Sorry, Kal--my dad for most of his adult life was involved in the aerospace industry, and there was a friendly rivalry between the U.S. and Canada--so don't take anything I say too personally, okay?) I love Canada--I'm a musician, and Canada truly knows how to rock!

Well, that said--lolololol!

Re: Geostationary Banana Over Texas!!

Now I know why Canadians are happier and laugh more than Americans. I used to think it was because of Molson's, Labatt's, and that herbal stuff from Vancouver.

Canadians have the unchained ability and imaginative talents to actually and seriously propose something like this, AND the moxie to actually do it ! Oh Canada...indeed !!!

Kal...G-d bless you all up there !!!

"bamboo engineering"
anyone remember making those tension based popsicle stick shapes? a triangle, a square without glue...they could be tossed around between each other until a weak point slipped the tension released and the whole thing disintegrated....

Could be that skill and a few square or diamond lashings would make a good bamboo engineer?