What Music Be You Creating?


Fiercely Interdependent
Reaction score
In a farmhouse, on a farm. With goats.
Companion thread to the perennially popular "What Music Are You Listening To?"

I finally got a myspace space up and running. Just so you know, I highly dislike myspace and think it is a clumsy, crunky interface. It makes me grumpy. But it's the only place I know of to upload my music. So if anyone knows a better place, one that doesn't assault its users with pin-ups of "singles" looking to chat along with a barrage of other internet advertisable nonsense, pleeeeeeeeeeaase let me know.

For now, you can check out my latest music offering here.

Also on that page is a link to my sporadically updated blog--not for the conservative or faint of heart. Consider yourself warned. :) I'm serious.

So this is a call to all CR music makers. Shake your medicine rattle.
I wish you could hear some of our stuff, Pathless--especially my husband's. Guess he'll set it up someday. Or maybe I will--got to have some permission slips from some "cranky musicians" first, lol....

Sounds great!

Oh, dear. I said "cranky musicians".. I meant to say "grumpy" so as to cleverly refer to your statement that you thought your picture made you look that way. But I didn't mean anything cryptic by using the word "cranky", and I thought I'd better clear that up, lol. All I mean is that there might be some copyright issues going on. :eek:

Edit: I really need to read things a little closer. First of all, that's not what you said, and second--you don't look grumpy or cranky in the picture...I really need some rest!

Guess that isn't you. Maybe a friend. Maybe an ad. Maybe I am just tired. Yes--I think that is it! :) (Sorry).

What is it about this thread? I haven't gotten anything right on it so far (except for that bit about my husband's music being good), lol...start over:

Pathless said:
Companion thread to the perennially popular "What Music Are You Listening To?"

I finally got a myspace space up and running. Just so you know, I highly dislike myspace and think it is a clumsy, crunky interface. It makes me grumpy. But it's the only place I know of to upload my music. So if anyone knows a better place, one that doesn't assault its users with pin-ups of "singles" looking to chat along with a barrage of other internet advertisable nonsense, pleeeeeeeeeeaase let me know.

For now, you can check out my latest music offering here.

Also on that page is a link to my sporadically updated blog--not for the conservative or faint of heart. Consider yourself warned. :) I'm serious.

So this is a call to all CR music makers. Shake your medicine rattle.

So if anyone knows a better place, one that doesn't assault its users
Have you tried Zaadz? It is a similar site with a slightly different consciousness.

I don't creat music...'cept fourth Wednesday night drummin circles....oooo...tonight!!

I'm good audience though..you can listen to some of my brother's clips over at cdbaby...
So if anyone knows a better place, one that doesn't assault its users with pin-ups of "singles" looking to chat along with a barrage of other internet advertisable nonsense, pleeeeeeeeeeaase let me know.

This any use Pathless?

Unsigned Band Web - Free Music

...couldn't see a blog on your site...it said "no blog created" or something like that...

As far as the blog goes, it's an external link, where it says "band website" in blue about half way down the page on the left.

Right on. Rage against the machine of our inhumanity.

I am currently exploring a homemade interpretation of "Scarborough Fair". I know, everyone does it....

Gotta go with the flow. :)

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Last edited by InLove : 03-29-2007 at 06:25 PM. Reason: I don't need a reason. I edit my edits. It's just there.
And I'm behind her 100%, so there.

uh oh, music thread....does a joke and a rim shot count?

Three elephants jumped from a plane, two landed on the ground, one in the ocean.

Brian, Pathless ... very listenable things from you both. Why not try submitting things directly to public broadcast stations ? Especially in the U.S. since much of what we are fed here as world music usually has a south asian or african origin.

Western world music has its place also. Thanks.

Flow, I think in the near future I am going to self-produce a CD and market it locally. There are several local radio stations around here and I may drop it off for play there.

Meanwhile, I've updated with a couple of new tracks, yo.

I've started another page for my guitar wankery. Inspired by Dinosuar Jr's "Live in the Middle East" video, I set up my cheap Peavy guitar equipment in this spare bedroom of ours that has been dressed up as a study and studio. This morning I recorded a psychedelic wash of distortion layers. The other song is from many moons ago, recorded again on a quiet coffee morning.

Enjoy! And of course any feedback (puns anyone?) is always appreciated.

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Hi Pathless...Feedback indeed, but if you're into dissonance and distortion of reality (who knows but that reality IS dissonance and distortion) it goes right along. Let's just say that it appropriately compliments my tinnitus symptoms.

Thanks, and just keep on pluckin' them strings bro. Musicismusicismusicismusic !
