The Secret and the Law of Attraction


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The Secret and the Law of Attraction

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." - Buddha​
The Secret is an eye-opening, feature-length documentary on the Law of Attraction. This law states that we attract into our lives that which is in harmony with our dominant thoughts. Think positively about your health, finances, and relationships, and you'll attract positive results. Think negatively about these areas of your life, and you'll experience nothing but frustration.

As The Secret aptly points out, most people spend their time either thinking about what they don't want or noticing what they're already getting. Consequently, they keep attracting more of the same -- the same health issues, the same financial problems, the same relationships. But if you want to make real improvements in your life, you must spend more time thinking about what you desire, even if it seems to have no presence in your life yet. This change of mindset can be very challenging, but those who've successfully done it report amazing results.

... the personal stories in the movie really made these concepts sink in. Seeing real people get real results helped me understand that this isn't some abstract, new agey concept that should only be pondered during meditation. The Law of Attraction can be used to generate down-to-earth, practical results. That's the whole point.

Have you seen What the Bleep do We Know? Similar concepts.

This "law of attraction" works collectively and exponentially as well. Not only are we able to effect ourselves positively, but in doing so, we create a ripple effect of positive change that courses through the people we interact with. Hell, it may have a life of its own in space and time, for all I know.

As consciousness continues to evolve on this planet, I believe we are going to see some quite startling effects and the opening up of entirely surprising realities and possibilities. It's really a process of alignment for each of us. Old paradigms are rotting and crashing down all around us. They have been decaying for some time, and as more positive energies and frequencies begin to propagate on the planet, we will all want to come around to align our intentions and actions with the prevailing energy.

This is not a bad thing. It's quite pleasant, actually.


Is it just me, or do any of you think that we overcomplicate things like this? I mean--sounds like the power of positive thinking, or karma, or I dunno. It seems simple to me. Honestly. And I'm not knocking the idea, it just seems like nothing new to me.

Here's my version: Act in sincere Love in each moment, for in each moment is where the future and the past meet. In each moment, we impact both history and the future. This works for me whether in linear or non-linear thought--I mean, the non-linear embraces the linear, does it not? And pray--no matter how you see the Source of your life, communicate with that which is revealed to you.

Personally, I have experienced that if I focus on The Source, then that Life will bring (or attract, if you prefer) a certain (I like earl's thoughts here) synchronicity. The Source, of course, of course :) , is one of Life, Love, and Wisdom. And if you want, it may live within you.

Am I just misunderstanding what this "Secret" is all about? Or is it possible that I just "get it"?

I apologize if I have misunderstood or oversimplified something of intense depth....

Yeah, it's most certainly quite simple. That's probably a problem for some people who expect life to be full of striving and complicated patterns, hierarchies, and whatnot.

Also, if you are planning to sell a book or a movie on it, or an academic discipline or science like quantum physics, then you most certainly have to convolute things and make up your own complicated lingo so that people will be interested and feel smart when they finally "conquer" the information.

I like to exercise my vocabulary and imagination, but at the same time recognize the need keep it simple. After all, God is uncomplicated.

Well, simple, yes ... but I too have seen What the Bleep, and I prefer it by far to `The Secret.' If you've seen What the Bleep, then you know, of course, that when speaking of things like quantum mechanics, simple tends to go out the window rather quickly! :p

I do like how the updated version shows the little physicist guy explaining particles and waves, but I like the kid on the basketball court just as much. The part that truly blows my mind is the bit that I think we ALL would kind of tend to hummmm on. You can now physically observe with the naked eye - a SINGLE THING existing in TWO PLACES AT ONCE. :D

And I love how the guy explains it. He's like, Folks aren't gonna get this. They're gonna think there's some catch, that we don't really understand what's going on. But ummm, no. This is just HOW THINGS ARE.

What if this can, and already does, exist on the human level? Numbers of saints, mystics and occult figures are said to be able to do this, and I, personally, believe it 100%. I dunno if it works quite like what the new physicists are saying, but it is recorded that Appollonius of Tyana could literally be (or appear to be) in more than one place at the same time. The most elaborate description I've ever seen of such a thing, can be found on the following site, in Case #2 of "Encounters with Theosophical Mahatmas."I find this entertaining in the least, but I also just accept it at face value. And it certainly casts new light on questions like, what was that Resurrection bit all about 2100 years ago, anyway? ;)

Anyway, the idea of `The Secret' is perhaps part of the appeal. As soon as you say, shhhh, it's a secret ... you immediately attract a certain amount, and type, of attention. But I think folks have summed up what the real Secret is all about - especially your description, InLove. I also like what Dondi is saying, on Blazn's original thread (on Christianity) ... since this entails great Responsibility - and the question of whether or not Humanity is really ready to choose the right future.

Can we intelligently, peacefully and benevolently Co-Create with the Greater Powers that be? Or shall we put off our advancement, our Initiation into a new chapter of Living until a later date? It does take a "critical mass," and I wonder if we're really quite there yet. :(

So maybe there is a good deal more to learn. Maybe as the doors open, and as we enter in, the new lessons build upon the old. Maybe, as we've always suspected, and as common sense kinda tells us, the deeper Mysteries build upon the Lesser, and without that solid foundation, no new structure(s) can be erected. This is why I think we have passages like "many are called, but few are chosen." And while a few, precious few, of Humanity have passed through the portals of Initiation down through the ages, the number has not been large enough to pull the rest of the planet on through.

We can't go kicking and screaming. We either advance together, as Groups, and with a common Purpose (at this point) ... or we stand our ground. Just seems to me like the tide's comin' in, and what yesterday was a safe spot to sit ... might not even be there, tomorrow! :eek: (either that, or Al Gore's just on crack, but you know where my $$ is!)

Namaskar ...
Is it just me, or do any of you think that we overcomplicate things like this? just seems like nothing new to me.

Here's my version: Act in sincere Love in each moment, for in each moment is where the future and the past meet. In each moment, we impact both history and the future. This works for me whether in linear or non-linear thought--I mean, the non-linear embraces the linear, does it not? And pray--no matter how you see the Source of your life, communicate with that which is revealed to you.

Personally, I have experienced that if I focus on The Source, then that Life will bring (or attract, if you prefer) a certain (I like earl's thoughts here) synchronicity. The Source, of course, of course :) , is one of Life, Love, and Wisdom. And if you want, it may live within you.

Am I just misunderstanding what this "Secret" is all about? Or is it possible that I just "get it"?

I apologize if I have misunderstood or oversimplified something of intense depth....
Namaste in love....yes and yes and yes...

or at least that is the way I see it. The secret is that prayer works...and it doesn't matter what religion.

The secret is it is all a matter of perspective...your perspective...and it is upto you to change it and your attitude and walla...change your world.

The secret is a way of increasing the number of conscious, personally responsible people in the world...both the secular and religious world.
Is it just me, or do any of you think that we overcomplicate things like this? I mean--sounds like the power of positive thinking, or karma, or I dunno. It seems simple to me. Honestly. And I'm not knocking the idea, it just seems like nothing new to me.

Here's my version: Act in sincere Love in each moment, for in each moment is where the future and the past meet. In each moment, we impact both history and the future. This works for me whether in linear or non-linear thought--I mean, the non-linear embraces the linear, does it not? And pray--no matter how you see the Source of your life, communicate with that which is revealed to you.

Personally, I have experienced that if I focus on The Source, then that Life will bring (or attract, if you prefer) a certain (I like earl's thoughts here) synchronicity. The Source, of course, of course :) , is one of Life, Love, and Wisdom. And if you want, it may live within you.

Am I just misunderstanding what this "Secret" is all about? Or is it possible that I just "get it"?

I apologize if I have misunderstood or oversimplified something of intense depth....

Hi InLove. I haven't read this book, The Secret, and may not be entirely familiar with its premise. But did want to clarify something you mentioned in connection with my name. My understanding of the premise of the book is a variation on positive thinking and wish-gratification. In other words, you're telling the Source/Universe what you expect to happen. Synchronicity is perhaps more a case of vice versa. I'd read in older New Age writers a way of viewing this relationship in a truly co-creative way that makes some sense to me; a way that may truly be for one's "higher good." The way some New Agers referred to the process was to use an example like this: say you feel in need of more material abundance & you "put that out there." No check's in the mail day 1, nor day 2, etc. But suddenly strangers on the street are wishing you well, old friends & relatives are seeking to reunite with you. Then 1 day you've realized you don't really care about material abundance as your heart is full-you've found an abundance you didn't even know you were looking for. Then you shift & ask for opportunities and means to come your way to attain what "you're meant to have." New Agers have said when you're where you're suposed to be or where you ain't, the signs & synchronicities pop up. So it's kind of like a "my" will-"thy" will-"my" will kinda thing. Then don't forget about the old adage, "be careful what you wish for-" thank "God" we don't have that much power.;) :D earl
Hey earl--

Thanks for the clarification. Yes, I do believe that there is a difference in a strictly selfish request and a sincere prayer in goodwill. What goes 'round comes 'round, but I don't think of that as the focus. I live knowing that it does, but I think it is something we can only learn from personal experience. We can ask for whatever we want, but like you say, the Wisdom and Love that guides the universe, including the inner spirit, will show us what it is we really need in order to fully and fruitfully participate in this creative connection. And so we watch for this. And in expecting the answer, we may see it, but it may be way more creative than we had in mind! ;) :)

Bob Proctor's New Project

Hi everyone.

Bob Proctor is a world renowned philosopher and mentor, expert on human mind and potential. He teaches for 50 years people all over the world and helped to literally thousands of people to become a milionare. He appeared in the movie Secret. He’s also co-author of the besteller Chicken Soup For The Soul. He has the ability to turn the most perplexing meanings into easy to understand and apply steps..

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the problem I have with the law of attraction is that millions of people die of poverty, to say its because of the wrong type of thoughts is pretty nasty really.

for example a child dies of starvation, according to the law of attraction this is the childs fault for attracting this to themselves, how can that be ?
the problem I have with the law of attraction is that millions of people die of poverty, to say its because of the wrong type of thoughts is pretty nasty really.

for example a child dies of starvation, according to the law of attraction this is the childs fault for attracting this to themselves, how can that be ?
First of all, saying that to anyone directly, like someone who has leukemia, or any spiritual malpractice.

But in reality....our reality....those people dying of poverty, of starvation, of cancer, committing crimes, are our is what we are attracting!! :eek:
First of all, saying that to anyone directly, like someone who has leukemia, or any spiritual malpractice.

But in reality....our reality....those people dying of poverty, of starvation, of cancer, committing crimes, are our is what we are attracting!! :eek:

so are you suggesting a collective law of attraction then ?
Yes and no....

We each have our own perceptions. Mother Theresa holds a baby dying of cancer, a challenge that while struggling the baby will lose any moment....when asked how she can smile and do that day in and day out...she says, "All I see is a beautiful child of G!d" She worked in one of the most impovershed areas we can imagine, where starvation and death was an everyday occurance.

But our personal perceptions of our world....are ours.
The Law of Attraction

"I, if I be lifted up, will draw all [men] unto me." {John 12:32}
Like most things, I believe the LOA is very simply explained and has nothing to do with mind control and mind over matter.

I want to try an experiment which involves getting a large group of people together (say 100,000) who will follow my own theory of the LOA which is really simple and entirely within the scope of everyone. By using the LOA, I hope to be able to create Lottery winners. Are you interested in joining this experiment?