how does ghod affect you all the time



how does god make you feel. when does he make you feel it.

when do you know its god.

what kind of things happen when god is calling you or sending you messages.

IS god always talking to you in thoughts or in feelings or in other people interacting with you?

do you think you can trust other people or think that they might lead you away.

you know how some christians kind of disassociate with the world.
how does god make you feel. when does he make you feel it.

when do you know its god.

what kind of things happen when god is calling you or sending you messages.

IS god always talking to you in thoughts or in feelings or in other people interacting with you?

do you think you can trust other people or think that they might lead you away.

you know how some christians kind of disassociate with the world.

If we are lucky we completely disassociate from the world.
I know that when Im walking close with Jesus..reading my bible everyday and praying or just speaking to Him in my mind as I go throughout my day.. I hear Him more clearly.. The more I grow the more I hear Him. When I backslide and stop doing the things that strengthen my spirit.. I hear him less and fall back into old habits easily.. It happens to all of is.. its like an ebb and flow.. you will notice that spiritual attacks are like this also. they ebb and flow.
I know that when Im walking close with Jesus..reading my bible everyday and praying or just speaking to Him in my mind as I go throughout my day.. I hear Him more clearly.. The more I grow the more I hear Him.
Reminds me of the story of Enoch, how he became so much like G-d that G-d took him because he enjoyed his company so much.
you will notice that spiritual attacks are like this also. they ebb and flow.

Boy, isn't that the truth!:)
hey, prober, have you read the book of enoch? if you haven't, then, never mind. if you have, then, what do you think of it? sorry, to go off topic.
it is actually amazing, but it only brought up more questions. i only read it because there were traces of it in epistles of peter and the obvious one where jude quotes from the book itself. but overall, i learned alot from it. from what i understand it gives a detaled description of what seems like a black hole in space and also it describes the events leading up to the flood, also has a small piece from the book of Noah! it is mind blowing but i still have my doubts. wish i didn't, though. i ask myself, what was it that peter and jude saw in the book that i did't? also it is fascinating to know how enoch pulled it off. in Genisis it says he just walked with Him and He took him! i wish He could do that with me. do you know what i mean?
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