
The Jaded Fool

Well-Known Member
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I just wanted to say "Hello"...

I have wandered here after many years of being spiritually homeless... I was at one time an ordained minister... I was a youth pastor for 8 years... during that time I got to see the inner workings of the "church"... I was not able to reconcile in my heart the teachings of Jesus with the way I was asked to lead and the things I was asked to teach... so I resigned and walked away... and have been wandering ever since... that was nearly 10 years ago...

I stumbled across The Center for Progressive Christianity... I am still waiting to get access to post on the forums there... in reading many of the posts there I found some hope... for the first time in a long time... I feel like maybe I am not completely insane and perhaps I am not a heretic... lol =)

I wanted to preach Peace & Love... but was asked to preach guilt & law... I thought Jesus came to free us from those things... but I guess I was mistaken ;-)

While I was reading the forums over at I saw that some people there also post here... so here I am... =)

If you post over at tcpc please drop me a note =)

Peace & Love

The Jaded Fool
Re: Greetings!!

Namaste and Welcome David!

Here's to you finding your you are comfortable with.

Tis obvious you have a passion for teaching and helping, just need the right is out there I am sure.

peace and blessings,

Re: Greetings!!

Should have placed this in Introductions, but anywho.... Welcome, go with christ brah.


Good call!! =)

I looked for something like that but I didnt back out far enough to the main board to find it... =)

I will post it there...


Peace & Love
I am reposting this here... since I had posted it in the wrong place... oops... =)

I just wanted to say "Hello"...

I have wandered here after many years of being spiritually homeless... I was at one time an ordained minister... I was a youth pastor for 8 years... during that time I got to see the inner workings of the "church"... I was not able to reconcile in my heart the teachings of Jesus with the way I was asked to lead and the things I was asked to teach... so I resigned and walked away... and have been wandering ever since... that was nearly 10 years ago...

I stumbled across The Center for Progressive Christianity... I am still waiting to get access to post on the forums there... in reading many of the posts there I found some hope... for the first time in a long time... I feel like maybe I am not completely insane and perhaps I am not a heretic... lol =)

I wanted to preach Peace & Love... but was asked to preach guilt & law... I thought Jesus came to free us from those things... but I guess I was mistaken ;-)

While I was reading the forums over at I saw that some people there also post here... so here I am... =)

If you post over at tcpc please drop me a note =)

Peace & Love

The Jaded Fool
Re: Greetings!!

Namaste and Welcome David!

Here's to you finding your you are comfortable with.

Tis obvious you have a passion for teaching and helping, just need the right is out there I am sure.

peace and blessings,


Hey wil...

Thank You!!

I very much miss teaching and helping... but I also miss learning... and being moved... thankfully... through this site and through tcpc... I have again been moved... like waking up from a coma... lol... or hibernation... its been a long long winter... =)

Peace & Love
Re: Greetings!!

Welcome, TJF:)

I know you will find some worthwhile reading and conversation here. I look forward to your posts.

Welcome to CR Jaded Fool:)!

I have thought many times about becoming a youth minister myself. I really enjoy theology in the aspect of youth teachings. However, I'm looking into traveling ministry more.

Jaded Fool said:
I wanted to preach Peace & Love... but was asked to preach guilt & law... I thought Jesus came to free us from those things... but I guess I was mistaken ;-)

Guilt, in my sight is a worthless emotion. You should only feel guilt if you have hurt another. Guilt no longer serves its purpose since Jesus DID free us from it. When he died on the cross, our guilt was erased. What we felt was sorrow for killing our beloved King...not guilt. For if Jesus forgived us of our sins, then our record of hurting someone was erased, therefore, what guilt should we feel but that of its mocking resemblence: past tied with sorrow.

...just a thought to ponder on.

Good luck on your journey thru faith!:)
Welcome to CR Jaded Fool! :)

Perhaps you'll find some companions for your journey here. We're quite a diverse bunch. Enjoy your stay!

Welcome to CR, Jade Monkey.

Er, Jaded Fool. Sorry. Freudian slip?

Yours is a good story. I think it has a happy ending. Jesus is Peace and Love, not Fear, at least in my neighborhood.


PS What's with everyone changing their avatars all the sudden? 17th? Didn't you used to be V for Vendetta? Now you are what... adbusters?


Maybe I should get myself a new av. Go crazy.
Welcome JF,

I know you'll find great discussions here. I look forward to your thoughts.

Thanx all for the warm welcome...

I guess I need an avatar... lol

There is a lot of interesting reading here... some great thoughts and opinions...

Peace to you all...
Welcome David. It seems you have discovered there are various ways to be Christian. Perhaps you will find you can trade in your jaded fool moniker for holy fool in time.:) earl
Re: Greetings!!

Hey all...

I spent the last few hours reading through various posts in the Liberal Christianity Forum.

WOW!! I came face to face with that which drove me from the church... I also came face to face with the person I once was... when I first got out of bible college and became a youth pastor... I was an ultra-legalistic extreme right-wing a-hole... now let me say that I didnt see many post along those lines... but I did see a few... and reading these made me realize how un-loving and arrogant I once was... now I am not saying that those that posted those things are unloving and arrogant... I am just saying I was... :)

Thankfully... I broke free of the programming from college and met some amazing people that walked lives of love... one was a catholic priest... one was a military photographer turn buddhist peace-activist ... and another a gay agnostic... :)

And so the transformation began... it is a long story that I may share at a later time... there are some very amusing moments along the way... as well as many painful ones... but it ended in me walking my own path...

I said all that to say this... I appreciate the welcome as well as reading many of the things you all have posted... I see that there are people from all over the spectrum... but I also see some kindred spirits... I hgpe to get to know those kindred spirits better... :)

Peace & Love

The Jaded Fool
Re: Greetings!!

Welcome to the CR Forums, Jaded. Please feel free to speak you mind, everyone else has.

May I ask what ultra-legalistic denomination you came out of? Just trying to gauge where you are coming from. There is such a diversity of Christian denominations with varying appeals to this doctrine and that doctrine and everything in between. But I am glad that you freed yourself from legalistic issues. I believe that if one does follow the Law, it ought to be out of love, not compulsion or desire to please others.
Re: Greetings!!

Hey Dondi...

Again let me clarify before I start throwing names around... I am speaking of my life, my journey... and those individuals that I have been in contact with... I do not believe that everyone within the denominations that I have experience in were legalistic and arrogant... though looking back there were individuals who were... me included... :)

I attended an Assembly of God college and was a youth pastor at a nondenominational charismatic church... The roots of the church were in the Word of Faith movement... but it had broken from that and was independent at the time of my service...
