YOUR favourite conspiracy theory!!



Recently I found my way on to a couple of Conspiracy Theory websites. Very entertaining I must say.

I would like to ask you all if you have a favourite and why?

I am still looking at them and cant say I have a favourite just I will wait a while before making a choice.. and see if any of you point me to a beauty :p
Ermmm look into it? You wanted interesting/favourite conspiracy theories... My favourite would be the moon landings... An answer, to your question. Very fun theory indeed... Play back Armstrongs infamous speech. "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind..." Backwards.... Heh.


A link...

The Apollo Hoax
Ermmm look into it? You wanted interesting/favourite conspiracy theories... My favourite would be the moon landings... An answer, to your question. Very fun theory indeed... Play back Armstrongs infamous speech. "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind..." Backwards.... Heh.


A link...

The Apollo Hoax

Well ty. I looked at this before...and had a good gawk at this site you linked. I see nothin to prove a hoax landing nor the lunar city. And I hear nothing in Armstrongs reverese speech.... what do you hear?
I didnt look at any websites.. but I have to say the Kennedy assasination literally being so close to home is one of them
I didnt look at any websites.. but I have to say the Kennedy assasination literally being so close to home is one of them

Well that is a biggy. And in my opinion one of the most shameful acts of national apathy in you nations breif history.
Well ty. I looked at this before...and had a good gawk at this site you linked. I see nothin to prove a hoax landing nor the lunar city. And I hear nothing in Armstrongs reverese speech.... what do you hear?

You don't hear anything? All those with a microphone go to your start menu... Programmes, accessories, entertainment... Sound recorder.. Record yourself saying "That's one small step for a man, one giant step for mankind..." Play it in reverse... You're telling me that doesn't sound like "man never went on the moon." or something along those lines lol... Haven't done it for years....

One part of this 'theory' I do like... The leaving shots... Where the camera pans around films the moon then goes back to film the astronaughts taking off... Who's doing the filming? ;) Like, did they come back for him?
Thanx 17th Angel

Well I did it again...and again....and again.....and again....(u get the picture)....
I heard something like 'one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind' backwards:p

A year or so ago on uk tv there was a program, presented by Robert Winston, about human vision. There was a simple experiment for veiwers during the program that asked them to count the number of times a basketball player bounced the ball as he moved. Of course everybody counted and failed to notice the guy in the gorila suit that walked across the veiw and gave us a wave. The point being is that the human senses are far more reliant on conditioning and expectation than is often recognised.

I did as you asked and I hear nothing of the kind though I can see if 'you wanted to believe' you could extract what you wanted to hear from it.

In addition I have re-visited the site you linked to and followed a few of the links there. In doing I have come across more spurious facts, re-touching, manipulations and selctive quotes than they themselves accuse Nasa of. And lets face it at every turn all they are really trying to do is sell you books and videos.

If the moon landings were a fix they would have had to bribe or fool or silence so many people who are independent of Nasa or any other American agency. Such as the scientists around the world that used radio telescope to triangulate the position of the probes. Also the USSR made no claim of hoax, and at that time nobody was more qualified to call the bluff. If they knew it to be a hoax you can bet your life they would have said so.

All that said I still reserve judgement. I dont know for certain it was not a hoax. But I have yet to see any convincing evidence.


All the 9/11 government-inspired consipiracy theories are fun to watch. Why is it always the government that is the conspirists? Why couldn't it be, say, Disney enterprises? Don't they still have Walt encased in ice?
All the 9/11 government-inspired consipiracy theories are fun to watch. Why is it always the government that is the conspirists? Why couldn't it be, say, Disney enterprises? Don't they still have Walt encased in ice?

Because we all know our Goverments do and Walt Disney :D

But seriously, I looked at some of the 9/11 stuff. There are a lot of questions regarding that event that remain a mystery. And truth is so often stranger than any fiction. I would not dismiss the idea that a certain group of Godless, (tho they might publicly pay lip service), power and profit motivated individuals were aware of the plot and if not encourage its initiation turned a blind eye to suit their designs. As for an actual conspiracy... well I do not know.
One part of this 'theory' I do like... The leaving shots... Where the camera pans around films the moon then goes back to film the astronaughts taking off... Who's doing the filming? ;) Like, did they come back for him?


Yeah, I guess they didn't think that one through. That guy's still up there, eating dehydrated ice cream and Tang. Going insane, cursing Earth, throwing moon rocks that frustratingly arc lazily and sloooowly back to the moon surface.
That isn't the real "Walt" encased in ice. That is a very convincing replica. Walt is the one eating ice cream on the moon, and he was there when our guys got there, and he, of course had a cameraman along....