To the MOON with you Alice


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Ok, so President Bush unveiled his vision for America to go to the Moon, establish a permanent presence, and set the stage for Mars landings of humans...the nae sayers cite money, popular consensus (or lackluster equivilent) as being reasons why it won't happen.

What do you think is going to come of this?

Note: The last time a US president made public such a far reaching endeavor, despite similar misgivings, the US in fact landed on the Moon, not once, but six times (we even drove on the Moon in General Motors vehicles).

Now, this president is not as eloquent as the last one that inspired us to reach beyond our earthly boundries, but I suspect he is just as determined (based on past performance - right or wrong).

I have my own opinions as to why this has come to pass, however, I'd like to hear your views.

I also have my own thoughts on this endeavor, and again, I'd like to hear yours first.

I want to see if what I think is anything close to what you think.

Look forward to the potential debate.


1/ China has a space program for putting people in space - the USA hasn't
2/ Bush has an election coming up

3/ The USA even has to rely on Russia to deliver it's space cargoes
4/ Bush has an election coming up
5/ Everyone in the USA feels good about the spirit rover working on Mars
6/ Bush has an election coming up
7/ The Chinese have a space program
8/ Bush has an election coming up

Hm, I nkow there are other reasons - just a bit pushed to think of them at the moment. :)

The Neo-cons have already told Bush he's over-spending on everything else already - and the $800 million for NASA is chicken feed for what is required.

I said:
1/ China has a space program for putting people in space - the USA hasn't
2/ Bush has an election coming up

3/ The USA even has to rely on Russia to deliver it's space cargoes
4/ Bush has an election coming up
5/ Everyone in the USA feels good about the spirit rover working on Mars
6/ Bush has an election coming up
7/ The Chinese have a space program
8/ Bush has an election coming up

Hm, I nkow there are other reasons - just a bit pushed to think of them at the moment. :)

The Neo-cons have already told Bush he's over-spending on everything else already - and the $800 million for NASA is chicken feed for what is required.

Ok, Brian. ;) However, I was looking at some other areas as well.

1. We just about knocked the Russians off of their stoop with this announcement. And they are rubbing their hands in glee at the probability of working hand in hand with the US on this project. This is good for them and the US, because a burden the money it will bring in, not to mention the prestige. Plus it will distract the Russians from assisting the Chinese in their program (the Chinese are not nearly ready for that kind of leap - though they are quick studies and very determined).

2. The US has become complacent the last 20 years (which is uncharacteristic for the culture), particularly with the space progam and historical success of the STS Shuttle program. But that is all it is, a shuttle/cargo carrier. It is time to move on to "this, that and other things".

3. The US has the technology, and then some, and has had it for 40 years. We really had no reason to go back until now (now that we have discovered minerals in the comets, asteroid belt, and the Moon, that are useful to us). The Chinese have also contributed to our incentive (by creating competition). Americans love a challenge. If they aren't challenged they become bored.

4. This will boost the morale of a war weary world, who's petty bickering and squabbles over tribal god images, and land grabs, is breaking us down faster than any World War we have had. It forces us to look out past ourselves and wonder.

5. The way President Bush worded it, just about anyone can get in on the game. But (there is always a butt somewhere), the US is leading this game, and will not stop for petty infighting, and indecision.

6. Some say the US is the brightest burning bulb on the tree (as nations go), and that which burns brightest lasts half as long. The US will not be able to remain a superpower for ever. But to have the historical legacy of leading mankind out to walk on other worlds, would put the US in the greatest contributions list.

7. It is a form of immortality, for the "parent". If colonies are established and successful, then the foundation they are based on will have "made in the USA" chisled into the corner stone, long after the USA is dust. All roads lead to Rome, all worlds lead to home, and the USA is the birth place of the spacefarer's point of origin.

The Chinese have military ambitions for space (as well as other areas), wherein the US has military supremacy. Americans have a tradition of trail blazing, of defying what the status quo is. Bush may not be eloquent, but neither is he stupid...all he has to do is get a seed to germinate in the minds of his countrymen, get people curious about reaching out for the brass ring, and making us think outside the "box". His implying equal partnership and sharing equally in the rewards to the Russian people (because love him or hate him, he is a man of his word, and Russians understand that), subconciously boosts their national ego. "Wow, the president of the United States (and defacto the people), consider us Russians as equals, partners worthy of eachother..."

Not bad for a scrub land Texas rancher with black gold, and a limited vocabulary.

my two cents.
Quahom1 said:
5. The way President Bush worded it, just about anyone can get in on the game. But (there is always a butt somewhere), the US is leading this game, and will not stop for petty infighting, and indecision.

If it's anything like the ISS, that means that US companies will be paid by NASA to develop the required technologies - even if those technologies already exist and are supported by other nations.
It's a lovely idea, but right now it's a waste of money. I can't help but think of all the millitary contractors that will clean up from this. I wonder how many of them are Cheney's golf buddies?

It's a government by the rich, for the rich. I suspect any initiative this man takes, because it usually has something to do with making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Even if NASA gets real busy, too bad the janitors at NASA might not be able to get overtime pay anymore. Thanks, George!

I think we need another leap in technology before we try this again. There are cheaper and more efficient solutions for space travel out there, but we haven't found them yet. We're still using the basic concepts we had in the sixties, largely because Reagan cut the R&D out of the space shuttle program. The military vendors have no interest in doing the R&D -- they're making enough money and are just fine, thank you, the way things are.

Spritually speaking, this man is entirely corrupt. Pray for him, everybody.

The fact that the United States is in huge debt, our biggest surplus is gone, we now have to rebuild Iraq, schools have been getting budget cuts, along with everything else, and we have just gotten a machine on mars.

My question to president bush is, do we really have the money…or the time?

PS- I’d like everyone to debate on my war with Iraq posting. I’d like to hear what everyone thinks.