Jesus Christ has completed the work for us.

Communicating that you are not out there "just flapping in the breeze" all by yourself (or just with those who agree with you). That you need somehow to do something besides tell people that (insert title).

I feel, from just observation... The people that aren't going on about (insert title) and just living for the day and such, aren't struggling... They be having a wonderful time and a great life... The ones with the knowledge of (insert title) are stressing and struggling to get others to believe/support/whatever it is that they are selling...
well, I know we're in the xtian forum, but... I tell ppl they dont have to struggle... and I point them in the direction of what they need... usually services, rather than God, or Buddha, but... if u've done everything u can, and ur still struggling, then, hey... try Jesus... try buddha... it might just work!
I feel, from just observation... The people that aren't going on about (insert title) and just living for the day and such, aren't struggling... They be having a wonderful time and a great life... The ones with the knowledge of (insert title) are stressing and struggling to get others to believe/support/whatever it is that they are selling...

You see that's just it, nobody is selling anything. Before I became a Christian, I used to think "why can't these people just stop telling me that (insert title)?" Now that I understand God's message to us, I realize that it doesn't matter what you think. I just need to be as non offensive as possible, but I have no intention of just doing status quo stuff when it comes to telling people the truth that (insert title). God has this thing about it.
You know, narrow gates and wide gates.
You see that's just it, nobody is selling anything. Before I became a Christian, I used to think "why can't these people just stop telling me that (insert title)?" Now that I understand God's message to us, I realize that it doesn't matter what you think. I just need to be as non offensive as possible, but I have no intention of just doing status quo stuff when it comes to telling people the truth that (insert title). God has this thing about it.
You know, narrow gates and wide gates.

How did you come to understand God's message in the first place? What gave you the spark to look into the matter?
You see that's just it, nobody is selling anything. Before I became a Christian, I used to think "why can't these people just stop telling me that (insert title)?" Now that I understand God's message to us, I realize that it doesn't matter what you think. I just need to be as non offensive as possible, but I have no intention of just doing status quo stuff when it comes to telling people the truth that (insert title). God has this thing about it.
You know, narrow gates and wide gates.

Do you "struggle" then? To tell people what you know? Do you find it stressing that they just won't freaking hear you or give you a minute? Or that it is going right through one ear and out the other and they have no real understanding of how important it is?

A common experience?

Does the other person after worry about it?

Is it fair?
Do you "struggle" then? To tell people what you know? Do you find it stressing that they just won't freaking hear you or give you a minute? Or that it is going right through one ear and out the other and they have no real understanding of how important it is?

A common experience?

Does the other person after worry about it?

Is it fair?

I used to be like that. I don't struggle with it as much anymore. I offer, but if they don't want to hear, I'm not going to push it. I might give them a tract and pray for them and go on. I may be disappointed that they don't with to listen, but if one has to force an audience, then you've lost them already. And I'll end up wasting time with them when I could be talking to someone who is willing to listen. "He who has ears to hear, let them hear."
I used to be like that. I don't struggle with it as much anymore. I offer, but if they don't want to hear, I'm not going to push it. I might give them a tract and pray for them and go on. I may be disappointed that they don't with to listen, but if one has to force an audience, then you've lost them already. And I'll end up wasting time with them when I could be talking to someone who is willing to listen. "He who has ears to hear, let them hear."

But those who do not hear... You believe 100% deep down they are going to be punished/go to hell/not be with god/add something here..... And if you truly follow the ways of the bible with love mercy and forgivness... It must hurt.
well, I know we're in the xtian forum, but... I tell ppl they dont have to struggle... and I point them in the direction of what they need... usually services, rather than God, or Buddha, but... if u've done everything u can, and ur still struggling, then, hey... try Jesus... try buddha... it might just work!

Buddha was a man. Even if you go with the whole reincarnation thing. He came back as men. Jesus Christ never changed forms. He IS and will always be Lord. Buddha says that you must work for enlightenment, and (insert title).

ps- Please stop with the "x-tian", it's kind of rude. "X" is not my Lord and Savior.
How did you come to understand God's message in the first place? What gave you the spark to look into the matter?

It was a pretty spectacular Divine appointment. I now realize that it couldn't have legitimately happened any other way.

I don't have time to go into it now, maybe later.
But those who do not hear... You believe 100% deep down they are going to be punished/go to hell/not be with god/add something here..... And if you truly follow the ways of the bible with love mercy and forgivness... It must hurt.

That's between them and God. That's why I pray for them, even if they don't listen. Sure, it bothers me that they seemingly reject God at that moment in time. But I don't have any idea what is going on in their lives. Could be that they just aren't ready to listen yet. I look back at my own life and realize that God was patient with me, why should I try to force a save. It wouldn't be genuine anyway. I'm not going to push something on somebody that's not ready. Granted, no one is guaranteed tomorrow, but I think too often we are looking too quickly to get folks converted because the end of the world is tomorrow that we aren't letting God to work on their hearts. After all we aren't the Holy Spirit, just the messangers.
Do you "struggle" then?
A common experience?

Does the other person after worry about it?

Is it fair?

I guess "struggle" is not the right word. Try to communicate to people something that they DO NOT want to hear is ...? What?

Actually, the other person's "feelings" is not the issue. When you communicate with authentic love, you just say it. When they don't hear , you say it another way. Words are really the last resort, but on CR ...

As for being fair, the game isn't over yet.
ps- Please stop with the "x-tian", it's kind of rude. "X" is not my Lord and Savior.

What's wrong with X? Is there something in popular culture about X that I don't know about? I wasn't offended. What am I missing? I just thought it was just an abbreviation.
I didn't want to derail the thread with this discussion so I started another..which eventually lead to this discovery....a discovery for me anyway.

And irony ontop of irony, X is an abbreviation for Christos in Greek and the new testament and gospels were orginally in what....Greek?? So is it possible that the X was used back then??

X abbr.Christ (Greek , Christos)