Take a stand on Mother's Day

From wiki:

Julia Ward Howe wrote the Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870, as a call for peace and disarmament. An excerpt follows:

From the voice of a devastated Earth a voice goes up with
Our own. It says: "Disarm! Disarm!
The sword of murder is not the balance of justice."
Blood does not wipe out dishonor,
Nor violence indicate possession.
As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil at the summons of war,
Let women now leave all that may be left of home
For a great and earnest day of counsel.
Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.
Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means
Whereby the great human family can live in peace...
2 funny similar to what I was going to add today...the reminder that Mother's Day was all about peace in the world...as she thought the Mothers of the world took the brunt of war...with their sons and husbands getting killed. This wasn't for the US, but for Mothers all around the world to stand, in compassion with each other...for all the sons, husbands, fathers, daughters, wifes, and mothers that are lost in battle around the world...

Peace, full bellies, free nations, comfortable safe homes, that's all she asks.
Yes! And it's not impossible, no matter what the establishment folks and vested interests repeat dully over and over. Indeed, I like MLK jr's quote on human rights for all:

"I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity and freedom for their spirits."

Great link in the OP to the story about the women standing for peace, as well. I wonder how many people took a stand like that today? It would be nice to hear if someone kept track somehow.
I just heard about it two days prior and blasted it around hoping some of the seeds would land on fertile ground.

My mother and sister stood with about 50...

I stood with about 20...

I posted the info you provided over to a blog comment.

And found the following here

As of Monday, May 14, we have 3722 events listed in 78 nations, including 746 organizations.
Why bother to take a stand on may 13th?

What's wrong with may 14th? or 15th? ;/ should you need a day where organisations profit from flowers cards teddies chocolates all that bs.... Is it meant to be significant? ;/
The original intent of Mother's Day was about peace, that is why Mother's Day and May 13th (this year).

I didn't start the movement, just passed on the story and participated in what I felt was worthy...taking a stand.

Families already gather on Mother's Day..of course is your real question 'Why bother?'

There comes a time in life when we quit throwing darts trying to pop others balloons and decide to be supportive.

The world awaits 17th's stand....will it inspire thousands of events, hundreds of thousands standing for peace? or will folks read it and say...'why bother'
I think... What I was trying to say is, if you have something that means much to you... Here example is peace... Then every day would be a day to stand for it.. You need no special event or occasion as every single day is your fight your struggle.... Your stand.

17th's Stand? That will be the day.... lol.
Happy Mothers Day indeed to all the beautiful mothers who are there on this earth and who have lived on earth as well.

I kneel down before all the mothers who have appeared on earth, in modesty , and pray for their blessings .

RAmakrishna states that all women are the manifestation of the Divine Mother of the universe.

When I see good women of respectable families, I behold in them the Divine Mother in purity; and when again I look at public women of the city, seated in their open verandahs, arrayed in the garb of immorality and shamelessness, in them also do I see the Divine Mother sporting, only in a different attire.


Women whether naturally good or not, whether chaste or unchaste, should always be regarded as images of the Blissful Divine Mother .

Happy Mothers day to You too, Divine Mother.
if you have something that means much to you... Here example is peace... Then every day would be a day to stand for it.. You need no special event or occasion as every single day is your fight your struggle.... Your stand.
You have a valid point however in the ADD laden US we don't currently have the capacity to stick with anything for too very long.

Events start people thinking...I also participate in the Season for Non-Violence, 64 days and now after 10 years they are trying to promote the new logo...the season never ends...

But like Live Aid, Farm Aid, Live 8, we produce events to get folks thinking, for one day, or five minutes...most of the world probably didn't know about the event, and most who knew about it couldn't bother to stand for five minutes...

But many could chuckle as in the original story and say, why bother, what good would it do.

Yes it should be all year long and on the top of our consciousness....but if we can't do five minutes....
Things such as live aid, and comic relife and all that... It is a day long if that or whatever... And, do you get the feeling that -most- after joining in on something like that have then set in their mind "Yup done my good deed for the year(s)" Wait till next time..... And those that do, do you think that is ok? Like, "Hey at least they are trying...." Or they should feel it more...

But, sorry I guess I should have worded the first bit better... Why do I bother....
Things such as live aid, and comic relife and all that... It is a day long if that or whatever... And, do you get the feeling that -most- after joining in on something like that have then set in their mind "Yup done my good deed for the year(s)" Wait till next time..... And those that do, do you think that is ok? Like, "Hey at least they are trying...." Or they should feel it more...

But, sorry I guess I should have worded the first bit better... Why do I bother....
I hear ya, I went to Live 8 in Philly, I'd say 99% were there for the music, and got a little of the cause along the way...but mostly it was a party and they moved on. I wasn't moved, I was disturbed that we need to spend that kind of money for that end result of consciousness raising...the bang for the buck was not high...slipping into skeptism and negativity...warning warning...

But I left there for the national gathering of the rainbow tribes and turned my attitude around...

Why bother....funny it is actually in my head becoming the eyore...'oh bother...'