BBC Panorama on Scientology

cheers for the link- I missed the show, and was gutted, so am now happy...

I watched the report, was brilliant, but wasn't telling me anything new-many religious cults operate in this way- reprogramming, brainwashing, forcing ppl to discconnect from their families, draining them financially...

I find it difficult to believe ppl actually fall for this kind of rubbish... how very silly and ignorant ppl are... it's almost like they deserve to be played for being such stupid fools...

ppl may mock xtianity, buddhism, Islam, but as far as I know there's no membership fee's involved...

found it hilarious that one investigator of Scientology now has an 8 page pdf on him online, and they've even traced bk to when he was a child getting counselling! ... lol... and the ppl coming up to Sweeney at the outdoors bash and berating him..? lol... again, pure cult tactics...

yes, of course, we all have magical beliefs, supernatural origins for our faiths, but they follow prescribed patterns... our messiahs never wanted our money- they just wanted to make sure we all were a little better off than we were previously.. that's all... they don't rig u up to a lie detection machine and use the info about u later (oh, hang on- mde. blavatsky used to collect info on her org's members too, dontya know... but thats another thread, right..?)

ur not serious, 17th, about once being a JW..?

How about money for blessings Francis? Like the Catholics did. They even used to steal saints tombs so that tourism would boost where they were taken to. Saint Nickolas was never burried in Bari, think he was in Alexandria. During a recession afew saliors decided to bring him over.
No, Dondi, they won't.

Not even Lafayette Ron Hubbard was able to get "clear"... he became what they call an "Operating Thetan" though i have read that since Miscavage took over they have 're-interpeted' certain things and determined that Hubbard was the only one that was "clear".

but seriously.. how can any rational being believe that space aliens flew here on DC-10's and trapped alien souls under the volcanos in Hawaii? that strains credulity.



Hope you don't think I was serious, V. I can't even clear my head after an algebra test.
Who'd of thought it eh? For over two years I was.... One of them!! *dun dun dun*

What's with the "lol"? lol..... I wasn't always a demented killing psychopathic satanic sex kitten.

Stop.... Hammer time!

Would you contribute your experience as a JW to have had a major negative impact on your distain for religion and God now?
It left a taste in my mouth aye.

To disassociate, from “the world” wasn’t my cup of tea…. Now if you look into that statement MORE…. The family that fed me, clothed me, housed me, loved me, protected me, raised me, educated me... I have to cut myself off from them? They are all going to have a fantastic Christmas! Everyone is coming over, great meal, song and dances, games, present giving out of LOVE….. Oh no, sorry I can’t come… Because this group of people say it is wrong…

My mothers partner… Who showered me in money, confidence, advice and strength… But not just what he did for me, he took my mother in and took care of us.. I cannot buy him a birthday gift out of love, respect and appreciation? Oh hell no, that is soooo wrong! Do not buy him a gift!

Then all KEY factors of life they miss…. (Of course this is where Mee charges in and copy and pastes some watchtower babble….) accepting others, specially your own freaking family, rejoice be happy live the life you have…. Just so damn restricted, closed minded crap I know of… They demanded I burnt…. Burnt all books I had that had nothing to do with god… All my satanic books and literature… And anything that was not of god… Why? So I don’t have an open mind and a varied knowledge of “things”…. They constantly added “friendly” pressure for me to quit smoking…. To quit watching most of my DVD’s… To quit listening to certain music. To cut my hair. To shave. To disassociate with my best (and only friend.) to disassociate with my own blood (family members) To go to their group studies (Tuesday) To go to their door to door classes (Thursday) to go door to door (Saturday) to go to the hall (Sunday) to go to their “drama acting” (Mondays) Oh hell, sure… I will give up… Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday….. AND! To go around for a friendly book read with a meal.... On friday Evening... Leaving me? OH! A FREAKING DAY with my friends and family….. Well not a day is it… After you take away sleep and work. But then again… You don’t want me being with them…. Or playing my games or anything I ENJOY…. They attempted to crush me, but I am bigger… And stronger than them, my will will prevail. I saw it happen to this young woman… And she ate it up… And she is like a shell now… So I have a taste left in my mouth how some group tried to take control over me…. Once I flipped on them, they left me alone…. I think for their health and my freedom, that is wise to avoid me.

At first I was fine... I stated I was there to just learn and understand their ways... Nothing more... But way too much of this "Friendly" and "shame on you" pressure was put on me, I hate being pressed. So to being with it's all smiles and hand shakes and after awhile you HAVE to be like them.... They say individuality is welcome... But, lol it's not... "OH! But on the Sunday service you have a chance to put your hand up and say what you think!" Oh you mean what you have been made to think from all your little books? I see... Wow how indvidual... You get to really voice... Their... I mean Your, opinion.
to me its comical that someone like urself could have ever joined their gang, even if u were a little younger... lol...

was it the outfits that attracted u, 17th?

a penchance for polyester?
It's actually Spawn..... But yeah, Latex is good... I have the ass for it... :D


from a different angle... You can see he is different!
Then all KEY factors of life they miss…. (Of course this is where Mee charges in and copy and pastes some watchtower babble….) accepting others, specially your own freaking family, rejoice be happy live the life you have…. Just so damn restricted, closed minded crap I know of… They demanded I burnt…. Burnt all books I had that had nothing to do with god… All my satanic books and literature… And anything that was not of god… Why? So I don’t have an open mind and a varied knowledge of “things”…. They constantly added “friendly” pressure for me to quit smoking…. To quit watching most of my DVD’s… To quit listening to certain music. To cut my hair. To shave. To disassociate with my best (and only friend.) to disassociate with my own blood (family members) To go to their group studies (Tuesday) To go to their door to door classes (Thursday) to go door to door (Saturday) to go to the hall (Sunday) to go to their “drama acting” (Mondays) Oh hell, sure… I will give up… Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday….. AND! To go around for a friendly book read with a meal.... On friday Evening... Leaving me? OH! A FREAKING DAY with my friends and family….. Well not a day is it… After you take away sleep and work. But then again… You don’t want me being with them…. Or playing my games or anything I ENJOY…. They attempted to crush me, but I am bigger… And stronger than them, my will will prevail. I saw it happen to this young woman… And she ate it up… And she is like a shell now… So I have a taste left in my mouth how some group tried to take control over me…. Once I flipped on them, they left me alone…. I think for their health and my freedom, that is wise to avoid me.

That is horrible, 17th. I understand you a bit better now.

So you pretty much rebelled...hard.

And basically all that pretty much ruined any taste for anything spiritual, even to the point of atheism? Man, I'm so sorry you've been wronged like that, 17th. I can understand your distain for religion, organized or not. I wish you could see through all that and find that true spirituality that shows you real love and acceptance.
There is indeed that which can be added to the account of why I am how I am... Freedom is all I have... I don't want that taken away from me.

But also don't want to go into it... But Subliminally I believe I am not good enough to be a person of your god. :)

So Indeed they may put pressure on to some.... Or most ex memebers... In these type of organisations... But, I guess even those that are strong enough or crazy enough to be avoided lol.... Still have an after effect from their experience...
There is indeed that which can be added to the account of why I am how I am... Freedom is all I have... I don't want that taken away from me.

But also don't want to go into it... But Subliminally I believe I am not good enough to be a person of your god. :)
Can you identify any good that came of your experience? Can you look at all the folks that are a part of it and claim that they are living a charade?

First and formost in my belief system you are one of G-d's children...and G-d is waiting for you to awaken to that fact...and G-d has plenty of patience.

But for most of us we have tons of 'mistakes' which turn out to be huge growth periods...we learn, we understand, to a level that we wouldn't had we not gone through whatever it was.

Whether it is Scientologists, Mennonites, JW, Mormon, Baptist, Catholic, Born Again, Church of Christ, Buddhism, Islam....whatever religion/creed/cult...they all seem to have followers who gain something from the association... Sure for some it may be just the association or some other sort of internal benefit, and for others it may be they need the controlling guidance, or the dogma fits their needs...but when we put it down to those criteria...I think bowling and dart leagues, or pool tournaments actually fit the bill as well....

We leave whatever when we see behind the curtain and we don't like what we see, when it no longer suits our current paradigm.... and then we either respect our past, and learn from our decisions...or we choose to blame others for corrupting us so... I see that in folks that have left/joined so many different faiths...

Everyone does the best, and makes the best decisions with the knowledge they currently have.

(this always applies)

and when we look back at our past follies...we say,

"Well it seemed like a good idea at the time"

And this is because at that time it was the best decision we could make with all the knowledge we had at that time.

Hindsight a completely different story.
I learnt in a positive way;

I live my life... Not someone else. You decide what you enjoy and what you should do and how you should spend your free time.... Not some one else they have no control over your life.

Yes, as I said A girl joined a little after me, we joked and stuff... She then turned as I said into a shell.... She was the pages of the watchtower and ironically titled "awake"....

I accept and agree from mistakes you learn and become stronger.

How would a pool team be like being apart of something that takes you from your friends/family/former life? And basically tells you what you think... That ain't pool lol.....

First and formost in my belief system you are one of G-d's children...and G-d is waiting for you to awaken to that fact...and G-d has plenty of patience.

I'm like Slipknot - Duality... But, I want to be Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge over troubled waters.... lol that probally makes no freaking sense eh?
How would a pool team be like being apart of something that takes you from your friends/family/former life? And basically tells you what you think... That ain't pool lol.....

I'm like Slipknot - Duality... But, I want to be Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge over troubled waters.... lol that probally makes no freaking sense eh?
All in we age and grow we get closer to those goals we keep...

As for snookers not taking its toll on friends and family life? Evidently you folks on the other side of the pond have a different experience.

Over here in the colonies the tables are in alcohol establishments, and when playing a sporting event and drinking...betting doesn't happen to everyone, but to some it ends up breaking up marriages, families and noses...and not so infrequently not to notice...

So last learned from your experience...would you deny others the right to learn? Or was the lesson to hard? Or was there an easier way to learn that lesson? (ie how and when would you have learned without the experience?)
I wouldn't have.... I do not tend to take others words as gospel.... I have to do it myself to find out... No for -me- it wasn't hard... For some I am sure it could be very, very... hard for some... They try to lay the guilt trip on you... If my conscience was that sharp lol I would had doubts about leaving. So yeah need to beware....

Those JW's concerned I would say then go there... They maybe able to help and offer support for you to leave..... But again I wouldn't rant and scream and say ALL JW's!! LEAVE NOW!!! Because that is your choice, you're happy with being a JW fair enough... You want to be a Scientologist.... Fine, that is your choice who am I to tell you who or what to be.... If I did, I wouldn't be better than the JW's that told me who I was and what I had to do......


It just upsets me sometimes to see people... Fading. You know...