Sex and Extremism



It has occurred to me when I look at the hotbeds of extremism the world over that by far the greatest majority of active extremists are young men. Nothing new there you say. But if you look yet again from the perspective of sexual norms in these societies is there a correlation between the degree of sexual repression and the fervour of extremists?

Islamic nations by far outweigh all others in the sheer numbers of youths you will find out on the street screaming extremist slogans. And in Islamic nations you find the strongest taboo and sanction against pre-marital sex. Is this a coincidence or are they intrinsicly linked?

In Christian-fundamentalist America the most politicly active youths all seem to have to sign up to this "no sex before marraige". Where as in main stream America where everybody is relaxed about sex young men have little interest in politics. The same seems genraly true in Latin America, Europe and Australia. The noticable exception to the rule is China where males far outnumber females in the youth population. But here we have a significant political machine ruthless in stamping on any reactionaries.

So does this culturaly imposed impotance amongst young men make them extremists? And thus is sexual freedom a key to world peace?


I tend to think that it mostly comes down to class stratification and economics. But your observation is valid. I think that a major motivating factor in religious fundamentalism is maintaining control of women, which implies a need to maintain the patriarchal power structure.
Does reverse logic apply here? Violent = Sexually Repressed? Do we need an orgie or three hundred on Capitol Hill? Hey that might be a fun way to solve some problems for some people. I think I'd stay far far away though--sure to be an ugly scene, much worse than the scandalous ******* that got Clinton an impeachment trial. Ackkk--horrible visions!!! My hair turned white and fell out from just typing that trash.

Speaking of impeachment, I heard today on Pacifica Radio that the Detroit City Council just passed a unanimous resolution calling for the impeachment of both Bush and Cheney. They are not the only ones--here's a complex list of resolutions in the works or already passed in cities across America calling for those Sexually Repressed and Money-Crazed Hooligans to call it quits from the White House and head over to the Big House.
So does this culturaly imposed impotance amongst young men make them extremists? And thus is sexual freedom a key to world peace?
You've stated the thesis of the 60's sexual revolution.

Make love, not war.

Yoko and John stayed in bed on television for Peace.

Imposed celibacy doesn't seem to have any redeeming value.
Does reverse logic apply here? Violent = Sexually Repressed?

No, I don't think so. It all comes down to the mechanisms of power and control. Those who have it, and those who don't. Young people are more inclined to see things in blind ideological terms. In that sense they are more manipulable. And young men are dispensable. Young men fight all the wars, with chaplains and generals urging them on. They're essentially human drones.
Extremism happens when people perceive there to be (correctly or not), or judge there to be, a lack of self-control, imo.

Excuse my densness, I dont really get your point....could you elaborate?
Excuse my densness, I dont really get your point....could you elaborate?
Temperence is a two-edged sword that cuts both ways. Think about the Taoist concept of how old yin will transform into young yang, and how old yang will transform into young yin, and observe how this applies to the different nuances of synonyms of the word temperance.

I hope this helps. :)
Yes, but extremism itself is a lack of self-control, is it not?

Sexual freedom does not inherantly imply a lack of self control, infact to fully enjoy sexual freedom it is highly advantagous to have a high degree of self-control.

The lack of self-control in the west that some Muslim clerics will use to stir up youthful extremism amongst their followers is a stereotypical wantoness that is untypical of average western freedom to choose who to have sex with. It is directly appealing to the repressed sexual desires of these young men and what they are really angry about is that they aint getting any. Enforced sexual abstinance is the opposite of what is a young mans primal drive and needs an extreme excuse to sanction. Islam and fundametalism in common share this need to control peoples innate sexuality as a device to keep them radicalised. You disagree?
I might add that I have witnessed this phenomenon so many times here in Edinburgh too on a friday and saturday night, without the invocation of religion. When at 3am the nightclubs empty many of the young men, (and often women too), that have failed to 'pull' will instead fight. If possible with those that have 'pulled', failing that indiscriminately. Before our town centre was CCTV blanketed this was a real problem and kept the hospitals very busy.
Yes, but extremism itself is a lack of self-control, is it not?
Indeed it is. (Hence my reference to the two-edged sword that cuts both ways. :) )

Sexual freedom does not inherantly imply a lack of self control, infact to fully enjoy sexual freedom it is highly advantagous to have a high degree of self-control.
Agreed. However, the extremists somehow fail to perceive or recognize this.

The lack of self-control in the west that some Muslim clerics will use to stir up youthful extremism amongst their followers is a stereotypical wantoness that is untypical of average western freedom to choose who to have sex with. It is directly appealing to the repressed sexual desires of these young men and what they are really angry about is that they aint getting any. Enforced sexual abstinance is the opposite of what is a young mans primal drive and needs an extreme excuse to sanction. Islam and fundametalism in common share this need to control peoples innate sexuality as a device to keep them radicalised. You disagree?
Actually, I see it more as an issue of cultivating immaturity and lack of self-control (by passing the blame onto "uncovered, immodest women" and/or a "depraved society" for an individual man's lack of self-control) in order to take advantage of this immaturity to advance an elitist, top-down, agenda. By doing this, it gives the extremist being manipulated the illusion (or wrongful perception) that everyone has the same lack of self-control that the artificially immature, extremist person has.

{This concept is not limited to sexual jealousy, but can also be applied to economic jealousy, as well. (in the form of 'those depraved Capitalists know no bounds to their greed.')}
Seattlegal: {This concept is not limited to sexual jealousy, but can also be applied to economic jealousy, as well. (in the form of 'those depraved Capitalists know no bounds to their greed.')}

Very good point.
{This concept is not limited to sexual jealousy, but can also be applied to economic jealousy, as well. (in the form of 'those depraved Capitalists know no bounds to their greed.')}

Well, I guess, the child labour employed during the industrial revolution was not so bad at all as they were pretty cheap, so also the pathetic conditions of the working class where huge numbers died due to disease, as better conditions would cost more, and would drain the noble capitalists pocket.

And I read about an american capitalist saying " The public be damned."

I guess they were really noble.
Well, I guess, the child labour employed during the industrial revolution was not so bad at all as they were pretty cheap, so also the pathetic conditions of the working class where huge numbers died due to disease, as better conditions would cost more, and would drain the noble capitalists pocket.

Hence the rise of Marxism, which where applied nationally, simply substituted the original economic heirarchy for a similar one of their own making.
Hence the rise of Marxism, which where applied nationally, simply substituted the original economic heirarchy for a similar one of their own making.

Hence also the rise of socialism as well, which helped the working classes very much and organised them.

And hence, the capitalists, alarmed at the new developments , were forced to take action, which resulted in better wages and employee treatment.
Hence the rise of Marxism, which where applied nationally, simply substituted the original economic heirarchy for a similar one of their own making.
Actualy thats a very interesting area of investigation, I wonder to what degree sex/repression had any influence in the Bolshevik revolution. Definitely worth investigation. Will post on it when I find something.

Just for the sake of information. Both the russians and the french are known for their sexual freedom during the revolutionary times.
Actualy thats a very interesting area of investigation, I wonder to what degree sex/repression had any influence in the Bolshevik revolution. Definitely worth investigation. Will post on it when I find something.


First results show that Tzarist Russia used Christian Russian Orthodoxy in its propoganda war against the Bolsheviks. Citing the immorality of sexuality in post-revolution France, which they labled paganistic, demonic, satanistic and sexual. Seems the Orthodoxy under the Tzars rigourously condemned and ostracised any behaviour outside of the chaste official policy of the church, which was more or less identical to the 'right' fundamentalists of today. As a lot of the inspiration for the Bolshevik revolution was drawn from the French and pamphlets of the time cited French Freedoms it is not disengenius to suppose the young revolutionaries were also aware of the sexual freedoms of France. I will keep delving see if I can find any documented policy from the Bolsheviks.
