
I will have to forgive him for that this time. After all, he did post a legitimate societal concern....Whaddya think??? :)

Love ya wil. ;)

I'd honor the discussion... ie if mee WROTE a paragraph on the topic as something he was concerned about, something he was starting a foundation about, maybe he was walking to raise funds...

but I've followed the interesting links and yes they do raise a point.

But again, one it appears mee has no opinion on.
Yeah, I guess I really can see both sides of this discussion so far. Maybe mee will do that. At least we do know he is peaceful in his approach....

Sorry but my comp has a 'watchtower' firewall and could not follow the link. If mee was to write something I might be able to join in. At the moment I am left wondering if its a new JW life ending policy like denying blood transfusions or organ transplants. Should it really read "Eternal Comfort fot the Elderly"? IE is it a new JW euthanasia program?

uh-oh. Maybe I'd better look farther into this? I admit, I struggle with the JW view sometimes. I am not sure what their views are, exactly. I am sure that I can find out if I read Watchtower. But I am still working on the Protestant view, the Anglican view, the Catholic view, the Jewish view, the Islamic view, the Buddhist view, the Hindi view, the Esoteric and the mystics of each tradition, the etc., etc., etc. And trying to master Spanish before I check out...

(Am I derailing the thread? I'm not sure.) :eek:


Music, anyone?? :)

But I am still working on the Protestant view, the Anglican view, the Catholic view, the Jewish view, the Islamic view, the Buddhist view, the Hindi view, the Esoteric and the mystics of each tradition, the etc., etc., etc. And trying to master Spanish before I check out...
(Am I derailing the thread? I'm not sure.) :eek:
Music, anyone?? :)

Hi InLove,

Someone once said that the perfect view is no view.

If you view it from each of the 360 degrees one can see that it is motionless (and perfect).

I'm sorry, I think I've had too much strong coffee. I'll put some music on; just got a great Argentine tango CD.:)

Snoopy said:
If you view it from each of the 360 degrees one can see that it is motionless (and perfect).

I love this because I understand it but I probably wouldn't have thought of saying it.


Yeah, I guess I really can see both sides of this discussion so far. Maybe mee will do that. At least we do know he is peaceful in his approach....

why would you think other wise?:) this abuse of elderly ones brings to mind this verse in the bible
having no natural affection, 2 timothy 3;3 elderly vunrable ones should be given respect ,but in these days in many ways it has gone out the window . a sign of the times it seems .
Sorry but my comp has a 'watchtower' firewall and could not follow the link. If mee was to write something I might be able to join in. At the moment I am left wondering if its a new JW life ending policy like denying blood transfusions or organ transplants. Should it really read "Eternal Comfort fot the Elderly"? IE is it a new JW euthanasia program?

get rid of the firewall and you will know and be enlightened. dont be scared it will not harm you . :)
I will have to forgive him for that this time. After all, he did post a legitimate societal concern....Whaddya think??? :)

Love ya wil. ;)


Did he?

*pastes loads of links to greenpeace sites and love sites and all that stuff...*

I have a legitimate concern eh? lol...

is it because they smell of cabbage and moan a lot?

Sometimes Francis... Your opinions are too close to mine it is indeed scary...... You also forgot to mention they are dangerous behind the wheel of a vehicle........ Which I know you will agree with.. ;) You noticed more and more of them are getting freaking 4x4's?????? Death machine just waiting to take it's victim(s)

What smells of..... I'll leave that joke I think.... *straightens his tie*

Mee.... Why do the watchtower TRY... so HARD to make there be blacks whites males females and all that in their photos you never see a photo of just say two white men, two black women... or whatever they STRIVE so hard to make it all look equal... No idea why that bothers me.... I will have to ponder on this....
get rid of the firewall and you will know and be enlightened. dont be scared it will not harm you . :)

lol, firewall was a joke. Sorry but I have had my fair share of earbashing from the doorknockers and I'm unable to find enlightning in narrowing down my mind the way you preach. Simply put I dont believe we have all the answers to who/what God is yet. And I think it will be a long long time before we are in the position to get close to understanding that infinite complexity. I'm happy and at peace with who and what I am and I sincerely strive to be a good man. If Jehova is Gods name, if he is manlike as you paint him then, forgive the pun, god help us all. I cant believe such a God will forgive JW's allowing their kids to die for want of a couple of pints of blood. Any religion that preaches my way or the highway automaticly excludes the majority of humanity. I believe us all equal.

Mee.... Why do the watchtower TRY... so HARD to make there be blacks whites males females and all that in their photos you never see a photo of just say two white men, two black women... or whatever they STRIVE so hard to make it all look equal... No idea why that bothers me.... I will have to ponder on this....
.............. nice, just what we need in this disunited world. but Jehovah is making all things new in more ways than one . remember those pictures go all over the world . and they are for ALL people , and from all nations. and a great crowd they are too who respond to the unity of Jehovah . revelation 7;9-10
lol, firewall was a joke. Sorry but I have had my fair share of earbashing from the doorknockers and I'm unable to find enlightning in narrowing down my mind the way you preach. Simply put I dont believe we have all the answers to who/what God is yet. And I think it will be a long long time before we are in the position to get close to understanding that infinite complexity. I'm happy and at peace with who and what I am and I sincerely strive to be a good man. If Jehova is Gods name, if he is manlike as you paint him then, forgive the pun, god help us all. I cant believe such a God will forgive JW's allowing their kids to die for want of a couple of pints of blood. Any religion that preaches my way or the highway automaticly excludes the majority of humanity. I believe us all equal.

sticking to the bible works wonders . and striving to stick to it in this world that is far removed from it, is the way to go . i am glad to say that i have found the united people that are doing just that . and these people have for the most part come out of all the manmade religions from all nations . and they are faithfully sticking to Gods word . nice unity indeed:) and it will be a good thing when old age and sickness is a thing of the past . what a hindrence old age is to us all ,there is no escaping it in this world. but for now while we still grow old it is good to follow bible princibles in all things . and caring for elderly ones is good in the eyes of the most high. for me i hate to see the strengh of a person fade and the frailness of old age take over. but no worries at a future time they will be youthful again with youthful vigour............. nice
Dunno, but if you offered your elder members a coffee morning, instead of shoving them out into the cold and the wind on a Sunday morning to knock on my door, that may go partway to addressing the matter. ;)
and we all know what the bible says ............... your people will offer themself willlingly ........... Jehovah uses old ,young, disabled , all sorts of ones to do his will ,and they are more than willing to want to do it . no wonder the GOODNEWS is being made known all over the world . matthew 24;14 and then a nice coffee with brothers and sisters and a naughty but nice cream cake ;)
sticking to the bible works wonders . and striving to stick to it in this world that is far removed from it, is the way to go . i am glad to say that i have found the united people that are doing just that . and these people have for the most part come out of all the manmade religions from all nations . and they are faithfully sticking to Gods word . nice unity indeed:) and it will be a good thing when old age and sickness is a thing of the past . what a hindrence old age is to us all ,there is no escaping it in this world. but for now while we still grow old it is good to follow bible princibles in all things . and caring for elderly ones is good in the eyes of the most high. for me i hate to see the strengh of a person fade and the frailness of old age take over. but no worries at a future time they will be youthful again with youthful vigour............. nice

With the utmost respect,

I appreciate that many converts to JW are amongst the most gentle, kind people to be found in society and that this is why they are drawn in by this air of gentle unity the watchtower employs in its pamphleting. JW is promoted ruthlessly as a rationalist unity of man under Jehova. But this sugar sweet coating masks a bitter pill.
You would say that people walk the JW path of their own free will. Well a laboratory rat runs a maze of its own free will in just the same way. When you join the JW you suspend independent thought and adopt the surogate of these countless books that remind me so vividly of Nazi aryan pamphlets of pre-war Germany.
Once inside you effectively abandon the protection of the laws of the land in which you live and delegate them to the church elders. Systematic sexual and physical abuse is rife in the JW and the elders persistantly try to keep this hidden and out of legal authorities knowledge.

The sisters said they learned around the time of Berry's trial that their mother, Sara Poisson, had told church elders of the abuse while it was happening and asked for their help. Their mother testified that the elders told her to keep quiet, pray more and strive to be a better wife.

Judge: Elders not required to report abuse

This is not an isolated incident. The link will take you to dozens of similair cases. And we all know for every one that ever makes it to the courts there are a dozen that do not. Why is this happening in the watchtower?? Is it because child preditors can easily see the advantages of hiding in the closed community of a watchtower group?

The central premise of the watchtower is that the bible is the actual spoken word of what you like to call Jehova. Well since you only been around since 1869 and are borrowing a book that is actually a loose collection of doubtable, subjective, translations then that supposition is truly a leap of faith. Blind faith. Watchtower draws heavily from revalations. A sick, fevered, hallucinatory book that non alligned scholars agree was written by a minimum of three authors by anaylisis of grammar and spelling. Revalations was a political tool. And I find contemporary Christian reference to it still uses it for exactly that purpose. And this is my central turn-off in regard to the watchtower, God gave me a mind that I should use it. I dont reject the bible as being evil, on the contrary it is often a beautiful expression of mans desire for unity and an end to suffering. But too many groups take it as their own and pervert it into something that it is not. JW are amongst them.

Now to return to the elderly and why precisely the JW are so keen to target them for special attention. Is it 100% humanitarian desire to help a vulnerable group? A group that may be perseuaded to re-write their last will and testament?

"She was approached by someone within the nursing home that was proselytizing for a fringe religious group," he said. "The group had actually encouraged its members to become paid staff at the nursing home in an effort to target the elderly. I was really shocked to see this kind of thing going on, targeting the elderly in an attempt to exploit their disabilities."
Rick Ross speaking about finding his mother distressed in her nursing home and the reason he embarked on his mission to expose cult practices.

So when you post your nice sweet pictures of such nice sweet multi racial empaths. I dont accept it. I see through it. Not because I dont think many of the JW members are not wonderful people with genuine motivations. But because JW is a cult of mind control all too ready to exploit those it proffesses to offer sanctuary.
