I think im going to hell



I sometimes feel the holy spirit I think. But I also think I sold my soul to satan and I hear voices telling me Im gonna burn in hell. Should I go to church? I argue against it a lot but Im starting to want to trust that christianity is good. I still have problems thinking that people deserve hell, especially since I think hell is described by many to be a place ot torment and burning. But I was raised on christianity and it feels right and I like church music. I read the bible and get encouragement from some parts and discouragement in others. god seems like a pissed of judgemental hardcore guy. But I guess we deserve it or something.
I sometimes feel the holy spirit I think. But I also think I sold my soul to satan and I hear voices telling me Im gonna burn in hell. Should I go to church? I argue against it a lot but Im starting to want to trust that christianity is good. I still have problems thinking that people deserve hell, especially since I think hell is described by many to be a place ot torment and burning. But I was raised on christianity and it feels right and I like church music. I read the bible and get encouragement from some parts and discouragement in others. god seems like a pissed of judgemental hardcore guy. But I guess we deserve it or something.
my goodness me you seem to have been taught by those who are teaching falsehood. burning in hell is not a bible teaching. if i was you i would get out of there, and turn to pure bible teachings . and then you could have real trust in the bibles promises . torment and litral burnings are not bible teachings. false religious teachings do not draw people to the true God , it is designed to turn you away. it beats me how people can be led along to believe such evil teachings. but everyone to their own . true christianity gets a bad name because of false teachings ,and that is why the true God is commanding his people to GET OUT HER REVELATION 18;4
Or even advance to a state of "lobotomised"(if that is in fact a word...) like some others I know...... ;)
pure worship leads to great blessings , no contamination frees us from all false teachings. the truth will set us free;) out with the old in with the new .
And the One seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new." Also, he says: "Write, because these words are faithful and true." revelation 21;5
hello shadowman...

hearing voices aint a good sign u know, man, especially if these voices are being nasty n saying ur gonna burn in hell- it's a sign ur stressed out and maybe u need to talk to ur doctor/GP...?

... what could u have possibly done that was so bad u deserve such harsh judgement? maybe the person who judges u is u...? when did u sell ur soul to the devil? what did u get in return?

really, ur soul belongs to God, u know, and even if u wanted to sell it u couldn't... it's not urs to sell!

jesus came to bring us good news, u know... he wanted us to know we could be free, and happy, to love each other like brothers, to be decent ppl, and look after each other... no matter what u might hear from ppl who have their own hang-ups, jesus wouldn't send u to hell... rather, Jesus would put his arm round ur shoulders and say- u'll be alright shadowman... he'd say- sheesh, u sound like ur having a hard time of it, and I'm there for u...

so, if u want to talk about whats troubling u, pm me... I'll listen...

in the meantime... keep ur chin up! nothings ever that bad that u can't fix it, u know...
She has a point I have comited acts that are miles out of your leauge, I can say that without even knowing what you have done as I have confidence I have been a very bad person... But, I don't get voices... I would suggest medical help....... Maybe some ritalin....
I sometimes feel the holy spirit I think. But I also think I sold my soul to satan and I hear voices telling me Im gonna burn in hell. Should I go to church? I argue against it a lot but Im starting to want to trust that christianity is good. I still have problems thinking that people deserve hell, especially since I think hell is described by many to be a place ot torment and burning. But I was raised on christianity and it feels right and I like church music. I read the bible and get encouragement from some parts and discouragement in others. god seems like a pissed of judgemental hardcore guy. But I guess we deserve it or something.

You've got it backwards. You don't sell you soul to the Devil. That idea is completely false, for quite the opposite is true. If you are a Christian, you have already been bought with a price:

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." - I Corinthians 6:19-20

This tells me that we already start on the wrong side. Satan already has us until Jesus saves us. You cannot sell your soul to the Devil if it is there to begin with. That's what salvation is all about. Redemption from sin and destruction:

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." - John 3:17

"For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." - Luke 19:10

"For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." - Mark 10:45

That's Good News.
Ummmm... while I appreciate your strong religious beliefs... I think that maybe a little chat with your Dr would be a good idea.

And then maybe with higher person in your church (priest, monk, father) to help you overcome your feelings.
well I blasphemed against the holy spirit. making me an anti christ or a son of perdition.

I had previously had a full revelation of the truth of jesus christ and salvation through the holy spirit. well maybe it wasnt a full revelation, whatever that means. but I was moved to a good extent.

and then when high while hearing voices I thought one of them was from the devil and I thought I would try to sell my soul and I knew I was going against what was right but I did it anyway.

and that makes me a son of perdition like what the mormons talk about. Im hopelessly lost...

I pray to jesus and I hear voice saying: "burn"

and I was a bad kid. I had a very bad relationship with my parents...
Um, shadow I think part of growing is doing wrong things, learning from them and carrying on. Trying to be a better person everyday and never giving up.

Is the relationship with your parents better? Maybe you need some healing.
well I blasphemed against the holy spirit. making me an anti christ or a son of perdition.

I had previously had a full revelation of the truth of jesus christ and salvation through the holy spirit. well maybe it wasnt a full revelation, whatever that means. but I was moved to a good extent.

and then when high while hearing voices I thought one of them was from the devil and I thought I would try to sell my soul and I knew I was going against what was right but I did it anyway.

and that makes me a son of perdition like what the mormons talk about. Im hopelessly lost...

I pray to jesus and I hear voice saying: "burn"

and I was a bad kid. I had a very bad relationship with my parents...

God isn't interested in your past, He is interested in your NOW. If you are so insistent on believing you are going to hell, you have nothing to lose by turning back to God, in fact you have everything to gain. Tell the Devil off, for he only has claim on your life if you let him. "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."

I don't get you shadowman. Why can't you just go to God? You are so bent on hell, that you aren't letting heaven in.
No offence meant but you sound like a guy who can't forgive himself because he hasn't forgiven his parents and others from the past yet. Maybe its just me shadowman so if I am mistaken I apologize but I feel there is something you have against someone and as yet are unwilling to let go. You could not have done something unpardonable because you are NOT reprobate and I see hope for you.

Love in Christ,
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shadowman, if you are really hearing voices that tell you you are damned you should seek medical help. Talk to a Dr. to rule out any physiological reasons for this kind of distress. best wishes, luna
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God isn't interested in your past, He is interested in your NOW. If you are so insistent on believing you are going to hell, you have nothing to lose by turning back to God, in fact you have everything to gain. Tell the Devil off, for he only has claim on your life if you let him. "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."

I don't get you shadowman. Why can't you just go to God? You are so bent on hell, that you aren't letting heaven in.

how do I goto god?
I think you're going to hell too, Shadow. You've obviously sold your soul to Satan, so abandon all hope and prepare to fry.

Or, alternatively, you're schizophrenic and need to have your meds adjusted.
why would god let there be a such thing as schizophrenia. in a world where angels and gods and demons speak to people and give them visions why would there also be a mental condition that produces similar results.