what is the opinion of these two sites

my opinion is that they are quite good, but the sites do not make the point that the fire is symbolic. it will not be a litral fire ,but it will be AS IF fire has got rid of the wicked because fire destroys for ever .
Peter wrote that "the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire." From the context and in the light of other scriptures, it is evident that this is not a literal fire but signifies everlasting destruction.
Further examples of the use of fire to represent eternal destruction are found in Revelation and Ezekiel. There we are told that "the ten horns" and "the wild beast" will turn upon Babylon the Great and burn her with fire. (Re 17:16, 17)
in Bible times the most thorough means of destruction in use was fire. (Jos 6:24; De 13:16) Hence Jesus at times used the term "fire" in an illustrative way to denote the complete destruction of the wicked. (Mt 13:40-42, 49, 50; compare Isa 66:24; Mt 25:41.) BUT GOD WILL NOT BURN PEOPLE
Look! The name of Jehovah is coming from far away, burning with his anger and with heavy clouds. As for his lips, they have become full of denunciation, and his tongue is like a devouring fire. ISAIAH 30;27
I think sites like those u linked to are horrible miserable places which make people worry about things that they shouldn't have to worry about...

if u believe in Jesus' power to intercede for us, why worry about hell?

if u keep the ten commandments, then there will be no hell for u... be a good person, and try to live a good life, and u'll be fine...

no wonder ur hearing voices telling u u'll burn in hell! stay away from them crazies or u'll end up crazy urself...

christianity is supposed to be a positive thing and church is supposedly a place for fellowship... it's not meant to be so negative and make u feel alone and hellbound... leave hell for murderers and child killers- the rest of us are going to the good place! Jesus has given us all a ticket! it's good news! no matter what we've done, if we are sorry, and have sought forgiveness, in our hearts, then we are forgiven... hell is being seperated from God, and God's love, but well, do u think that will ever happen?

it won't, not if u have even a tiny speck of faith... more than a mustard seed, at least... surely thats enough
You do not understand what second death means. Remember what God said to Adam and Eve in the warning of eating of the forbidden tree?

"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." - Genesis 2:17

Well, what happened after Adam and Eve ate it? Did they die right then on the very day? No. In fact, Adam lived long after up to some 930 years. So if they didn't phyically die on the day they ate it, then what was God talking about? They were that day banned from the Presence of God, from the Garden. They died SPIRITUALLY to God, cast from His Presence. Because of their sin, they could not be in the Presence of God and survive. The first death is physical. The second death is spiritual.
if u believe in Jesus' power to intercede for us, why worry about hell?

if u keep the ten commandments, then there will be no hell for u... be a good person, and try to live a good life, and u'll be fine...
You make some good points. But doctor, heal thyself.
Just being good will NOT work.
it is impossible to keep the ten commandments. that is why Christ died to bear our sins, because God knew that it was impossible to keep them. all we can do is remember them and meditate on them, day and night.
Oh, I believe they're all possible. It seems that quite a few have more trouble with keeping the Sabbath.

but, even if you do them or keep them there is the whole mind thing. no matter what you don't do, you will always think of doing it. that in itself is breaking the commandments. this is where i always fail my Father.
"O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?"