
17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Ok I need more music.... I have over 2000 tracks on my mp3 player... And still have 3gb's left to fill.... It is impossible I cannot fathom anymore songs....

I love those like yokel/folk/pagan kinda songs... You know, jew harps, violins, wind pipes, fiddles... All that stuff... Anyone got any bands/tracks worth getting??
Your description sounded like me and my ragtag band of jammin' buddies. :D
No samples yet. But plenty of Pagan ties. :eek:

I don't know if I'll ever manage to get any of our music out there. But we got plenty of chiming and tinkly and windy and stringed things. You'd be surprised. Probably even some old lyrics in old languages....

I am terrible at remembering the names of some of the artists out there that I like. Haven't purchased a CD in forever. Sometimes I listen to the New Agey music, but as much as I love whales and their mating calls, it gets old after a while. So I like the Native American sounds and the Celtic (some of it) and stuff like that. Also, some of the country music from way back (nothing like today's Nashville stuff).
wil said:
From what I understand you just roll in next door, and set up camp....of course when he is done downloading what he're outta there!!:D

I know (whispers: He spends a lot of energy running from one end of Europe to another on the weekends, when there is much joy to be had in his own back yard. ;) :D)

What? I didn't say anything. Oh that....I said, "With all those people running around Europe on the weekends, it must be hard...." Yup, that's it. That's what I said. :D
From what I understand you just roll in next door, and set up camp....of course when he is done downloading what he're outta there!!:D

Take even longer... I walk... Always walk. ;) I don't have to move fast for anybody mwahaha!$!£$!£

*puts on Captain Tractor - Lord of the dance* This song I have played non stop since 09:00am lol....... It is now 14:25.. It hypes me up.
Wil..... Cheap shot! tut tut... Expected more than that...
hey we've identified your colors bud... my peeps are circulating the news...accidents do happen indeed.:eek:

I think I've just got a little temporary altitude sickness from the high road....gonna wallow with the masses for a while....yeah, that's the ticket.
I might not be telling lie.... But, I also jest... My sense of humour sometimes escapes people... For that my sincere apologies.... Wouldn't harm a single hair on the top of your purtty lil head... Or any other travellers.... I am past that....

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men"

Willy Wonka.....
Take even longer... I walk... Always walk. ;) I don't have to move fast for anybody mwahaha!$!£$!£

*puts on Captain Tractor - Lord of the dance* This song I have played non stop since 09:00am lol....... It is now 14:25.. It hypes me up.

You're Canuck? (I am, eh. I grew up on a farm in the Ottawa Valley.)

Or has good old Canadian music spread outside our fair borders?

Edited to add: If you like Captain Tractor you'd probably also like Ashley MacIsaac, if you haven't already got his stuff.
Well yes, and no....

Canuck blood runs through these veins... Family moved to Engand before I was born... Hell yeah I like Captain Tractor! lol... To be honest I don't think many others have heard of them here... I am surpised someone here knows them eh... You're always a helpful fellah, I will look into that... While I am at that.... Wouldn't know any Pagan stuff with fiddles and jew harps and such.... I just can't think of much else to get...


I also say eh, aboot and like hockey more than a healthy person should... They should be giveaways to my heritage... ;)
Here are some of my favourite Pagan-themed music. (Some features flutes, stringed instruments, and things like jaw harps but not all do.)

Afro Celt Sound System (also known as Afro Celts.) Lots of drumming and Celtic-themed stuff.

Ancient Future (I like their song "Frogorian Dance" in particular.)

Azam Ali

Brigid Boden

Butterfly Messiah (they're more rock than folk but they are Pagan)

Conjure One

Dagda (more traditional Celtic music and overtly Pagan)

Dead Can Dance

Deep Forest



Enya (very new agey, but lots of flute and string)

Goddess Gaia


Green Crown

Inkubus Sukkubus (more rock, and openly Pagan)

Libana (folk/historical music and very Pagan)

Mediæval Bæbes (a lot like Libana)

Moonstruck (popular Wiccan festival music)

Patrick Lee Hadley (some cool Egyptian-themed music using traditional instruments)

Professor Trance & The Energisers (good trance/dance music for rituals)

Sheila Chandra (great music with an Indian groove -- her "abonecronedrone" is great for meditative or ritual work)

Spiral Rhythm (similar to Moonstruck)

The Tea Party (a Canadian rock group who I'm convinced must have at least one Pagan among them due to the themes in their lyrics.)

Unto Ashes (another harder rock band but openly Pagan)

Vas (like Govinda -- eastern themes with plenty of Pagan influences)

Others that I like that are more drum-based are David and Steve Gordon, as well as Steve Roach.

Others that I know are Pagan but I haven't heard myself include Wendy Rule, Darkmore's Night, T. Thorn Coyle.