Male-Female Made He Them

Bruce Michael

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I pulled the following (quotes in dark blue, my comments in green) from theGod's Word to Women website a while back, but the direct link may not be working.

Please read Gen. 1:26-28, and with it, Gen. 5:2. We find that at the first the name "Adam" belonged equally to male and female. God said: "Let US make man [or "Adam,"--it is the same word] in our likeness, -" and the story proceeds,-"In the image of God made HE HIM, male and female made HE THEM." Please note that in the second clause, man is spoken of as both singular and plural. What does this mean?

I'll tell you what it means, Adam was of both sexes- androgynous.

There is no "and" in the Hebrew. It is "in the image of God made HE HIM,"male-female" made He them." Well you see that this was before Eve was created. So it wasn't talking about her.

This was known by Blavatsky and Steiner too.

The theory has been held among the Jews, at least as far back-- as the days of Jesus Christ, as shown by the writings of Philo, that man was, at the beginning Male and female in one person. This belief will also be found among other people besides the Jews. Next, after the androgynous (2)state, it is supposed that human beings were born in pairs, male and female twins.

Yes this is called the separation of the sexes. In the past children born as hermaphrodites were considered to be quite special, godlike. Not like in recent years where they have been butchered because they don't 'fit in' with a notion of normality.

If this be correct, it lends force to the Lord's words in Matt. 19:4 (R. V.), concerning the sanctity of marriage,-and we must remember He was speaking to men who were doubtless familiar with the theory: "Have, ye not read, that He Who made [no "them" in the original] from the beginning made them male and female." The rabbis did not seem to recognize an "and" in the expression in Genesis, "male and female," but read "male-female."

Yes this saying of our Lord now makes perfect sense. We now know what He meant by "one flesh". Also we understand why polygamy is wrong, because it is not reflective of the first perfect Man- Adam Kadmon.

Dr. Hershon, in his book, Talmudic Miscellany, says: "There is a notion among the rabbis that Adam was possessed originally of a bi-sexual organism, and this conclusion they draw from Gen. 1:27, where it is said, 'God created man in His own image; male-female created He them."'...

We conclude that the first chapter of Genesis describes the original creation of "Adam,"-mankind. (We must bear in mind the fact that the word "Adam" is applied sometimes to mankind, and sometimes to the individual being who was husband of Eve). The second chapter describes the elaboration of the first Adam into two sexes. The second chapter nowhere uses the word "create," of Adam, but a totally different word,-"formed." Please look up this same word, "formed," in Isa. 44:2, 24 and 49:5, and convince yourself that it is used there exclusively of all idea of creation. Then turn to Isa. 43:1, 7; 45:18, and see how it is used of a process additional to creation. This is what St. Paul refers to, where he says, "Adam was first formed then Eve,"- 1Tim. 2:13. He is speaking of development, not of original creation. Adam and Eve (so far as their primal state is concerned) were created simultaneously; but Adam was "formed," elaborated, first.

There is a notion among the Rabbis that Adam was possessed originally of a bisexual organization, and this conclusion they draw from Gen. i. 27, where it is said, "God created man in his own image; male-female created He them" These two natures, it was thought, lay side by side; according to some, the male on the right and the female on the left; according to others, back to back; while there were those who maintained that Adam was created with a tail, and that it was from this appendage Eve was fashioned. Other Jewish traditions tell us that Eve was made from "the thirteenth rib of the right side" (Targ. Jonath.), and that "she was not drawn out by the head, lest she should be vain; nor by the eyes, lest she should be wanton; nor from the mouth, lest she should be given to garrulity; nor by the ears, lest she should be an eavesdropper;

Back to Genesis:

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Some have protested that the first Man was only a spiritual being. If they were “spiritual” then why, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea…"

-Br. Bruce
the first created being is man, created by god's own hands and given the breath of life. woman was created by god out of the rib of man. he created man first out of his likeness, then he created woman second to be his helper and his mate. both were in the original plan, god being outside time already knew their beginning and end, neither of them being an afterthought, but man and woman.
Yes, Blazn. What Bruce is saying is that Theosophically the understanding is that Humanity has literally evolved, according to God's Plan, from a primordial, non-physical, and androgynous being ... into the forms we presently see today.

Turn in your Bibles to Genesis 4:4, and you can read about the giants (Nephilim, Gibborim), who formed the middle part of this gradual progression. The stature of Humanity has diminshed a great deal, but so too, has our physical appearance changed in other ways - as also our mental, physical, and spiritual capacities.

What science and religion tell us about this transformation will overlap in places, agree completely in some instances, and seem directly contradictory in others. Occult science proves a synthetic picture which - though perhaps not 100% satisfactory (I have plenty of questions!) - is overwhelmingly more complete than what is usually brought to light in that most oversimplistic false dichotomy: the "evolution vs. creation debate."

Many an evolutionist wants to "leave God out of it," while the creationists tend to overlook the idea that God, too, proceeds from idea into substance - and works over TIME.

I don't want to take this in a direction that Bruce didn't intend; I just think it isn't a bad idea for those seriously interested in the subject to take a look at The Secret Doctrine. The Popul Vuh, as well, can be read alongside the Genesis account, and each can be used to inform and bring insight to the other. The SD, it so happens, draws its inspiration from both, and from the Vedic teachings, as well as many, many more sources - some not available anywhere else (or at least, as openly), until its publication 100+ years ago.



Bruce, you said,
" was, at the beginning Male and female in one person."
--> We had a big discussion on the Genesis double-creation story just a few weeks ago. We discussed how, according to the Bible, humanity was created in Genesis 1:27, uncreated in Genesis 2:5, and then recreated in Genesis 2:7. Unfortunately, the discussion ended before we had a chance to discuss what these three passages really mean. Fortunately, you have revived the topic.

There are those people who think the three passages really mean humanity was created twice. There are those people who think it is just the same story reported twice. However, as you are showing, both "creation stories" are pointing to two different chapters in the "creation" of one human race.

Thank you for pointing out that the story of Adam and Eve is about the separation of humanity into male and female. It is a fact that often gets overlooked.
Kindest Regards, all!

While there may not be an equivalent word in Hebrew to "and," there is one for "the." The Hebrew word "ha." The sixth day creation, of which is being implied androgyny, uses the word "Adam" (man of red earth) without the article "ha." The eighth day creation of man of red earth is preceded by the article "ha." Ha-Adam, the man Adam. This is the man created to tend the garden, from whom Eve was created. Two different and distinct "Adams." Not knowing just how long a day is to G-d, it is a philosophical guess as to how long passed between the creation of the two. Further, there is no clear indication how long the man Adam and his helpmate Eve were in the garden prior to being outcast. However, after being outcast they had children, the first two recorded in the Bible being Able and Cain. The story tells us that later Cain slayed his brother Able, for which he was banished to the East, and went to dwell in the land of Nod, and took himself a wife and had children. Where did Cain's wife come from if she was not already there, the product of the sixth day creation of "Adam" without the article? Some would like to imply he married his sister, an implication I seriously doubt when a far more sensible answer lies in the linguistic context.

Androgyny has a rightful place, as reference to G-d. I fail to see it in application to Adam, and the creation of modern humanity.

my two cents.

Aside: I read the Popol Vuh, or rather an English translation that purported to be the Popol Vuh. I fail to see the connection.

The wooden people scatter into the forest.
Their faces are crushed,
and they are turned into monkeys.
And this is why monkeys look like humans.
They are what is left of what came before,
an experiment in human design.

The Popol Vuh - The Creation Story of the Maya

Then ran the mannikins hither and thither in despair. They climbed to the roofs of the houses, but the houses crumbled under their feet; they tried to mount to the tops of the trees, but the trees hurled them from them; they sought refuge in the caverns, but the caverns closed before them. Thus was accomplished the ruin of this race, destined to be overthrown. And it is said that their posterity are the little monkeys who live in the woods.

The Popul Vuh, by Lewis Spence


this is a very general summary; divisions depend on text version

Part 1

* Gods create world.
* Gods create first "wood" humans, they are imperfect and emotionless.
* Gods destroy first humans in a "resin" flood; they become monkeys.

Popol Vuh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe it is the second reference that I printed and read sometime back. ;)
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Thank you for sharing the "Popol Vuh" version. That version is actually a lot closer to the Theosophical version than I would have expected.
What you are quoting from the Popol Vuh gets into what is referred to in Theosophy as "the sin of the mindless," Juan. I believe this takes place during what Theosophists call the 3rd "Root Race," or the third main phase of human development (when our geographical landmass configuration corresponded to what is called `Lemuria,' or Mu). Thisis when the "Creation" of Humanity - in a strictly physical, material sense - can be said to have occurred, ~18 million years ago.

Cain and Abel, too, refer to Root Races, or stages in Humanity's develoment. Our stature was reduced considerably in Atlantean times, though there are still accounts - even one in the Bible, I believe, in referring to the dimensions of a certain king's bed - which give testimony, along with Genesis 4:4, to our larger size.

Cross-reference all of this with the Vedic teachings regarding Manus, including Svayambhuva and Vaivasvata, and the connection with the Hebrew Noah, which legend can be traced back to the Chaldean Xisuthrus, becomes obvious. One world history, many legends (or tellings, accounts, "myths") regarding it ... :)


As a Gnostic Christian, I relish the first Genesis Creation story. It is simple and beautiful. And in it God tells us that We like human beings, both sexes, male and female, for both are made in the image of Us.

Of course, us Gnostics never did care much for the second Creation story where God is Yahweh instead of Elohim, and man is favored over the woman and Yahweh lies to believers who are so enthralled with their word idol, the Bible, that they can't read it objectively. They cannot read the words as they stand and see the glaring errors in Genesis 2 that show a god unable to even know where his man is and one who lies, one who curses the human beings he himself has made who don't do what he wants, i.e. his toy people don't please him--a deeply disturbed god for sure that if a human being would be told to "grow up".;)
the first created being is man, created by god's own hands and given the breath of life. woman was created by god out of the rib of man. he created man first out of his likeness, then he created woman second to be his helper and his mate. both were in the original plan, god being outside time already knew their beginning and end, neither of them being an afterthought, but man and woman.

Another proof for this, Balzn, is biology. Look at the simplest biological forms, consider the development of the fetus.

Do you really think a lone Adam with male genitals, wandered the Earth for God knows how long?

For a start, it would be easier to believe he was sexless.

Umm, it sounds an awful lot like you guys are trying to apply logic, rationale, and common sense to all of this! Mighty suspicious, I'd say! And this is something up with which, we shall not put! :rolleyes: :p
I will move this to Comparative Studies, since we are in fact "comparing" studies...of various thoughts.;)


Personaly I find literal belief of genesis on this subject to be crass. If man was not born of woman then there is no man. But it goes beyond that.... We evolved from other species, our DNA is a much greater testament to that FACT than genesis. Frankly the question itself of whether man came before woman to be an argument solely in the realms of 'think yourself up your own arse' philosophy and is not a matter of 'comparative' at all. Lets debate how square a ball is!!!
Personaly I find literal belief of genesis on this subject to be crass. If man was not born of woman then there is no man. But it goes beyond that.... We evolved from other species, our DNA is a much greater testament to that FACT than genesis. Frankly the question itself of whether man came before woman to be an argument solely in the realms of 'think yourself up your own arse' philosophy and is not a matter of 'comparative' at all. Lets debate how square a ball is!!!

There is no concrete evidence or proof of that either. The missing "links" are still missing. Truth is we just don't know enough about the past (our past), to definitively conclude anything.


There is no concrete evidence or proof of that either. The missing "links" are still missing. Truth is we just don't know enough about the past (our past), to definitively conclude anything.



Erm.....missing lnks? dont get you.

We share close to 50% of our DNA with our most distant relatives....primitive bacteria. No mammal is below 85% Our closest relative the Chimp is 98%. So missing links in archeo-palentology do not really matter in my argument here. DNA does not lie. Well if it does I hate to pay out on the lawsuits of those convicted on it.
