Connection Problems?


at peace
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Did anyone else have connection problems over the past few hours, or was it just me?
Okay...I think some others did. Just wanted to know if I was crazy or if my tech skills were even worse than I realized!


LOL--I am worn out now from trying to figure out the problem. Too tired to make new posts. :D Going to log out--hope I can get back in later. ;):)
Did anyone else have connection problems over the past few hours, or was it just me? lovely lady, it is always "just you". But in the recent case of the misplaced database error gambit by those who would thwart CR and its noble and egalitarian aims and purposes for all of the peoples of the Earth, even I, in my isolated innocence and omnipotence experienced "connection" problems this a.m.

Lots of guards in jackboots stomping around these days. Maybe ground vibrations set off the database error thingey. Might we call that a "bootquake" ? Naziquake ? Klinkquake ? My feeble mind cowers in fear of such deviations from the norm

Rest easy and be well my dear.

Peace... Col. flow....:cool:
The :kitty: delegation wants to use someone/thing as a scratching post, and it isn't one of their scratching posts (or the furniture.)

As you can tell, I was unable to access CR/IF until now.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I had a bit of a party here last night. So when i tried to log in and could not i thought......ohhhhhhhh dear....wot did i post last nite to get banned :p I'm happy that was not the case :)
I got a database error this morning....

So I left the terminal and went out into the day...

back on when I returned....

You know how funerals make it more imperative to see friends and family more and tell them how you feel about them...

Well what if this was a real database error...

And the disconnect was permanent?

I'd miss you guys...

If I get a PM with contact info, I shall return same...

Just so you know....those of you and you know who you know where we don't always see eye to eye with...or sometimes at all....I'd miss you too.
I just think this situation calls for a group {[HUG]}.

(wil, I left you a note.)
Yesterday was strangely enough a special day for the net. Now call me paranoid if you like...but it was the day all service providers connected to the US had to provide its encryption codes to the FBI so that they can read all our private stuff.

Hugs back at y'all

Wil, my email is easy... its my name here :)
Yesterday was strangely enough a special day for the net. Now call me paranoid if you like...but it was the day all service providers connected to the US had to provide its encryption codes to the FBI so that they can read all our private stuff.

Brian, can you shed any light??

I'm afraid I missed the connection issues, but it has to be said, the server we're on has a history of causing a number of small annoying problems for CR.

The server is hosted in the UK, so hopefully it wasn't due to the FBI suddenly tapping it. :)
....Everybody been seeing them pink and purple eight legged frogs with one gammy eye hoping up and down on the spot singing.... "Mama don't preach" by madonna for the past few hours, or, was it just me??

Hmmmmm seems like you have a particularly potent strain of skunk at the moment :D
Does conniving fall under the category? How about pretending to pay attention? I've perfected that.