King George To Assume Full Power?


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In a farmhouse, on a farm. With goats.
And now for the truly frightening!! Come see the monster, the elephant in the room--will the fat lady sing?? Is the show about to be over?? Come one, come all, and see King George claim his rightful place as Theocratic King of the Apocalypse--that is, given any natural disaster or act of terrorism.

The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007, would place all governmental power in the hands of the President and effectively abolish the checks and balances in the Constitution.

If a "catastrophic emergency" -- which could include a terrorist attack or a natural disaster -- occurs, Bush's new directive says: "The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government."
What? you ask. Yes, me too. What?? What is this? How does something like this happen, and just what is a "Presedential Directive" anyway??

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Sorry, I don't like to be a fear-monger, but this is just too messed up, y'all. Somebody pinch me.

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I'm visiting the Kingdom later this year...I AM afraid...its heavily guarded at all entrances. Fingerprinting/iris scanning...better be careful what I say.

"The Madness of King George".......I saw that movie !
Have mercy. On us all.

I have never seen anything like the present administration. And I'm no spring chick. As a matter of fact, I don't think this country has ever seen anything like it. I find my non-mainstream thought showing up as mainstream more and more every day. Feels sorta strange....
As we were formed it was each states militia that would be in charge...

If I recollect correctly then it was the Sheriff would take over for each county....titular head of gov't in crisis...posse comitatis or whatever that was...

Then that was superseded by FEMA...and the Director of FEMA I think actually superceded the President during the emergency....

We really don't have to worry about checks and balances...all the congress and supreme court will be hiding in their respective mountains....we'll never actually know what they are saying anyway...

The only real checks and balances now is the media and they are owned by what 5 companies??

And as long as we have cable and Friends, Seinfeld and MASH reruns....whatta we care?
I caught that news a couple of days ago too. Why is he doing this? I think it now pretty much beyond doubt he plans to 'deal' with Iran before his presidency is over. An order identical to the following was issued against Iraq in the month before invasion: The Blotter
Now this. Its all pretty scary.
It caught me off guard. :eek: :mad:

I mean, I know GWB jr is bad, mmmmmkay, and power-hungry, and mad to usher in the Apocalypse, and sure I've thought before that maybe he'll try to orchstrate a coup and seize TOTAL POWER over America, then The WORLD, but to actually see it reported, and then documented (thanks for the link, seattlegal) is totally frightening and shocking.

At the same time it is, of course, totally ridiculous. I looked briefly at the full text of the Executive Order, and felt like I was reading a grade-schooler's fantasy of assuming Dictatorhood. Grade-schooler or Grad-schooler?--well, the language used is technical and complicated, like a graduate student's thesis, but the intent and attituide is completely immature and seperated from consensus reality. Yet this immature thesis is an Executive Order from our president, and he's out there, not to be underestimated. He's a cruel man, powermad, unthinking and unfeeling, and all the more dangerous because he dresses himself with lip-service to Christ while strutting around like a pilot. He's already forged ahead with horrible wars, and it looks like a full-on maritial law assault on his peons and serfs in America is now on his mind.

So for all of you living in America, the question needs to be asked: What will you do when Blackwater comes to town? Salute?

Eh, just another conspiracy. No worries.

:eek: :mad: :( :(
Holy cow, this is the first I've heard of this, but doesn't surpise me one bit.
I'm curious - how does this get though when the democrats run both houses?
I'm curious - how does this get though when the democrats run both houses?
They don't have control of this. These stem from Executive Orders and Executive Directives thousands of which are written by every President...creating laws and changes in the government without Congressional approval.

All good stuff. They don't just do it, Treasury just did, with their act that the exportation or melting down of nickels is law, no congressional input, Treasury just creates a new law. (note nickels are now worth 9.8 cents each when melted down....and the fine is $10, the melting will continue for those that melt enough to pay the fine...wonder who is behind all those change counting machines in grocery stores...)
Here's an update folks. Apparently too many people were accessing the document at the site and it has been removed.
Well, that's funny. Now I am able to access it, whereas I couldn't a few minutes ago.
How 'bout them apples, huh? That is what that printer is for, right? Thanks, dear.
And now for the truly frightening!! Come see the monster, the elephant in the room--will the fat lady sing?? Is the show about to be over?? Come one, come all, and see King George claim his rightful place as Theocratic King of the Apocalypse--that is, given any natural disaster or act of terrorism.

The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, signed on May 9, 2007, would place all governmental power in the hands of the President and effectively abolish the checks and balances in the Constitution.

If a "catastrophic emergency" -- which could include a terrorist attack or a natural disaster -- occurs, Bush's new directive says: "The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government."
What? you ask. Yes, me too. What?? What is this? How does something like this happen, and just what is a "Presedential Directive" anyway??

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Sorry, I don't like to be a fear-monger, but this is just too messed up, y'all. Somebody pinch me.

Read more.

This is nothing new. They have similar Executive Orders that date back to Clinton. For example Executive Order 12919 provides for the government to utilize civilian transportation, food supplies, energy resources, and other strategic material in the event of a national emergency.

Seems to me that this current EO is an attempt to better consolidate governmental resources in order to prevent the type of confusion and imcompetence that occurred with Katrina. It is also consolidating federal, state, and local governments to establish better lines of communication and cooperation in the event of National Security emergencies. This is long overdue.

I don't think it violates the Constitution, nor jeopardizes the checks and balances, but rather ensures their continuance, as para 5(a) states:

"Ensuring the continued functioning of our form of government under the Constitution, including the functioning of the three separate branches of government"

This is all hyped up to what it's not.
I believe its a step towards the new world order a one world government and its eventual acceptance by the people of this country. I love you guys please know that.. but I believe universalism and "all paths lead to God tolerance" is leading us towards accepting a one world religion and Im not saying that universalism is that one world religion. Im just saying.. all these baby steps towards are easing the way towards an acceptance of something that 50 years ago would never have been considered.

So Im not surprised by any of this.
Dondi said:
This is nothing new. They have similar Executive Orders that date back to Clinton. For example Executive Order 12919 provides for the government to utilize civilian transportation, food supplies, energy resources, and other strategic material in the event of a national emergency.

Well, I'm obviously no expert, but I'd say that similar orders date way farther back than Clinton. The current model (even though each president tends to call these directives by different names) was actually implemented by Nixon, but it really goes all the way back to George Washington and the Thanksgiving proclamation. It's just from Truman through today, there have been more. Clinton's were quite controversial, and I agreed more with some (such as environmental and labor issues) than I did with others, which I choose not to go into here.

Dondi said:
I don't think it violates the Constitution, nor jeopardizes the checks and balances, but rather ensures their continuance, as para 5(a) states:

"Ensuring the continued functioning of our form of government under the Constitution, including the functioning of the three separate branches of government"

No, it actually doesn't illegally infringe on the Constitution (yet), so far that I can see. However, I think it does have the potential to usurp the other two branches. I'm sorry, but I am looking at the track record of this administration. I can't help but suspect that this is either an empty nod toward the concerns of Congress and the people, or an attempt to take advantage of what is supposed to be a safeguard, imperfect as it is. Have past EO's even mentioned anything like this? (I really don't know.) But the executive branch is supposed to have authority over the executive departments, right? So, is Bush now saying that the executive branch will now assume authority over the others? I'm confused. I'm suspicious. I'm upset at what I have been seeing, and I guess I just wonder what's up next? I realize that there are certain powers inherent in the presidency, particularly in military operations and such, but like I was saying before--I have just never seen a situation quite like the one going on right now. It is difficult for me to articulate.

Faithfulservant said:
I believe its a step towards the new world order a one world government and its eventual acceptance by the people of this country. I love you guys please know that.. but I believe universalism and "all paths lead to God tolerance" is leading us towards accepting a one world religion and Im not saying that universalism is that one world religion. Im just saying.. all these baby steps towards are easing the way towards an acceptance of something that 50 years ago would never have been considered.

So Im not surprised by any of this.

Okay. I'm a little bit lost here. I can't relate Bush to universalism in religion. He (or whoever is pulling the actual strings) may be desirous of a universal political agenda, and may be using religious backing toward that goal, but wouldn't that be under the guise of Christianity rather than a general Universalist theme? I'm sorry--I am just having a difficult time understanding. I know what you mean by the slick political agenda that is featured in endtimes scenarios, and how it could very well be brought about in an insincere universalistic-style purporter of "peace" , but I don't see the present administration in this light. (And as an aside, there are just so many different ideas about what universalism is, that I get confused as to which one is being referred to in any given conversation.) Anyway, if you would like to expound, I'd listen...just can't guarantee I'll agree or even understand. :confused::)

But I'm trying.

Okay. I'm a little bit lost here. I can't relate Bush to universalism in religion. He (or whoever is pulling the actual strings) may be desirous of a universal political agenda, and may be using religious backing toward that goal, but wouldn't that be under the guise of Christianity rather than a general Universalist theme? I'm sorry--I am just having a difficult time understanding. I know what you mean by the slick political agenda that is featured in endtimes scenarios, and how it could very well be brought about in an insincere universalistic peace leader, but I don't see the present administration in this light. (And as an aside, there are just so many different ideas about what universalism is, that I get confused as to which one is being referred to in any given conversation.) Anyway, if you would like to expound, I'd listen...just can't guarantee I'll agree or even understand. :confused::)

I dont think any of us regular people know how it works in politics. I believe our president is a tool and is being used for a means to an end.

I can see that you misunderstood me.. I was calling this a step in what will be in the future.. the fact that this has happened with minimal uproar shows that we are complacent or apathetic in what our govt does.

I brought up universalism to support my view that we are hurtling very quickly into the end-times. A one world government led by the anti-christ and a one world religion with the anti-christ being worshipped as God.