Esoterism and esoterica

Thank you, wil. This has been part of my grief from the very beginning.

Thomas said:
Andrew's position is that the Theosophical Society knows more about Christ and His mission than the Church does. And equally knows more about any and every tradition than anyone else.

Words are continually being inserted - and quite forcefully, it sometimes feels - into my throat, and I find myself coughing as I ask, "Did I say that!?!" :eek::(

Indeed, I did not, nor have I ever!

What I have said, and what I will say again, since this is a thread on "Esoterism and esoterica," on the esoteric forum, is that I do, when it comes to religion(s), unquestionably BELIEVE (key word) in an all-embracing Universal spirituality (please note my word choice, and the image it might convey:)).

This I would simply call Truth, as in Buddhism it is called Dharma, translated as roughly the same (literally meaning to bear, or support).

Sometimes the term applied, in the East, is Gupta Vidya, meaning the knowledge, or wisdom, which is concealed, or preserved. And THIS is where semantics become important.


But I should clarify that the term I prefer in speaking of the Gupta Vidya, or Dharma, is not Theos Sophia, or `Wisdom of God,' much as I believe this appellation to be accurate. NOR am I a representative, or representative MEMBER, of the Theosophical Society.

I have said this before, and I will say it again: My membership in the Theosophical Society of America lasted from about Nov. of 1990, for perhaps a year or two, before I stopped paying dues and allowed my membership to lapse.

As for my own spirituality, I prefer the simple, plain English term Wisdom Religion, or as it is also often called by its adherents, the Ageless Wisdom. One could also say, the Wisdom Tradition, or - simpler still - the Wisdom.


Yes, this seems quite presumptuous to some. It is SO presumptuous, in fact, as Thomas most keenly observes, that it begs the very question: IS there, in fact, a "Universal Truth?"

But notice that we have two different ways of approaching this subject.

It seems, that rather than speak of Truth, in some measure, as something we CAN objectively attain, and then looking at WHAT IT MIGHT MEAN, or LOOK LIKE, for us to do so ... Thomas would rather say, "it is all beyond us."

And that, as Mr. Churchill put it, is something up with which I shall not put. :rolleyes:

Still, without realizing it, Thomas has stated exactly what the Ageless Wisdom posits as its most CENTRAL and critical tenent! As Thomas puts it:
[Truth is] beyond form, beyond definition, beyond distinction ... [but] it manifests itself in varying forms, across time and culture, with greater and lesser degrees of penetration or revelation. (my emphasis)​

To quote further:
You end up taking a position which assumes a superiority to all religion, a meta-religion, in which you define terms such as 'love', 'grace' 'submission', 'surrender' etc., according to yourself (what other means have you?) or according to your favoured sage ...​
I'll answer this question, since it is a valid one. And for once, Thomas is on the right track here - in seeing to the heart of the Wisdom Religion. :)

Precisely what the Ageless Wisdom holds is the position that NO ONE RELIGION is superior over all others ... but rather, that all are methods, or paths, of approaching, communing (and communicating) with the Divine.

And therefore, certainly, is it not the MOST OBVIOUS realization of all - ironically, somehow the stumbling block for so, so many people down through the ages, and even in the world TODAY - that YES (!!!), Love, Grace, Submission and Surrender are common among all people, for they are ALL characteristic of our Universal Human approach to the Divine?

How do we define these experiences, these wonderful, beautiful spiritual verities, which all people, and all peoples have had, ever since our world began ... IF NOT in terms of our direct, human participation IN THEM???

This, I'm afraid, is the tragedy. THIS, is what for me has become, at times, a source of heartbreak, that "my favoured sage," as our friend Thomas puts it, is somehow LESS IMPORTANT than HIS FAVOURED SAGE. :eek: :(

If St. Thomas Aquinas appeals to one man, or the writings of Rene Guenon are inspirational to another, then let that man read those works, and where there is an online discussion forum ... DEDICATED to compartive religion, philosophy and Interfaith, then SURELY there will be room for further investigation and exploration among kindred hearts and minds.

And if another man has found meaning, purpose, guidance and genuine wisdom, true insight in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky, or Rudolf Steiner, or Max Heindel, or Alice Bailey, or Lucille Cedercrans, or other modern esotericists who have followed their footsteps ... wisdom which has influenced that man for the better, and led him straight and clear in matters both of the heart and of the soul, then WHAT A FOOL this man would be - to abandon his calling, forsake his greatest Teachers, and begin his search anew, as if he had learned nothing by treading life's path.

Yet we find, again and again, that Thomas is ready to naysay anything having to do with the resurfacing of the Wisdom ... as if there were NOT, indeed, One Universal Truth, GOD'S OWN, plain and simple.

The Wisdom Tradition does not say, there is One Truth, and "we have it." And THIS, you will find, is what upsets Thomas the most. If the Wisdom Religion is indeed, available to all who seek ... and is NOT contained, in Vatican libraries, or secret underground chambers, NOR in the vestments, authority or person of the Pope, the Dalai Lama or the Grand High Mighty Poohbah of Froopaloopa VII, then yes - WHERE IS that Truth, and WHAT is it?

To assert that there is a Universal Wisdom, and that it is GOD's, is really - for anyone who's been paying attention, and not living under a rock, a complete TAUTOLOGY. ;)

As a refresher (for me as well, I assure you), that means "needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word," says Webster. Needless, because it is so, bleeding obvious!

Sure, several philosophical, not to mention scientific and religious questions are begged in saying, there is a Universal Wisdom ... but most of us would say that we can skip that part, and just get to the angle on things, so to speak. ;)

What is one's angle? Obtuse? (no really, we say that) Or acute? A cute `e,' for wordplay? yeah, groan ... but what is the opposite?

An obtuse person is a difficult, or "thick" person ... sometimes by choice, yet also this can mean someone not so bright, not tremendously intelligent.

And what is the opposite, then? I'd have to say, that "acute" individuals, are folks such as Thomas and myself. Obtuse people are not heartless, or unemotional, and neither are acute folks. Yet the acute sort do indeed have a "sharpened wit," and to make sure we're all on the same page here, Webster's primary definitions of wit include "mind, memory, reasoning power, intelligence, sense, mental soundness, sanity, astuteness of perception or judgment, and acumen" ... only listing "apt humor" WAY down the list.

I will hand the wittiness to Thomas every time, yet while I can certainly be obtuse at times (and I AM such a person, more than I know) ... neither of us is particularly unenlightened. The term people often use, as a compliment, is `sharp,' or of course, `BRIGHT,' which is what I have heard most of my life.

What am I getting at by all of this?

Come on, we even have this expression in everyday parlance as, "what angle of attack do you want to use," as when solving a problem, or approaching a troubling situation.

Now there is more I could say here about aquiline noses, and Rome, and the Masonic Square has - in fact - everything to do with this line of reason, yet I fear even I would chuckle at what I am suggesting, were I in any other frame of mind ... and for those not familiar with certain Theosophical ideas, this could very easily seem worse than farcical, while those who are familiar either "get it," or will - clash noses - as it were.

Suffice it to say, that mental clairvoyance, wherein a man's own thoughtform can be perceived, is a revelatory thing indeed ... whereupon I call recall thinking to myself those several years ago: "Am I THAT!?!" :eek: :confused:

But no, it was no pretty aura, nor a delightful, glowing splendor that I saw ... when it comes down to one man, arguing his various thoughts or viewpoints with (or even against) another, our own (personality, `ego') thoughtform is a rather matter-of-fact thing, after all.

And the argument does not need to be so vicious, so cutting, antagonistic and intense ... nor even the modern, sportive, fast-paced raquetball echange of ideas which often ends up causing worse injuries than a deadly game of jai alai (or rugby).


Yes, I am being fairly direct. But I find that, at times, it helps to deal openly with something, rather than keep shoving it under the rug, pretend it is merely a trifle, or yet worse, channel the irritation into all sorts of flowerly, prosaic speech, which is really only so much thinly-veiled swordplay.

I may not have used one on this plane for 8 centuries, but I have had my fair of sharpenings as well. :eek:

(seems I'm verboser than ever - pt. 2 forthcoming I guess!)
InLove, you may be quite right about my overlooking something important that Thomas keeps saying. It is not just a matter of, oh, he's putting words in my mouth. For certain, I have done the same, and I don't doubt that I am overlooking some of his points, or perhaps a very good one, or two.

For that, I can only wait, and hope, that he wishes to genuinely dialogue with me. And for that, I demand the same Respect as that which is given to any other person.

At times, it is surely I who have been anything from impatient, to egotistical, to downright callous! And again, anyone who's paying attention is clearly aware of that ... :eek:

I have been known to post on little sleep, or by way of hasty reaction (rather than well-thought, well-pondered, let alone heartfelt response), not to mention slight measure of inebriation - although, I think a drunkard makes plenty fool enough of himself, and really needs no help from anyone around him! :p

But it is exactly this tendency of tit for tat, which Christ came to do away with! Or at least, that's how I read it, summed up fairly succinctly. What if ... we all treated each other, as if life really mattered, as if we were all here for a Purpose, and as if yes, all the world really WAS - and IS - Sacred!

:eek: It's enough to make your head spin!!! Quick, call the Exorcists!!! ;)

I'm not so great at the Divine Possession, and what I have read, is that Socrates, who was not an Initiate (as per the Ageless Wisdom), would often have to wait for DAYS ... before the Daimon would "visit" him.

Nowadays, many a Christian may speak of the Holy Spirit as moving through the world much more freely, and I don't doubt the pervasiveness of the Divine, in some diffused sense, certainly more so than in Socrates' day!

Yet what must that have been like, for him to make the appeal, then quietly, patiently, reverently and yet expectantly wait .... for God to speak!?! And yes, to say that it was any less than precisely that (as with Moses ... be it his own Higher Self, or Soul, or the Logos qua Logos), makes no difference to me - that is just semantics, splitting of hairs, even if, perhaps, it is a valid question at some level.

Plato, supposedly, was but a student of Socrates ... yet he is held, by some, as an Initiate, and that, could be a thread all on its own.

Have I ever said that my Inner God, as it may as well be called, is as close to me, or as accessible, as was the Daemon of Socrates, much less the Living Wisdom (Christ Spirit, born) in Plato?

I have not. I have said that Christ, as a Spiritual Principle - not separate from the Whole, yet somehow given to each of us - IS truly, within our hearts. And when that Spirit, innately and by default but a spark, is fanned into a flame, THEN a man is said to be twice-born.

Thus marks the BEGINNING of his spiritual Journey proper, and the preparation of the path he may choose to tread, eventually leading to direct tutelage from a Master of the Wisdom, IF and WHEN he passes the tests.

And while this very process can be spoken of as the esoteric path, or even the esoteric `aspect' of our being, of life itself, this is not even necessarily what we might wish to discuss ... when we speak of esoterism, and esoterica!

There are so many approaches (a gentler, softer term than angle), so many possibilities, and truly, so many directions in which we can proceed, both in this discussion, and in all related discussions! My babbling about the philosophers is merely a tangent (mmm, sidetrack), yet there are probably five good threads or more just in those couple of paragraphs.

So many degrees of subtlety ... and of course none of us can perceive the highest, or the deepest, or the most sublime layers - even of the mind, the thinking principle. There again, room for discussion regarding just where, and how, within our human mind(s) - do we MEET with God, with the Divine, operating through the Divine Mind (?). And I could forsee plenty, probably endless, exploration! :)

Brother Bruce, speaking often as an Anthroposophist, but first and foremost as Br. Bruce, I would imagine (;)), often reminds us that there is a Christian, mystical approach to the Ageless Wisdom, or esoteric teachings ... which is not always in agreement with Theosophy, or with other presentations of the Ageless Wisdom - yet which emphasizes the heart, and the Christ Aspect, rather than the Mind, and the Intellectual approach.

Somewhere, you may be able to find a common ground, midway between a Theosophy which you have often rebuffed as being too intellectual, Thomas, and the Anthroposophical teachings, wherein the mystical Christ becomes almost the entire focus of Steiner's presentation - along with invaluable contribution to our understanding of esoteric healing, and subtle anatomy.

Anthroposophy is a step closer to the Christ of Roman Catholicism, even while my own interest is along the exoteric line of Eastern Orthodoxy, yet I would as soon discuss the more practical questions of what the Christ might possibly have to do with our own, astral & etheric auras ... as go off on some fifteen page diatribe about Lemurian consciousness and where animal-man went wrong. :rolleyes:

Br. Bruce might be on the same page with me, I dunno ...


The lesson, Deb, was and is, mine. Your invitation, served to evoke something from within me. You sought heart, as much as mind, if I'm not mistaken ... and although with all the usual verbosity, I've felt myself seek to respond more genuinely, and more personally, than I am accustomed to doing!

How we approach others, really does determine to a large extent what we may hope to find, or receive in return (as we offer) ... doesn't it? Not to mention, the spirit of the sharing ... :)

Yet who just presented that lesson to whom? ;) :eek:

Humility is not always embarrassing, and since when is Service to one's fellow human being not supposed to be Joyous? :)

At any rate, I thank you for you, Deb, and for yours. They have certainly made my day, and will give me much to ponder, as I enjoy our coolest weather for weeks ...

Love and Light,

I have been informed, on these boards and elsewhere, by The Theosophical Society that:

The Tradition is bankrupt;
The Scriptures have been fabricated;
The Church is corrupt;
The Fathers were liars;
The faithful are poor, deluded fools.

The same applies to Judaism and Islam, as we share a common heritage.

I am informed that only the Theosophical Society understands these Sacred Texts, and only they can interpret them correctly — only they know what is true, and what is false.

I have also been told that once they have rewritten the Testaments, Old and New, everything will be OK.


I have also been approached by spokespersons of 'The Old Catholic Church' with the invitation to join them, and that if I should deem to throw my 'theological insight' behind their cause, then ordination into said church will be a matter of routine, and a bishopric will follow in short order.

It seems to me that this thread is about more than just esoterism. I'll sign off with a quote:

"God is neither Christian nor Hindu or Muslim or... No. God is God. Just like gold. Gold is gold. Either in the Hindu community, or Muslim community, gold is gold. Because gold is there in some Hindu community, nobody says "Hindu gold." Does anybody say, "It is Hindu gold" or "It is Christian gold"? No. Gold is gold. Similarly, God is one. There is no "Hindu God" or "Muslim God" or "Christian God." This is mistake. "We believe God in this way...," that is nonsense. No. God is one, and you have to see what is the characteristic of God. ...That should be the subject matter of theology, to know actually what is God and to understand what is our relationship with God."

... Neemai :)
Hi Neemai,

I think this thread is precisely about esoterism.

"God is neither Christian nor Hindu or Muslim or... No. God is God...

Agreed. But the point is, we can know nothing of God as God, for God is beyond our wildest imaginings, our most serene speculations, the best we can know, with any certainty, is that which God has chosen to reveal to us. And these revelations comprise the content of religion.

God is one. There is no "Hindu God" or "Muslim God" or "Christian God." This is mistake. "We believe God in this way...," that is nonsense.
True. But where does it leave humanity? God reveals Himself in different ways.

What is missed is knowledge of God is not important. Union with God is the point, and in the great traditions, God has provided the means and method of attaining this unity — the Buddhists call it 'upaya' — and without those means or those methods, Union is impossible for man.

And you still have made no inclusion of the non-theist traditions. Do you assume that if a tradition does not say God, it has nothing to say?

No. God is one, and you have to see what is the characteristic of God. ...That should be the subject matter of theology, to know actually what is God and to understand what is our relationship with God."
Exactly, and how do we do that? By studying the Sacra Doctrina of the Great Traditions, and shaping our lives according to their wise counsel.

Now. As a Christian 'my' doctrine is Catholic, but I do not presume that the Vedas, the Pali Canon, the Koran, are wrong ... in fact I think they are as valid as my own, but they are not the way for me, although I delight in walking and talking with those who walk those ways, for there is much to be learned, and much to be shared.

I find much to be understood is the Moslem doctrine of sin, for example, and Islam has much to say on the history of the Holy Family, for example. The account of creation in the Vedas parallels the account given in Genesis 1 very closely ...

The Secret Doctrine of the Theosophical Society asserts however, that all other doctrines are 'wrong' when they do not agree with their own.

I do not assume, as the Theosophical Society does, that all other scriptures are false, because they don't agree with mine, and I do not suppose to tell other people they are wrong, in believing as they do.

If someone tells me, however, that my sacra doctrina is false, a fabrication, in fact a blasphemy, then I will say they are wrong, and will defend it, and that's all I seek to do.


All religions lead to God, I agree, and furthermore I would say that God draws all men to Himself ... but I do not agree you can roll all religions into one homogenous religion, nor do I agree that you can dispense with religion and get to God by knowing a little bit about each of them.

Only in and through a religion, only by doing a religion do you have any chance of understanding it, and this is the real meaning of esoterism.

It seems to me that this thread is about more than just esoterism. I'll sign off with a quote:

"God is neither Christian nor Hindu or Muslim or... No. God is God. Just like gold. Gold is gold. Either in the Hindu community, or Muslim community, gold is gold. Because gold is there in some Hindu community, nobody says "Hindu gold." Does anybody say, "It is Hindu gold" or "It is Christian gold"? No. Gold is gold. Similarly, God is one. There is no "Hindu God" or "Muslim God" or "Christian God." This is mistake. "We believe God in this way...," that is nonsense. No. God is one, and you have to see what is the characteristic of God. ...That should be the subject matter of theology, to know actually what is God and to understand what is our relationship with God."

... Neemai :)

Greetings Neemai,

This is beautiful, this is wisdom.

Peace, love and light flows with you.

- c -

On an overall observation.........

Do you not see you are your own double axe........ though it appears where others are concerned you swing words with the give and take of a single blade.

- c -
Not at all.

I see the difference as I defend my faith vigorously,
but do not seek to attack others for their faith,
nor do I attack others for their faith.

Andrew consistently attacks Christian doctrine at the most fundamental level, with accusations not only of ignorance and error, but of lies, corruption, falsehood, blasphemy.

Might I offer that another TS member of this forum informed Bananabrain that the Jewish scribes had similarly and intentionally falsified Hebrew Scripture.

Might I suggest two things:
The TS will inform all any any that their sacra doctrina has been falsified, etc., where is disagrees with TS doctrine.

That I started this thread on the specific notion that the world's esoterisms belong wholly and uniquely to their respective traditions ... by which I hope all will understand that I defend the authority, honesty and authenticity of every sacred tradition ... the only proviso being a syncretism that offers nothing but a reworking of stuff lifted from all and sundry to suit its own agenda.

Namaste Thomas,

Please correct me if I am wrong.

In regards to Judaism and Christianity, there are those that believe literally that the world is some 6,000 years old, that Adam existed and was created by G-d, that the Garden of Eden are not metaphor but actual fact and all of creation was manifest as it says in seven days, that Moses brought down five complete books off the mount and they celebrate that event.

Now there are others that believe that much of the bible is a glorious metaphor for life, stories created to satisfy those around the campfire and eventually written down...but all should be taken with a grain of salt and even the most factual fragments contain some fantasy elements added for emphasis, or to inspire, or to convince, conspire...

There is a small percentage of believers that fit into either of those camps...that the vast majority are somewhere in between, hence our numerous denominations/sects and those that consider themselves nondenominational...

Do you agree or disagree? One other piece of info...I have it from three different sources that took graduate level courses at Loyola in Baltimore...learning theology from the Jesuits...that long ago the church discovered that we don't want to know/hear the truth...that we have no interest in personal responsibility or growth...that we want someone else to save us and go on our merry way, beer and there no truth to that? This isn't theosophists....but Jesuits.
Not at all.

That I started this thread on the specific notion that the world's esoterisms belong wholly and uniquely to their respective traditions ... by which I hope all will understand that I defend the authority, honesty and authenticity of every sacred tradition ... the only proviso being a syncretism that offers nothing but a reworking of stuff lifted from all and sundry to suit its own agenda.



I see it as spiritual evolution, and never doubt God has a hand to play.

- c -
In regards to Judaism and Christianity, there are those that believe literally that the world is some 6,000 years old, that Adam existed and was created by G-d, that the Garden of Eden are not metaphor but actual fact and all of creation was manifest as it says in seven days, that Moses brought down five complete books off the mount and they celebrate that event.

Now there are others that believe that much of the bible is a glorious metaphor for life, stories created to satisfy those around the campfire and eventually written down...but all should be taken with a grain of salt and even the most factual fragments contain some fantasy elements added for emphasis, or to inspire, or to convince, conspire...

There is a small percentage of believers that fit into either of those camps...that the vast majority are somewhere in between, hence our numerous denominations/sects and those that consider themselves nondenominational...

Do you agree or disagree?
I agree.

Where the discussion becomes interesting is on what grounds one decides what is truth and what is fiction ... and the discussion between 'formal truth' and 'material truth' ... but then that is theology, and philosophy, and is an arduous discipline that few are interested in.

One other piece of info ... I have it from three different sources that took graduate level courses at Loyola in Baltimore ... learning theology from the Jesuits ... that long ago the church discovered that we don't want to know/hear the truth ... that we have no interest in personal responsibility or growth ... that we want someone else to save us and go on our merry way, beer and theater ... is there no truth to that? This isn't theosophists ... but Jesuits.

Are you saying then that the above being the case, it fine for someone else to come along and say the whole thing is a fabrication and a lie perpetuated by a gang of criminals, that the Catholic Church should be dismantled and the Bible reritten?

Where the discussion becomes interesting is on what grounds one decides what is truth and what is fiction ... and the discussion between 'formal truth' and 'material truth' ... but then that is theology, and philosophy, and is an arduous discipline that few are interested in.
I think you are exactly correct...and those grounds are determined by the denomination/sect one belongs and when one no longer feels that the hierarchy is doing so moves on. Hence the creation of so many various aforementioned groups.

The problem which CR and any and every interfaith interdenominational group struggles with is when these various and sundry factions try to have discussion about same.
Are you saying then that the above being the case, it fine for someone else to come along and say the whole thing is a fabrication and a lie perpetuated by a gang of criminals, that the Catholic Church should be dismantled and the Bible reritten?
Sure, just as it is ok for you to say that another group is founded on lies...that is called free speech. Does it perpetuate distrust, yes, does it encourage further discussion, no. Does it establish a venue whereby one may see who takes the high road...yes.

You've established a thread discussing biblical esoterism and esoterica...this in my mind you go beyond the literal translations of the bible and basically rewrite some of it. Lets face it for 4,000-2,000 years we've got books we study that haven't been rewritten despite new information that has come in over the past centuries. You are one who would love to discuss the various writers across the period....that puts you completely at odds with those that believe it litterally....we are all points of light along that thread.
Dear Wil —

You misread me. I did not start a thread on biblical esoterism, I started a thread discussing esoterism in general, and the right of every tradition to its living faith.

Once again, regardless of whaat I have written, I find myself defending Catholicism.

So I assume I am obliged to follow the concensus and allow that in fact we don't, and that only The Theosophical Society can lay a claim to a knowledge of the esoteric.

Dear Wil —

You misread me. I did not start a thread on biblical esoterism, I started a thread discussing esoterism in general, and the right of every tradition to its living faith.

Once again, regardless of whaat I have written, I find myself defending Catholicism.

So I assume I am obliged to follow the concensus and allow that in fact we don't, and that only The Theosophical Society can lay a claim to a knowledge of the esoteric.

My bad Thomas, I reread the beginning again, and still seem to think that you were indicating that Christian Esoterica differed from Bhuddist or Taoist or what was similar was exoterica...

I believed your claim to be that because we had a knowledge or thought we had a knowledge of our esoteric thought that did not indicate we had a knowledge of all...

I don't see anyone or any group cornering all knowledge....just their own. Nor do I see any consensus in this regard. Nor do I see you required to defend your beliefs any more than I see Andrew required to defend his. As it pertains to beliefs I think we all tend to defend when we feel attacked.

but it is still a goose and gander thing... everyone has equal opportunity at the olive branch.
Well Thomas, your axe, well ground now on the whetstone of Progress and Spiritual Advance ... is thirstier than ever for the blood of every last Theosophist upon this planet.

And, just as we have seen in ages past, it will not matter even as some of us cry out, I am NOT a witch ... for the head is already on the chopping block, and the judgment GUILTY has already been pronounced.

It is for the good of my soul, I am sure. Yes, I am sure. And that is so very, very comforting.

Do you see? You subtle, subtle man. You are very keen, very shrewd. And not without the same gamut of human emotions as I have. But you are vain, every bit as vain as I myself ... and, I am finding, MORE stubborn, much more stubborn.

I can hand you a fish, and immediately you slice it to shreds ... for all you have seen is a serpent.

I can hand you a loaf of bread, yet having cast it aside, still there is a hungry man before me.

Well friend, I am as hungry as you. And I'm all out of fish, and I just gave my last piece of bread away.

The other people here, on this thread, and at CR, are kindly, gentle souls - for the most part. Here and there, even when there is a stir, there is always such a calm, ready to move in, descending from high, to play its part, and remind us.

Are you a part of that? Are you here to restore that calm?

Or is your motive, even where you sense it not, to cut down?

I will not give you my scythe, for the harvest. A fish, a loaf, and even my cup ... these I will share.

But I will not hand you my scythe.

In giving away my heart, I know that I can only gain.
But if I hand you what you ask, I shall only lose my head.
This, I have seen, time and time again.

Teach, if you must, that Death is our enemy, that death is wrong.
Teach, that the Lord did not create Death Itself, and grant him dominion - over a realm.

TEACH ... that we may cheat death, and wage our war even as we journey toward the Father.

I will teach another way to see things, no matter what my loss.
And when it comes time to count our blessings, and measure our grief, who shall come out ahead?

A fish, a loaf ... a cup.
And a scythe.

Death is a man, just like you and me.
Imagine a talk together, over a cup of tea.


Do please, if you have the chance, Thomas, ponder the subject of scapegoats.

What will you do when there are no Theosophists around? Suppose you succeed in defeating us all? When the Crusade is over, the Holy War won, who shall remain as a worthy enough adversary?

One foot on the dragon, tell me your future plans, St. George.
My bad Thomas, I reread the beginning again, and still seem to think that you were indicating that Christian Esoterica differed from Bhuddist or Taoist or what was similar was exoterica...

That is correct. Each is unique in its own way. What they share in common is the general, what is unique to them, and thus esoteric, is particular. If such were not the case, we wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them.

Then there are questions of hermeneutics and epistemology to consider. Without which, we can only make generalised assumptions. I am referring specifically to spiritual dynamics.

I don't see anyone or any group cornering all knowledge....just their own.

Is that not precisely the point I set out to make?

But how is one to respond when told that a group possesses the full and authentic truth of a tradition, and that what I hold in faith is a pack of lies and distortions? Am I not continually being told that I do not hold nor understand the reality of my tradition.

But how is one to respond when told that a group possesses the full and authentic truth of a tradition, and that what I hold in faith is a pack of lies and distortions? Am I not continually being told that I do not hold nor understand the reality of my tradition.



You must know this is not true, it is the very essence of your tradition I hear speaking through your words. When it is so strong, why does it need to be so defensive? Can you give the same allowance to others, you give to your own truly? For often it seems you do........and then you dont...... it's own eternal dance, it swings and turns forever.

This the very reason I do not hold with tradition. Yet can appreciate in openness.

peace - c -
But how is one to respond when told that a group possesses the full and authentic truth of a tradition, and that what I hold in faith is a pack of lies and distortions? Am I not continually being told that I do not hold nor understand the reality of my tradition.
How many times have I been told I am going to hell for my beliefs, that I am not a Christian? I have no idea.

I've had posts, emails, pm's, some here, some other places that end in 'Go to hell, Godbless' and 'Get behind me Satan' yet my path is with Christ. I'm not saying I have all the answers or know the correct way to respond...I stumble and fall all the time. I say the wrong words, I don't sufficiently get my point across, I am misunderstood. I piss off, and irritate people that I don't mean to due to my inadequacy in communication and tendency to retort without contemplation and meditation.

Lots for me to work on. But if I allow someone else's words or thought to influence my demeanor, who allowed it? If someone tells me my pressed shirt is wrinkled and I can see it is not, why should that bother me?

How should you respond...obviously only you know. What is the end result you wish to it communication, education, amicable discourse? If your goal is to drive from here to there and there is a boulder in the road do you go around it or through it?

WWJD? When confronted by the mob, he sat down and doodled in the sand and asked a question. When his disciples were ready to war to save him..he indicated they know not what they do.

In Covey's seven habits he says seek first to understand then to be understood.

I do believe from following these discussions that you have pissed off /shut down Andrew as much as Andrew you...

I cannot speak for the rest...but you two constantly drive me to the dictionary, the bible, webpages, and everywhere else just to barely keep up with what you contemplate. I so honor both of your heartfelt positions and the discussion between you two. It is this selfishness on my part causes me to publicly get involved to see discussion continue...
Emperor Andrew,

Can I give you a new suit of clothes?

That red atire is provoking you to dance more like the devil himself.

love - c -