Male and Female Energies

Bruce Michael

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Peace to All,

The hermaphrodite Adam Cadmon is spoken of by Steiner as being feminine in nature.

The future state of Man will be masculine in nature- hence the finding of the Lost Word in the male line. This has something to do with changes that occur now in the larynx of males at puberty. These things are discussed in the Temple Legend book by Rudolf Steiner.

From my Teachers:

"In one form or another the conjoining of two and the desire therein has pre-existed existence in every realm imaginable. The meeting of consciousness is just such an act - creative and powerful, resonating in the combining. Because of the meeting of 'two' there becomes a higher impetus, a greater desire for further communion, and a deeper Holy Fire of Father God then realised."​

I don't know if there are any references in Steiner to twin souls. I once
asked a learned anthroposophist and she told me that Steiner wanted to avoid the occult romanticism associated with the doctrine- you know, people running off to all quarters of the globe looking for their twin.

But we all have a twin soul. If we didn't we would be quite self satisfied.
Marriage is archetypal to the twin soul doctrine. We are all one half of a whole, and somewhere about is our closest living relative.

Higher and higher we go looking for the source of sexuality, at the apex we arrive at the Second Person of the Trinity. In the other direction is the debasement of sex- used in black magic practices.

Of course, another interpretation of the "Twin Soul" teaching, which it sounds like Steiner advocated ... is that the Twin in question, is OUR Soul. :)

Thus, while we, the outer man, or woman, go searching - for our "other half" - it (him/her) is actually with us all along.

And thus, we proceed along the Path, and make the additional at-one-ments which are called Initiations, both Great and small, some occurring every single day, others marking the major milestones on the Path of Self-Unfoldment.

During the Third, or Transfiguration Initiation, we stand Face to face with God Transcendent, the Lord of the World. The moment arrives as spoken of in the Aaronic or Priestly Blessing, passed down to us by Aaron himself, brother of Moses.

The Lord presents His Face to us, as we finally are enabled to lift ours to meet His, His Countenance Shines upon us (Who was it, that Bright Bearer of Light? Who, PLURAL?) ... and we are "given Peace" - that which "passeth Understanding."

The result?

Our at-one-ment shifts to a direct, increasing rapport between Spirit and the Christ-born, purified & consecrated, Transfigured personality. What Theosophists call the Monad begins to guide the Soul-infused persona ... and with the following, Arhat Initiation, the person becomes Jivan-Mukta - a "free Soul."

Technically, the Soul departs, for such a One is now Spirit Incarnate, a Spark of the Divine, manifest in form via Kriyashakti from here on out ...

It is a high, and lonely path. "The adept is the rare efflorescence of a generation of enquirers." And no, this doesn't sound very romantic, except in the strictest, Idealistic sense of the word.

Why are some, rare relationships between man and woman so wonderful, so beautiful, and so indicative of the Right Relationship which we hope will one day characterize all Human life upon our planet?

Because ... as we progress along the path, the very lower, sexual-creative energies which have caused us so much trouble for many incarnations, become transmuted into the Higher Creativity through which the Soul, the Christ Principle, works out the Divine Will upon Earth.

As we demonstrate that we can stand as a Soul, it becomes only natural that a foreshadowing, a very special glimpse of our future spiritual condition, becomes possible. This can include both highest Bliss, as well as some of the most arduous and trying, yet Joyously rewarding Work that we will ever do!

But this work can never be done alone, to the same degree, or with the same effectiveness, as it can in group(s). Thus as a husband and wife, or romantic partnership, with equal dedication to a spiritual Ideal ... and from there, working in cooperation with one's esoteric GROUP, we serve.

Even the Masters, the Greatest beings upon our Planet, do not work alone. A Master is the heart of His Ashram, yet with His Ashram He works as a Unit. And by extension, via His Group, there is a single Purpose, and a single focus of vision.

Every step of the way, there are complementing energies - a positive and a negative, or an impressing and a receptive, "side" of things. For the Master, that may be a Senior Master, the Christ (above all Masters), or even Shamballa Itself (`God'). Probably there are dozens more possibilities ...

But there is an ever higher Center which impresses us, while we, in turn, have the responsibility to impress those who come behind us on the path. So with nations and groups within Humanity, as well as Kingdoms within the evolutionary Plan.


At an early stage, Humanity existed neither as empty forms, nor as Divine, formless Lives, seeking experience and expression. We came forth as both, yet not co-existing as a Unit, as is the case today. And so we had to be evolved.

So in our distant past, forms were prepared for us ... and when these forms were finally evolved to the point that we could benefit by incarnating within them, we did so. And since we are not yet a Perfect planet, this process has had its karmic fallout, much of this centering around use and misuse of the "sex force" - or our lowest expression of Divine Creativity.

I would agree that we are learning to properly use the energies of the 3rd Aspect, by sublimating them to the Plan and Purpose of the 2nd Aspect, as we submit ourselves to the disciplining, magnetic, synthetic effect of the 1st Aspect.

This can be true, and applied to, the personality itself, the Soul as the real Individual, to groups within Humanity (parts of the Whole, or World Soul), and also to various planetary Kingdoms ... even in an Interplanetary sense.

If we remember that Creation is not something limited to Earth, and that Humanity is not just a term referring to Intelligent Life upon our little globe, then we are thinking in a broad, universal sense. But we certainly have our own evoution, and the specific details of life on our planet are not necessarily the same for other schemes of evolution, even within our own Solar System!

Who knows, for instance, what evolution was like, in terms of the form, and male & female energies, within the Venusian Scheme, which is nearly complete? How about on Mars? Or Mercury? Modern science, of course, does not even as yet admit of an evolution (per se) UPON (or within) these globes! :rolleyes:

So I think this all makes for interesting contemplation, while obviously the focus comes back to Earth Humanity ... and what it means - to use the creative forces wisely, and properly.

Exoteric religionists often struggle with the very concept of becoming "Co-Creators with God," as there is simply no framework in place to bridge the gap (in thinking) between one's own role, or place, in the Divine Scheme ... and God's.

This, for me, is what is really worth exploring, since as long as we speak of `God' and really mean, The Absolute, such talk as "co-creating with God," is indeed - nonsense. :eek:


You can smack me for semi-hijacking your thread, Bruce ... that wasn't my intent. Just kinda running with it. Let me pass the ball back to you though, and see what's next. :)


Hi Bro.
>Of course, another interpretation of the "Twin Soul" teaching, which it >sounds like Steiner advocated ... is that the Twin in question, is OUR Soul. :)

Yes Dr. Steiner describes the lower part of the etheric body in males as female, and in females, male. One author has gone as far to explain homosexuality in terms of the individual only incarnating as far as the etheric body.

There is problem with at-one-ment, and that is lack a dynamism. If we were so self contained we'd have little reason to extend outside of ourselves.

So I do believe in the Twin Soul doctrine- the Monad eggs were split in two. I know some theosophists follow the doctrine- and breakaway groups too.

There is actually a discussion group on the internet where people talk about meeting their twin flame.

>You can smack me for semi-hijacking your thread, Bruce ...

Oh no Bro, you're welcome. As long as it's in the ballpark- but really I don't care; that's the moderator's job. Thanks for the input.:)

All the Best,
Br. Bruce
Hi Bro.
>Of course, another interpretation of the "Twin Soul" teaching, which it >sounds like Steiner advocated ... is that the Twin in question, is OUR Soul. :)

Yes Dr. Steiner describes the lower part of the etheric body in males as female, and in females, male. One author has gone as far to explain homosexuality in terms of the individual only incarnating as far as the etheric body.

Some cultures teach that homosexuals are not crippled humans but especially blessed humans. While a heterosexual has but one soul, the homosexual has two in one body -- both male and female. That's why some cultures refer to homosexuals as "two spirited."
but really I don't care; that's the moderator's job...:)
hey there, we have to care?? I shoulda read the fine print.

2 insure this stays on topic that would be feminine energy right? Oh I hope this doesn't end up back in the PC thread...

ps, and in other cultures too spirited....
Some cultures teach that homosexuals are not crippled humans but especially blessed humans. While a heterosexual has but one soul, the homosexual has two in one body -- both male and female. That's why some cultures refer to homosexuals as "two spirited."

Hi Br. Ben,
Hermaphrodites were considered godlike, for a very good reason- they were a reminder of the first Man, perfect Man: Adam Kadmon.

It is a pity they are still butchered to "fit in".

Dr. Lievegoed's theory does explain a lot, but not all I believe. One observes a certain lightness in some male homosexuals, a feeling that they do not quite touch the earth so strongly.

But in the case of female homosexuality- I'm not sure how Bernard Lievegoed would explain this.

Homosexuality does deviate from the natural law, but is also subject to a natural law which has determined it. And we have seen great sadnesses result, and from this we learn to pity any circumstance in which a man is outcast and resistant to the ordinary.
-The Brothers

And that is true- homosexuals do have a "hard row to hoe" so speak. In fact anyone who deviates from the "ordinary" has to some degree, a difficulty in "fitting in".

Best Regards,
hey there, we have to care?? I shoulda read the fine print.

2 insure this stays on topic that would be feminine energy right? Oh I hope this doesn't end up back in the PC thread...

I would say masculine (reasoning).

Feminine (imagination).