why does god change his mind in such an extreme way?



after we die. he would torture people forever and not ever change their mind and stop torturing them, but if we had accepted him he would reign down all the love of heaven?

is this the same guy we are talking about?
Where does it say this in the Bible?
it doesnt , the God of the bible never sends people to a firey hell , it is a manmade teaching that is not inline with true bible teaching . but many people listen to false religious teachers .
I just found out that John, the guy that wrote revelations was a Merkavah mystic and that the book is full of mystic imagry that most people (And preachers) dont understand... not saying I understand it... just one morep iece of the misinformation puzzle.
its like this,see

two twins,each alike in dignity

both ministered too on wednesday

on thursday snipers take them both out

one goes to heaven, one goes to hell....

and its the same god that decreed both outcomes
Sean.. mee has a different bible. His is called the New World Translation.. it gets confusing sometimes here but when people know.. they generally understand where mee is coming from.
doesnt that translation take into account the way the words translated into hell were originally understood?
Looking at all your interesting threads, then seeing how you reply to those that step up to "defend" their faith from your questions, are you here to learn from your misunderstandings/opinons and such... Or just to state these subjects, ruffle a few feathers and then come back on next weeks episode with a new issue?

Also making up little stories such as two go to church one dies and goes to hell one dies and goes to heaven? How the hell do you know that is how it would be lol? It's not like you have taken a case that is based on fact and known truth saying one went to hell one went to heaven, then again you are a mere human.... :) Who are you to argue agaisn't such a more superior beings will? Just a question......
Looking at all your interesting threads, then seeing how you reply to those that step up to "defend" their faith from your questions, are you here to learn from your misunderstandings/opinons and such... Or just to state these subjects, ruffle a few feathers and then come back on next weeks episode with a new issue?

Also making up little stories such as two go to church one dies and goes to hell one dies and goes to heaven? How the hell do you know that is how it would be lol? It's not like you have taken a case that is based on fact and known truth saying one went to hell one went to heaven, then again you are a mere human.... :) Who are you to argue agaisn't such a more superior beings will? Just a question......

This is why I quit responding to shadowman's threads. It's the same squirrel cage over and over, and I'm getting dizzy...and nauseated.
Sean.. mee has a different bible. His is called the New World Translation.. it gets confusing sometimes here but when people know.. they generally understand where mee is coming from.

And we know where you are coming from too!! In case any are in any doubt.. FaithfulServant will be waiting to judge us. Seems God delegates to you if you have the right minority book.

Looking at all your interesting threads, then seeing how you reply to those that step up to "defend" their faith from your questions, are you here to learn from your misunderstandings/opinons and such... Or just to state these subjects, ruffle a few feathers and then come back on next weeks episode with a new issue?

Also making up little stories such as two go to church one dies and goes to hell one dies and goes to heaven? How the hell do you know that is how it would be lol? It's not like you have taken a case that is based on fact and known truth saying one went to hell one went to heaven, then again you are a mere human.... :) Who are you to argue agaisn't such a more superior beings will? Just a question......

im trying to clear up my mis understanding.

im trying to get a picture on how belief in this god is good.
doesnt that translation take into account the way the words translated into hell were originally understood?
do you mean gehenna...the dump, that place at the edge of town where they burned all the trash and the indigent dead? Where folks with no means of support scavenged for what they could find, where folks with no skill were hired to toil day in day out in terrible conditions...

the place where you told your kids...if you aren't good...if you don't study hard and learn a skill, a trade, a profession...that is the place...where they burn the trash...that is where you'll spend your days till the end of your time...

it is an incentive..

but what books are you reading...who is feeding you all this constant fire and brimstone to the point that it is making you so miserable?? Find some new friends!!
im saying, god would both torture humans forever, or forgive and forget everything for the people that accept his way....

but its the same people we are talking about.

is it like mutabaruka suggests? god's a schizophrenic?
do you mean gehenna...the dump, that place at the edge of town where they burned all the trash and the indigent dead? Where folks with no means of support scavenged for what they could find, where folks with no skill were hired to toil day in day out in terrible conditions...

the place where you told your kids...if you aren't good...if you don't study hard and learn a skill, a trade, a profession...that is the place...where they burn the trash...that is where you'll spend your days till the end of your time...

it is an incentive..

but what books are you reading...who is feeding you all this constant fire and brimstone to the point that it is making you so miserable?? Find some new friends!!

yeah, as well as sheole (grave) and hades (underworld)

these arent small considerations. after studying greek, hebrew, and what kind of thigs people were discussing back then, it becomes unclear as to whether jesus was talking about a torturous afterlife or not

it depends more on what people thought back then, than on what the translations are...
And we know where you are coming from too!! In case any are in any doubt.. FaithfulServant will be waiting to judge us. Seems God delegates to you if you have the right minority book.


Therefore there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.

I prefer "fruit inspecting" to "judge".... thanks :)
im saying, god would both torture humans forever, or forgive and forget everything for the people that accept his way....

but its the same people we are talking about.

is it like mutabaruka suggests? god's a schizophrenic?
false religious teachings such as a litral hellfire make for much confusion and serves satans purpose well. .... Babylon the great .... is the worldwide empire of false religion. and Gods people are out of there REVELATION 18;4 teachings such as God putting people in a litral hellfire come from Gods oposser(satan) and much confusion has happened because of the influence of this wicked one 1 JOHN 5;19
This world empire of false religion is in opposition to Jehovah God because it had its basis in Babylon. Hence in his Holy Bible he calls this religious world empire by the name Babylon the Great. Babylon or Babel means "Confusion." In agreement with that name the Babylonish world empire of false religion is a mix-up or confusion of hundreds of religions in opposition to Jehovah God the Creator.
yeah, as well as sheole (grave) and hades (underworld)

these arent small considerations. after studying greek, hebrew, and what kind of thigs people were discussing back then, it becomes unclear as to whether jesus was talking about a torturous afterlife or not

it depends more on what people thought back then, than on what the translations are...
Jesus used that garbedge dump to illustrate total destruction . Jesus spoke in many illustrations .
Therefore there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus.

I prefer "fruit inspecting" to "judge".... thanks :)
by their fruits you will recognise those men
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves."John 13;35 inspecting the fruits of Gods people would mean that Gods people have love among themselves.......... you would not see one of Gods people killing another of Gods people . even if they lived in different nations they would not take up arms against each other. yes Gods people are taught only PEACE.