to those who much has been given, much is expected etc,



so you are telling me, the more I know about the bible, or gods plan or whatever, the more I am held accountable.

so god beats me up if im unrepentant, and he beats me up even more if i knew more than some other guy who he beats up less.

I dont see any evidence that I need to be repentant. I have made mistakes in my life, I learnt from them. I try and move on making less and less mistakes. I dont think I deserve to be seperated from all that is good because I made mistakes. I was made this way...

I didnt learn that I was bad because I felt I was going against god. I realized I made mistakes because I have a sense of right and wrong that my parents and society taught me

And I dont think I should worry about not having a relationship with god. God is invisible, the bible is like any other "sacred" book.

If god wants to have relationships with people he should show up.

IT seems to me, from what I learn about christians, is that god has some MAJOR problems with us. He seems pissed off and angry and hes gonna judge all of us and apply punishments.

well in my world, if you have a problem with someone, you confront them in the real world and tell them. hey, Im god, I actually made you and all of this, we have some things we need to discuss.

Im not gonna waste time talking to myself, imagining jesus is listening.

besides jesus already knows everything before we ask, so what good would an invisible relationship do?

I tried that when I was a little child and would ask god for help, or material sccess, or other bullcrap that I thought god could do. I imagined me and god laughing about something funny. what a waste of time. there is no humor in the book of revelations, or any other book.

seems to me like jesus is the only chance of the universe, and the universe is actually gonna end up with people in hell and jesus not letting them out.

obviously, when you are in hell, you know everything in the bible was right, so no more guess worlk

but god wont let people out of hell because they didnt have FAITH?

its a load of huey.

we have faith in ideas when most evidence proves that the ideas are wrong, faith implies a lack of concrete proof. its like god WANTS US TO TRICK OURSELVES INTO BELIEVING IN HIM because thats exactly what faith is.
hey, blazn, respect the Original Poster's request for relative discussion. what does "yawn" have anything to do with this post?:confused::cool:
Wouldn't ONE thread with a title like : "My problems with Christianity" (or Catholicism, or whatever) be better? :)
maybe, but the subject in each thread is different. Ill cool it though. I agree that I am posting threads in excess.
still, I think you ask interesting questions and as long as you're earnest (and not trying to just, you know, piss off the Christians), there's no problem in posting in excess, I guess.
It's just that it basically boils down to the fact that there's something in Christianity that's terribly bothering you and you can get past that, quite. Am I right?
not trying to piss people off, just let them see where I am comming from.
maybe, but the subject in each thread is different. Ill cool it though. I agree that I am posting threads in excess.
thats all i meant by the yawn, i think we are all intelligent enough to figure it out.
so god beats me up if im unrepentant, and he beats me up even more if i knew more than some other guy who he beats up less.
A criminal who is not repentant may be the one beating up on someone.

I dont see any evidence that I need to be repentant. I have made mistakes in my life, I learnt from them. I try and move on making less and less mistakes.
You have just repented. (a. admitted to mistakes. b. learned from them. c. moved on trying not to make the same mistakes.) Who in their right mind would not forgive you?

If god wants to have relationships with people he should show up.
So equally if people want to have relationships with God they should show up with prayer?!

well in my world, if you have a problem with someone, you confront them in the real world and tell them.
Awesome... I wish it were more common to do that.

we have faith in ideas when most evidence proves that the ideas are wrong, faith implies a lack of concrete proof. its like god WANTS US TO TRICK OURSELVES INTO BELIEVING IN HIM because thats exactly what faith is.
In my book, that is NOT what faith is. Not even remotely. What knowledge of God do you have to repeatedly judge him an untrustworthy criminal? You express the exact opposite of Faith, a lack of Faith for fear of being betrayed. Remember I said that I thought it was the spirit of Faith that you are repeatedly expressing a problem with. Not just in God but in anyone. Instead of focusing on having faith, focus on the quality of being faithful. Being faithful is the quality whereby real Faith is had. Consider the faith that you have in someone... are they or are they not faithful to your will? If a person is faithful then they will have faith. If not then they won't. Faith is not something that a person gives themselves. It is given and it is received. To be faithful to someone you have to place faith in them and by all means do so wisely and proportionately. Look at the sheer amount of blind faith that is handed over to governments who do betray and don't listen to people. Don't place Faith in God blindly... but, really at issue is whether God places Faith in you. Are you Faithful? Trustworthy?

To me faith is similar to honesty and credit. Why should you tell anyone the truth? Why not just lie to everyone to further yourself? Why not fool people with a facade and get the better of them? Why not be a trickster? A player? If I were to tell a Lie then people would soon learn of it and decrease their Faith in my word. I might be wrong in my thoughts but if I speak truthfully with others then I might gain their Faith. It is not a matter of choosing who to be honest to... it is a quality to set up within regardless of who I meet. This issue is not the judgment of God's honesty, but of my own. You will have to determine in your own relationship on your own terms God's trustworthiness, honesty, or creditworthiness... but right now I'd look inside and evaluate there first. That is where Faith is had.
to those who much has been given, much is expected etc,
much is expected of baptized ones who, along with increased knowledge and blessings, have special accountability.—James 4:17; Luke 15:1-7; 1 Corinthians 13:11. this also makes me think of the ones spoken of in matthew 24;45-47 they are faithful ones and they are being blessed with great responsbility. responsibility means more work, so as Jesus is feeding these ones they in turn are working hard to feed the GREAT CROWD of other ones REVELATION 7;9-10 so those with responsibility much is expected of them,