What is Scientology?



I had some ideas when I read the title... why was that thread locked?!

- The science of convincing someone to pay for a lie detector test... repeatedly.
- The science of convincing someone that you are better equipped to tell them what they are secretly thinking.
- The science for building human pyramids.
- The science understood by (some) Hollywood actors and actresses.
- The science authored by a fiction writer.
- The science of advertising the beliefs of a fiction writer who said, "Advertising is legalized lying."

I believe all of the above are true statements. Is there a Scientologist who agrees or disagrees?
- The science of believing you know about psychology more than your interviewer and that it is dangerous.

- The science of banning anti-depressants to post-partum patients. Vitamins are a much better way.
I had some ideas when I read the title... why was that thread locked?!

- The science of convincing someone to pay for a lie detector test... repeatedly.
- The science of convincing someone that you are better equipped to tell them what they are secretly thinking.
- The science for building human pyramids.
- The science understood by (some) Hollywood actors and actresses.
- The science authored by a fiction writer.
- The science of advertising the beliefs of a fiction writer who said, "Advertising is legalized lying."

I believe all of the above are true statements. Is there a Scientologist who agrees or disagrees?

Idisagree.... My faith is true... The word itself Scientology literally means "The study of truth." It helps you to understand the handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all forms of life mang! It is over flowing with truth and knowledge..... Become a memeber see for yourself! Main things such as man is immortal spiritual being... And your experiences are over more than just one life time! These capabilities are unlimited!!! Opening up your brain to recieve so much more! You are not asked to believe in anything they just show you the way you can become into an higher state of awarness and ability! Your slate is washed clean and you can then go on to understand even more!! Thanks to sceintology people all over the world are reaching their goals!!! Woooo!
I hope this is not a scientology bashing thread. Here is some more literature from their site..

"Fundamentally, Scientology is about the individual man or woman. Its goal is to bring an individual to a sufficient understanding of himself and his life and free him to make improvements where he finds them necessary and in the ways he sees fit.
Scientology is not authoritarian. There is no enforced belief. Rather, a maxim in Scientology is that only those things which one finds true for himself are true. In Scientology one learns to think for himself – it is a voyage of self-discovery. "

One can focus on the supposed reported negatives of a religion or read the books and attempt to grasp any useful information for oneself to form ones own informed opinion. In my view, that is a wise recommendation for any religion.

Love and peace,
No, thanks. I'd rather be a Jedi.

Ah, but that is another religion invented by a science fiction writer whose members are infected by all-invasive microscopic "midi-chlorians" that affects their lifestyle. So what do I know?
I hope it is a Scientology bashing thread. Because thats what Scientology needs from every quarter. To be exposed for the Brainwashing sham cult that it is.
I now have to assume that it was you who got the other thread locked. Who wished to deny me my freedom of speech. How very typical of a scientologist. You can scream till you are blue in the face but it is not a religion it is a cult.

I hope it is a Scientology bashing thread. Because thats what Scientology needs from every quarter. To be exposed for the Brainwashing sham cult that it is.
I now have to assume that it was you who got the other thread locked. Who wished to deny me my freedom of speech. How very typical of a scientologist. You can scream till you are blue in the face but it is not a religion it is a cult.


Goodness Tao,

They must have really hit a button in you. I thought this was a comparative religion thread based not on emotions but rational information. Do you give power over yourself to all religions or only to scientology? Just curious...


Jedi! Cool. Not selling anything here, just trying to keep thread from being a basher. Like to focus on the positive here. Not a scientologist or a Jedi but I really like Luke.

Love and Peace,
So you like to focus on just the positive and ignore/white wash any negative? (sorry just trying to clear that up in my head...) If that is the case... That isn't good lol..... You have to be aware of all pro's and con's of everything.. Just making fantasy land and ignoring any bad Isn't wise...
Goodness Tao,

They must have really hit a button in you. I thought this was a comparative religion thread based not on emotions but rational information. Do you give power over yourself to all religions or only to scientology? Just curious...

Indeed it does push a button in me. I find any cult that robs people and destroys lives disgusting. I find any group that has an open policy of trying to destroy by any means any critic and deploys its own Gestapo to these ends should be outlawed immediately. I seek power over none, in that I am the antithesis of scientology, but I do have my own mind and I will speak it.

So you like to focus on just the positive and ignore/white wash any negative? (sorry just trying to clear that up in my head...) If that is the case... That isn't good lol..... You have to be aware of all pro's and con's of everything.. Just making fantasy land and ignoring any bad Isn't wise...

Perhaps. No need to whitewash here. Focus on the positive, leave the negative untouched for those who have a propensity towards it. Fanasyland? You mean like Disneyworld. Yeah, I like that... :)

Scientology looks like a modern, Wierdo, Whacky, "give us all your money", Brainwashing, "Business", to me.
I got hauled in off the streets of San Francisco by "nice" moonies once for a cup of tea, smelled a rat within 2 minutes, said "thanks for the cup of tea"....outta there !

here's a cool link with that southpark episode:

South Park Scientology Episode nominated for EMMY Trapped in the Closet on scienTOMogy.com

And JosephM -
here a quote from Edmund Burke : "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
Maybe we can sequester ourselves in a "Disneyland" - or put our head in the sands and hope that all the nasty, bad things in the world will go away.
I really enjoyed Hubbard's Mission Earth decology. I've read Dianetics. It's an interesting theory. Hubbard was an interesting guy.

That's all the good stuff I can think of right now.

lol... what did dianetics really say: 1:we look after ourselves first 2: we then look after our family 3: we then look after our community. What genius...what logic! But truth is that scientology is notorious for forcing its members to reject and sever all ties with their own families if these families dont give them money too. And his SF was really third rate too.

Great link Ardenz, I forgot how funny that 'come out of the closet' bit was. Did you see Cruise on Jonathan Ross recently? Jonathan had to be subtle but was really ripping him in the same way.

I ask you once more JosephM, did you request the other thread with the same title be locked? Was it you that tried to limit my freedom of speech?

And JosephM -
here a quote from Edmund Burke : "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
Maybe we can sequester ourselves in a "Disneyland" - or put our head in the sands and hope that all the nasty, bad things in the world will go away.


Still, Nasty to who? Evil to who? Hundreds of thousands of scientologists disagree with your accessment. Who is 'right'? Think about it. Who has their head in the sand? And according to who? As the one scientologist asked in the video, "what are you afraid of".

In my view, one needs not fight 'evil'. Seek the truth and if there is 'darkness', it will be exposed by the light. If your purpose in this life is to destroy scientology then by all means educate others by exposing them to truth. Bashing and fighting is counterproductive in my view. As you know, you cannot change another until they are ready to receive but one can always work on oneself. Just a view to consider..

Love and Peace,
I ask you once more JosephM, did you request the other thread with the same title be locked? Was it you that tried to limit my freedom of speech?


No Tao,
Sorry I did not address that question. I thought you were joking.
I was as surprized as you. Perhaps you can ask the moderator who blocked it.