Why are we born?

Why are we born into particular family?
Is is just me or is this quite the interesting question for divinity to ask?

I say because we chose to learn from those parents and in that location and at that time...our soul growth was such that there are lessons here that will assist its growth for the next incarnation or plane of existence.
I'm so reminded of a "Calvin and Hobbes" comic strip of them under a tree and Calvin asking:

Calvin:Why are we here?
Hobbes:Because we walked here.
Calvin:No, why do we exist?
Hobbes:Because we were born.
Calvin:No, No, why are we here on Earth?
Hobbes:Because Earth can support life.
Calivin:Forget it.
Hobbes:I will, thank you.
I think the family part isn't that impressive, I think the part where you competed agaisn't millions...... MILLIONS.... And won is impressive.... The chance of hitting a rubber wall, the floor, tissue....but no, you had a clear path, all you had to do was beat the million others in a race for advancement... Well done son, here is your gold medal and swiming certificate.... *shakes hand* When was the last time you truly were one out of millions to shine and be victorious?..... I think that is one hell of a task... I use it all the time... Well what have you done that is amazing.... Well in a multi million swim.. I came first!


Sorry, worked it out on averages... There is an average of 3ml used.... and 65 million per 1ml..... :/ that is like 195 million? Freaking blows your mind.
Well in a multi million swim.. I came first!
hehe... half of you came in first...the other half was lucky enough to be hanging out at the finish line that month!

and didn't I recently read it is some kind of cooperative effort...the whole working like a river to increase the flow.... a little drafting so all don't wear out before they get to the goal....hundreds of thousands wearing down the outer shell so one can penetrate....
That raises an interesting thought. What variety is there in all these 'tadpoles' and eggs. Are they virtual clones or is there great variety. Do not ever recall reading of any study on it.

hehe... half of you came in first...the other half was lucky enough to be hanging out at the finish line that month!

and didn't I recently read it is some kind of cooperative effort...the whole working like a river to increase the flow.... a little drafting so all don't wear out before they get to the goal....hundreds of thousands wearing down the outer shell so one can penetrate....

pft..... to the egg... :D I am that little tadpole!! :D
That raises an interesting thought. What variety is there in all these 'tadpoles' and eggs. Are they virtual clones or is there great variety. Do not ever recall reading of any study on it.
We need our more scientific types on this and move the question to the science thread? I'm thinking our DNA double helix is unzipped and goes half and half and depends if you got the blue eye or brown eye side....yeah...that's it...I remember doing the dominant recessive calculations in school...they can't be all alike otherwise all the siblings would be alike....doh...

Back to why and not how we were born...

And 17th...keep swimming, you'll get there son.
We need our more scientific types on this and move the question to the science thread? I'm thinking our DNA double helix is unzipped and goes half and half and depends if you got the blue eye or brown eye side....yeah...that's it...I remember doing the dominant recessive calculations in school...they can't be all alike otherwise all the siblings would be alike....doh...

Back to why and not how we were born...

And 17th...keep swimming, you'll get there son.

Yes there is this zipping together of DNA and there is evidently variation, I just wonder to what degree. I suppose its a really complex question, still I am surprised to never have come across a paper on it.

I'm so reminded of a "Calvin and Hobbes" comic strip of them under a tree and Calvin asking:

Calvin:Why are we here?
Hobbes:Because we walked here.
Calvin:No, why do we exist?
Hobbes:Because we were born.
Calvin:No, No, why are we here on Earth?
Hobbes:Because Earth can support life.
Calivin:Forget it.
Hobbes:I will, thank you.

What a genius!

We need our more scientific types on this.

Let me through, let me through, I'm a scientist! This question is easy to answer. Remember this was explained visually in the documentary Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex.

The camera pans along a line of people playing the part of sperm until the camera alights on a black man dressed as one; he then looks to the camera and asks: "What am I doing here?"

Simple really.

Why are we born into particular family?

Whatever the intent of the original question, it made me think of a short passage in the book by the Buddhist writer Stephen Batchelor, "Living With the Devil".................

I was about sixteen when my mother inadvertently undermined the instinctive conviction that my existence was necessary. It was Christmas. She and her sister were leafing through a volume of photographs on the kitchen table. They came to a snapshot of a man in military fatigues - eyes squinting against the desert sun, pipe clenched between teeth. Mother said, "If things had worked out differently, he would have been your father." I thought: If he had been my father, would I have been me?

Such thoughts can lead to madness...............or, in Stephen Batchelor's case, to the borderlands of enlightenment...........:eek:
