Define sport, sport.


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a figment of your imagination
Let's see England sends us their aging football/soccer player and his posh wife for our entertainment...

We've got Mafia inspired NBA refs...

Steroid laden home run hittin musclemen in baseball, no wall to high or to far...actually knocking them outta the park and into the upper tiers...yet our pitchers can't pitch a whole game it now takes a cadre of em..

And then between Ray Louis on the Ravens...ah it was just a misunderstanding and Mr. Vick's dog training programs...

Why is it we still sit and watch these millionaires play kids games??

We won't get into the guys taking left turns all day long...

Or Extreme Cage Match Full contact till something breaks or he gives up fighting...

Or Ninja Warrior

or we could....

What is sportsmanlike conduct? an oxymoron?
Let's see England sends us their aging football/soccer player and his posh wife for our entertainment...

We've got Mafia inspired NBA refs...

Steroid laden home run hittin musclemen in baseball, no wall to high or to far...actually knocking them outta the park and into the upper tiers...yet our pitchers can't pitch a whole game it now takes a cadre of em..

And then between Ray Louis on the Ravens...ah it was just a misunderstanding and Mr. Vick's dog training programs...

Why is it we still sit and watch these millionaires play kids games??

We won't get into the guys taking left turns all day long...

Or Extreme Cage Match Full contact till something breaks or he gives up fighting...

Or Ninja Warrior

or we could....

What is sportsmanlike conduct? an oxymoron?

Indeed. I never did understand the attraction some men feel for sitting in front of a television set, seething with good-times testosterone, eating beer nuts in their underwear or a fantasy football jersey, yelling with their boyfriends, jumping off the couch with glee when their team suddenly reasserts itself with a touchdown or goal, throwing discarded scraps of food at the set when things go wrong. It really does seem to me like a bunch of emotionally-handicapped grown-up babies channeling something repressed into a dumbed-down version of the competitive life.

Ah, well. Not for me. :cool:
Young women in school uniforms wrestling in KY Jelly....... It would be an awesome sport....

Age restrictions and body restricitons of course... For... Health and saftey an all...
You are confused the store is in NY(New York) not KY (Kentucky) and they don't wrestle they sell clothes and not school uniforms but designer stuff...I don't know where you blokes get your info in the UK...
An eclectic blend of contemporary & high-end designers.
70 Washington St Brooklyn NY

Contemporary and Vintage Clothing Boutique & Organic Cafe
461 7th Ave Brooklyn NY

Editorial Review for Jelly – by Sandra Ramani

The Scene
Owned by Robin Weiss, whose sister outfits the style-conscious at nearby Butter, Jelly's shoes are much more upscale than the store name evokes. The small space and sparse decor-- just long shelves on two opposing walls, with a bench in-between-- allows the trendy, vibrantly-colored merch to take center stage.

The Goods
From comfy treads to more lofty creations, Jelly's limited stock is creative and eye-catching, made by mostly hot and up-coming designers. Even the items from more established brands lean toward the unusual; a selection of Swedish clogs, for example, come in metallic pinks and golds, and green rubber Birkenstocks are more hip than hippie. The small selection of bags, socks and hats is more decorative than useful, but the jewelry case, featuring beautiful hand-blown pyrex and crystal rings, cuff watches and hammered silver, is worth a browse.
Pathless said:
Indeed. I never did understand the attraction some men feel for sitting in front of a television set, seething with good-times testosterone, eating beer nuts in their underwear or a fantasy football jersey, yelling with their boyfriends, jumping off the couch with glee when their team suddenly reasserts itself with a touchdown or goal, throwing discarded scraps of food at the set when things go wrong. It really does seem to me like a bunch of emotionally-handicapped grown-up babies channeling something repressed into a dumbed-down version of the competitive life.

Ah, well. Not for me. :cool:

I kind of lost interest in a lot of sports when I realized that no matter how much I supported my team, I probably would never be able to afford to actually go see a game. Not only this, but also that my taxes went to building new improved facility after new improved facility for them to play the games in that I could never afford to go see. :rolleyes: Not to mention the people's homes that were lost to the building of these places---

But even with all this, I still remember the good times I used to have with my friends and family, getting all excited about the games, fixing up a sports buffet, icing down the drinks. It was a blast! Especially during the Cowboy Superbowl years.... But like I said, even though I still enjoy an occasional college game and I watch the Olympics, I hardly ever tune in anymore. I think maybe there has always been an element of dirty politics and dangerous practices behind the scenes in a lot of sports, but I guess now I am just so much more aware of it.

But it was a great excuse for junk food... I miss all the pizza and nachos! And mmmm, beer nuts. Yummy. Nowdays I just pop the popcorn and look for a good free movie, but even that seems awfully hard to find anymore. On the other hand, there's not so much popcorn to vacuum out from under the sofa cushions, which is usually there because one of my little dogs likes to catch it in her mouth. But she is old now, only has one tooth left, and so she misses a lot. :D

But mud football down at the local park? That's where it's at, baby! I don't play anymore, but I do remember--and I would watch if I could find anyone still engaging. It was a great way to meet guys. :D
I pretty much got disenchanted with professional sports some time ago. The players make way too much money IMHO. But I love college football (as IL can attest to). I try not to miss a televised game of my beloved Texas Longhorns if I can help it.
Gimme a cool fall day, college football, a big bowl of Texas Red and a cold brew and I'll be happy.

Hook 'Em Horns:)
Well judging by the recent poll on another thread here sport is never going to get a fair hearing from us. Good!! So called professional sport is a corrupt corporate scam of those too stupid to see the whole shebang is one big fix.

My pet hate, as a Scotsman, is cricket. Here on news bulletins cricket news can take up 10 minutes of a 30 minute program. Outrageous!! like there is no more worthy news than the same few dozen people batting a ball year after year. I have never met one person in Scotland that ever plays the game, its an English obsession and it really makes me mad to have it dominate the news year after year.

I do love to ski tho :)
Dondi, a picture's worth a thousand words...:p:D


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Oh, me. LOL--I was on the phone with my dad, and in the midst of all this multi-tasking, I posted the wrong mascot. :eek: I was thinking about Beevo and the Longhorns, so I posted that instead of addressing the Cowboy/Skins issue. Maybe what they are saying here on this thread about sports fans is actually true, after all. I do feel rather..well...what's the word, TE? Stupid??? Haha. Well, it was fun, anyway. :D

No more talking on the phone while I am posting!

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I do love to ski tho :)
ahhh participatory entirely different matter...

Those that actually require some energy...skiing, soccer, baseball, ultimate...

And then those laid back, where adult beverages are often part of, horseshoes, shuffleboard, frisbee

Yeah that kind of sport different story
No politics in golf??? business meetings and power brokers use the three hours to network...sure...

I don't golf a lot...really not at all...but I spent some time out last year...none this year...but the challenge of hitting the little ball in as few strokes as possible is incredible...and then the whole metaphor out there only cheating yourself...cursing under your breath...lot to be learned on the links...about yourself...

Maybe that is why business people like to use the golf course....sure let him say he got 6 on that I know how honest he is... Wow, he just got so pissed he through a $200 club into the I really want to do business with him??
wil said: business meetings and power brokers use the three hours to network...sure...

I don't golf a lot...really not at all...but I spent some time out last year...none this year...but the challenge of hitting the little ball in as few strokes as possible is incredible...and then the whole metaphor out there only cheating yourself...cursing under your breath...lot to be learned on the links...about yourself...

Maybe that is why business people like to use the golf course....sure let him say he got 6 on that I know how honest he is... Wow, he just got so pissed he through a $200 club into the I really want to do business with him??

Well, I guess as long as the guy throws his club in the water, at least it isn't a violent or dangerous sport. But then if turns to his opponent with a mad look in his eye, while brandishing a pricey new nine iron....eek. No, I wouldn't want to strke up any deals with him. :D

I've not golfed much, either, but the few times I've been on the course, I have really enjoyed it. I love the water, too. I just find that there is so much I can't do well on land, but the water is like a different dimension. Water sports and activities seem to come naturally to me (I sure do miss it when I am in a situation that restricts me in this regard). I like watching them, sometimes, too. How about those cliff divers? Wow.
Water sports and activities seem to come naturally to me (I sure do miss it when I am in a situation that restricts me in this regard). I like watching them, sometimes, too. How about those cliff divers? Wow.
Cliff Divers...Wild World of Sports....the thrill of victory and the agony of many years did we watch that ski jumper crash??

I don't see cliff diving competitions any more, I remember them judging the swells...and the natives that dove off the towers...early bungee jumpin rite of passage..

Swimming, water skiing, tubing, white water, canoe, kayak, hiking, camping...more participatory sport I enjoy...not competitive just fun...
ahhh participatory entirely different matter...

Those that actually require some energy...skiing, soccer, baseball, ultimate...

And then those laid back, where adult beverages are often part of, horseshoes, shuffleboard, frisbee

Yeah that kind of sport different story

After "adult beverages...." Here we just call it beer.... :rolleyes: You should have put fan violence! :D
This is a tough one for me, I get your point but I've always loved sports and will play and watch almost anything.
I've been watching the Bonds run chase with interest, apparently many fans want his stats to have an asterisk. That seems absurd to me but there will always be a cloud of suspicion over his name. Then there's the Tour de France, a truly great sporting and cultural institution which now lies in tatters. It doesn't even matter if people dope anymore, the fact is that if someone has a good day others to point the finger and ask questions. If we get through a tour with no one caught then people will feel that something has gone wrong with testing procedure.
Away from doping, there's also the influence of gambling. Referees and players from all sports and all countries are taking bribes.

I'll keep watching though, and keep getting excited or depressed by the results. I believe that sports are about 90% clean, maybe I'm naive, but maybe you're too cynical.

I would also say that I have no problem with players getting paid so much, although I do think they should try and do something with their fame and money, try and give something back to the community.