Durer & the 4 Temperaments

Bruce Michael

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Hi There!

The doctrine of the four temperaments goes back beyond memory.

"That is not to say that one should dismiss the qualities that one is endowed with, however at the bottom of one's lower nature there is a serpent, a slug, a dragon, vulture, and so forth, to be contended with."​
-The Elder Brothers
Durer pictured the temperaments as rabbit, elk, ox and cat in his photo of Adam and Eve:

Durer and the Fall
any one of those mysterious fluids to which we still allude when we use such expressions as "sanguine," "phlegmatic," "choleric," and "melancholic."
Before Adam had bitten the apple, man's constitution was perfectly balanced ("had man remained in Paradise he would not have noxious fluids in his body," to quote St. Hildegarde of Bingen), and he was therefore both immortal and sinless. It was believed that only the destruction of this original equilibrium made the human organism subject to illness and death
and the human soul succeptible to vices--despair and avarice being engendered by black gall, pride and wrath by choler, gluttony and sloth by phlegm, and lechery by the blood. The animals, however, were mortal and vicious from the outset. They were by nature either melancholic or choleric or phlegmatic or sanguine--provided that the sanguine temperament, always considered more desirable than the others, was not identified with perfect equilibrium. For in this case no sanguine animal could be admitted to exist, and it was assumed that man, originally sanguine pure and simple, had become more or less severely contaminated by the three other "humors" when biting the apple.

"An educated observer of the sixteenth century, therefore, would have easily recognized the four species of animal in Dürer's engraving as representatives of the "four humors" and their moral connotations, the elk denoting melancholic gloom, the rabbit sanguine sensuality, the cat choleric cruelty, and the ox phlegmatic sluggishness.

"The Fall is presented in the context of the four humors or temperaments of man: choleric (the cat, soon to pounce on the mouse), melancholic (elk), sanguine (rabbit), and phlegmatic (ox). "
Just as Chinese art had the common theme of Ying and Yang, in European art we find the theme of the four temperaments:

The Bath House, probably 1496 Woodcut;
In addition to being a scene from daily life and a realistic study of the male nude, The Bath House has also been interpreted as an allegorical depiction of the four humors or temperaments, each represented by one of the four men in the foreground: one holds a flower (sanguine), another a scraper (choleric), one takes a drink (phlegmatic), and the last leans on a post (melancholic).

Melancholia 1
Albrecht Durer's Melencolia
"The Roman numeral "I" following the engraved title suggests at once that Durer had it in mind to design and execute a series of four copper-engravings illustrating the Four Temperaments: melancholic, phlegmatic, choleric, and sanguine. These were linked in the medieval mind with the Four Elements of the alchemists and certain other mystical groups of four, a magical number inherited from the early civilizations that flourished long before the time of Pythagoras."
The historian Frances Yates did a lot of research on the Melancholia series (Jerome is the last of the series) and how it shows the stages of the melancholic temperament.

What an interesting post. Thank you Br.Bruce

Hi Muslimwoman,
The second stage of Melancholia is Durer's Knight & the Devil, according to Prof. Yates. She goes into detail on this. She also tells us about the changing role of Saturn (the planet of Melancholia). In the past it was consider to be the planet of Death, but in the Melancholia 1 you can see various tools representing various trades. Saturn had an another aspect, and that was making that which was spiritual, physically manifest.

I previously showed how Bosch depicted the lower stages of the temperaments:

I once saw a book on Catholic education which was about using the temperaments.
I note that Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) taught it:

Hildegard of Bingen

Do yourself a favour and check out these pages on Durer:
He said "Purse means wealth, keys mean power."

Arab scholars associated the temperaments with the planets.
Benjamin Franklin, was among those interested in magic squares.
The Chinese also recognized magic squares.

Best Wishes,
Hi Muslimwoman,
The second stage of Melancholia is Durer's Knight & the Devil, according to Prof. Yates. She goes into detail on this. She also tells us about the changing role of Saturn (the planet of Melancholia). In the past it was consider to be the planet of Death, but in the Melancholia 1 you can see various tools representing various trades. Saturn had an another aspect, and that was making that which was spiritual, physically manifest.

Thank you again Br.Bruce, I had heard of Bosch (his work fascinated me in younger years) and Hildegard but had not heard of Durer. I liked reading about the sigils but think, just by looking, that the sigil for his initials may be wishful thinking.

I can't say I really understand what they were saying about Melancholia 1 as they refer to Durer saying the purse is wealth and the keys are power, yet the picture doesn't seem to denote a man of either great wealth or power. Perhaps it refers to the burden of wealth and power? Sorry, am not very good at interpreting art, can you explain for me?

Thank you again Br.Bruce, I had heard of Bosch (his work fascinated me in younger years) and Hildegard but had not heard of Durer. I liked reading about the sigils but think, just by looking, that the sigil for his initials may be wishful thinking.

I can't say I really understand what they were saying about Melancholia 1 as they refer to Durer saying the purse is wealth and the keys are power, yet the picture doesn't seem to denote a man of either great wealth or power. Perhaps it refers to the burden of wealth and power? Sorry, am not very good at interpreting art, can you explain for me?


Hi Sally (isn't it?)

Thanks for your interest as I why able to find more information about this.
In Renaissance times it was considered healthy to have the influence of the "Three Graces" (Sun,Venus, Jupiter) around one's person.


In Melancholia 1, Durer has employed the Jupiter Magic Square to overcome the heavy Saturnine influence. The keys and purse, are are Jupiter influence.

The metal of Saturn is lead.

"mensula Jovis a 'Jovian device used to counteract the unfavorable influence of Saturn.'"

Marsilio Ficino said that the magic square of one through sixteen had the power to "turn evil into good" and "dispel all worries and fear." I later discovered that this magic square was used in facades of buildings in medieval Europe as well.

Saturn Set: Paintings, Drawings, Models and Prints by John Mitchel

The founder of the Mormons, Joseph Smith, also carried a Jupiter talisman with him. He even had it when he was killed:
Jupiter talisman:

Pages 31-33--Joseph Smith's 1826 Trial and Magic Talisman, A Response to the Anonymous LDS Historian, Jerald and Sandra Tanner, D. Michael Quinn, pendant, masonry, masonic, LDS Scripture, Mormon history, church historians, Mormons, Mormonism, LDS, ch

You'll observe that the numbers are in Hebrew.

Salaam Br. Bruce

Guilty as charged, I am Sally.

I liked the Three Graces but found a rather older version:

Roman art: The Three Graces

Botticelli also painted a most beautiful version of The Three Graces:

Sandro Botticelli - The Three Graces - Art Print - globalgallery.com

The history of the Three Graces seems to have crept into so many cultures. In the Pagan Arabic faith, prior to Islam, the Three Graces were called al-lat (Sun), al-uzza (Venus) and Manat (fortune) (called the daughters of al-ilah (the G-d)).

I was fascinated by the Jupiter Talisman being in Hebrew, so decided to have a mooch about, to see what I could find out. I did find quite a few Mormon sites that claim it was a myth that Joseph Smith ever owned such an item.

I also found the following site. The talismans have some very unusual symbols but if you look at the last one on the page it appears to have a Hebrew magic square, on top of another square but I can't make out what that one is:


Sorry it goes rather off subject but I did find a beautiful picture on an anti Masonic site. If you look about half way down you will see what appears to be a tree of life. There is a heavy Egytian influence, as it contains an Ankh and hieroglyphs but also the Star of David, modern letters of the alphabet and what appear to be mathematical symbols. I found it quite fascinating but can find no history for it.

666 - The Masonic Square and Compass/Hexagram

>Guilty as charged, I am Sally.

Then I sentence you to a lifetime of Sallyness :)

>Botticelli also painted a most beautiful version of The Three Graces:

>Sandro Botticelli - The Three Graces - Art Print - globalgallery.com

Botticelli's Prima Vera (from which this comes) was also considered a painting from which flowed healthful influences.

> In the Pagan Arabic faith, prior to Islam, the Three Graces were called >al-lat (Sun), al-uzza (Venus) and Manat (fortune) (called the daughters >of al-ilah (the G-d)).

Manat must be Jupiter or Jove (jovilaity).
I have read about Venus being named uzza or huzza before in Hargreave Jennings The Rosicrucians. He says the "Huzzahs" is derived from that word, also the word "hussy".

> I did find quite a few Mormon sites that claim it was a myth that Joseph >Smith ever owned such an item.

The Mormon scholar Michael Quinn: D. Michael Quinn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
did a lot of research or magic and Mormonism whilst he was at Brigham Young university. Later he got the boot- wonder why? He says the story is genuine.
I have also read a newsletter article online that was an LDS publication, that spoke of the Jupiter talisman. Joseph Smith was a Mason, so it is not surprising- also his last words were masonic in nature.

>I also found the following site. The talismans have some very unusual symbols but if you look at the >last one on the page it appears to have a Hebrew magic square, on top of another square but I can't >make out what that one is:

The phylactery is also talismanic.

Then I sentence you to a lifetime of Sallyness :)

Unfortunately the judge before you was a little dyslexic and I was sentenced to a lifetime of Sillyness :p

He says the "Huzzahs" is derived from that word, also the word "hussy".

I must ask my husband what the arabic word for hussy is, that should be an interesting conversation as I doubt he has ever heard the word hussy.

Joseph Smith was a Mason, so it is not surprising- also his last words were masonic in nature.

I have done some more reading about it and it seems that it was genuine, so clearly the ones that deny the story see it as a conflict with the mormon faith.

Hi Guys...I did a lot of research and reading on the beginnings of Mormonism and Joseph Smith in the late 80's. The best book on the general subject that I found was this one:
Richard L. Bushman / Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism.

Not many people know that Smith and his family were Congregationalists, a fine old English denomination, and replete with Masonic culture. Smith was a reflection of his cultural roots. At the end of his teen years he was taken with occult practices, but if you research the early Hebrew cultural legends, you also find lots of it there. It doesn't surprise me at all that he carried a Jupiter Talisman most of his life.

In fact the work I referenced, by a respected historian, claims convincingly that Smith used the same artifacts, the urim and thummim, that the high Hebrew Priest used in the original Tabernacle to communicate with G-d. Smith used them to translate the golden plates, that he found through visions and dug up on the Hill Cumorah in the finger lakes region of New York, and to write the Book of Mormon in a highly secretive manner, even to the exclusion of his immediate family.

I'm enjoying your discussion. Keep up the good work.
I'm also convinced that Albrecht Durer did some of the most elegant drawings ever.

Greetings flow,
The man was brilliant.
His drawing of a hare demonstrates his skill.

What do you know about Ohannes? On St.John's day the Christian Community priest pronounces the name in front of the altar.

Hi Bruce :

Ohannes, or Oannes as I use it in my avatar space, refers to an ancient legend of the "fishmen" who were the earliest remembered and most highly revered G-ds of the early Sumerian culture, which later branched into the Assyrian and Babylonian cultures. These concepts and legends were likely transferred to the Hebrews who were held in captivity during the Babylonian diaspora about six centuries before Jesus came onto the scene, whose symbol and name is, with help from the Greeks, the fish, ICTHYS.

Of course much of the Old Testament is based upon Chaldean (Mesopotamian) linguistic concepts which ended up in the stories that led to the Torah. There is still extant a living legend of sorts constituted by a pool filled with sacred carp said to have been originally placed in, I believe, Harappa by Moses. But it's probably just used as a tourist draw these days in the Kurdish area of Turkey.

The Oannes brought knowledge of all sorts of practical, scientific, and technical skills to the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia and were said to have emerged from and disappeared back into the sea after their visits. There are fanciful images of them rendered on cylinder seals from this area of the middle east dating back to the third millenium bce. Cylinder seals were used by people of status in these societies to imprint images of power in the wax used to seal their official communications to others in the course of governance and business activities.

That's about all I know in response to your question. I assume that certain forms of Orthodox Christianity preserved the legend in their rituals and liturgy since the image and name has always been related to the presence of Jesus among us.

Hi Bruce :

Ohannes, or Oannes as I use it in my avatar space, refers to an ancient legend of the "fishmen" who were the earliest remembered and most highly revered G-ds of the early Sumerian culture, which later branched into the Assyrian and Babylonian cultures. These concepts and legends were likely transferred to the Hebrews who were held in captivity during the Babylonian diaspora about six centuries before Jesus came onto the scene, whose symbol and name is, with help from the Greeks, the fish, ICTHYS.

Of course much of the Old Testament is based upon Chaldean (Mesopotamian) linguistic concepts which ended up in the stories that led to the Torah. There is still extant a living legend of sorts constituted by a pool filled with sacred carp said to have been originally placed in, I believe, Harappa by Moses. But it's probably just used as a tourist draw these days in the Kurdish area of Turkey.

The Oannes brought knowledge of all sorts of practical, scientific, and technical skills to the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia and were said to have emerged from and disappeared back into the sea after their visits. There are fanciful images of them rendered on cylinder seals from this area of the middle east dating back to the third millenium bce. Cylinder seals were used by people of status in these societies to imprint images of power in the wax used to seal their official communications to others in the course of governance and business activities.

That's about all I know in response to your question. I assume that certain forms of Orthodox Christianity preserved the legend in their rituals and liturgy since the image and name has always been related to the presence of Jesus among us.


Shalom Flow,
Thank you for that.
Connections have also been made to John the Baptist and Oannes.
